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Hello everybody! My name's Darkstarter and I'm currently new to the game Pokemon Reborn. Well, not quite new, since I've already started the game and I'm already progressing in the game, it just so happened that I've seen the game first before I've seen this site. Anyways, I'm glad to be here and I'm even more glad to meet new friends and people here. Thanks and Have a nice day ya'll! :)

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Welcome to Reborn! Community rules to your left, search bar above that, Showdown server above that. Try not to confuse the search bar with the status bar below the rules, as it's a common mistake. Or don't. I'm not a cop. I hope that you enjoy your stay!

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Well met Darkstarter

Welcome to Reborn!

Unfortunately there aren't any dark starters :C Of course, Froakie becomes Greninja, but it's not the same thing :T

Huh, another lurker turned member, eh? Hope more people do that in the future~

And the Turtwig in your profile pic is great c:

I know all those grass types are not blue but here's a staff WOLOLO \o/ now you're blue

I hope you'll enjoy your stay here in the mad house place hotel thing Reborn.

I'll see you around o/


*xem xyr

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Welcome to the asylum. You're stuck now, so don't try to escape. The last guy who did that crashed the website. We don't like to talk about what happened to him. Throw your sanity out now before it festers snd grows into rational thoughts, k? If you have any questions, feel free to ask anyone here. Hope you enjoy your stay! cause you ain't leaving

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Ooh, I really admired all of your responses! Thanks for all of your warm welcome everybody! Oh and regarding my name, don't get confused about it. It wasn't really literally a Dark starter, but it's just a name that I thought before joining here cuz I can't think of a good name, and Vinny, yes, my name might be also a nod to Froakie's final evolution, Greninja, but I just realized it when you said it, which also answers the question about my picture. Yes, I do love Grass types, I have a certain thing to them, at first I thought I was a Water Type Trainer until I met and see Bulbasaur and kinda reviewed it's stats and everything about him, and then voila! I'm a grass type fan now, but don't get me wrong everybody, I also do Fancy Cyndaquil, Mudkip, Tepig, and also, FROAKIE. Well sorry about being a Lurker first before becoming a member, I guess having that Crustle problem is a reason why i ended up in this forum, and I guess I ended up in a good forum after all, with all of you people welcoming me, I know it's my first time but I think i will really fit perfectly well here. thanks again! :D

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oh oh oh hello SHIA! nice to meet you. so i have to guess the straitjackets are our uniforms here? then cool! i love jackets! LOLOL and don't worry, you're cookies are safe, not really a fan of cookies. lol thanks for the welcome! ;)

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