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The Terribly Titled Nuzlocke of Pokemon Reborn - Season 4 Finale : Battle of the Bastards


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Aw man, and here I thought you were going to train up an entirely new team from scratch.
But nawwww, that's loser talk for chumps who DON'T HAVE PHILOSOPHER'S STONES

I'm glad to see Mako and the rest of the gang back! I missed these dorks.


Edited by Foamy
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Nice work on "Kiki". I remember that nightmare of a Medicham...

Also, Drapions are evil, that field is evil, and Damsel deserves that timeout.

Shame on Arachne...

Edited by Drymus
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Oh Fern the only character in Reborn i would love to kill myself (where is Solaris when you need him?) even Titania doesn't irritate me as much.

The Spectral Kiki encounter was great (it changes a little if you manage to beat the Garchomp) the "reward" was better though (a Gastly).

R.I.P. Arachne

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Oh Fern the only character in Reborn i would love to kill myself (where is Solaris when you need him?) even Titania doesn't irritate me as much.

The Spectral Kiki encounter was great (it changes a little if you manage to beat the Garchomp) the "reward" was better though (a Gastly).

R.I.P. Arachne

Yep. Rip Arachne

Edited by biboo195
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Now, if I just may say: this stuff is pure gold. Gold I tell you! Also, it kinda aggravated me that you deal with these Gyms so easily while I remember I always lost at least one-two Pokémon (might have been because I don't use potions... I might want to reconsider that). Your humor on the other hand makes me just ignore my aggravations as I enjoy myself to much.

I did laugh my ass off when you met the Garchomp.

It's a good show, and I hope to see more of it!

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Love Trump lurking behind you, haha.

That s-senpai reaction though. You take real good selfies, your pictures are just so "alive".

Awesome list there! Fern to be ignored for him being no threat and potion lady stood out, obviously. Didn't you hate Victoria before, and shouldn't Cal be there too? Plot twist: you'll probably atleast tolerate Cal later. Maybe.

Cheshire's "I'm watching you" face made me almost burst out in laughter. Those eyelids!

That Corrupted Poké Ball joke... Ahah. Remember to hold onto the ball. You might get some preeeeetty great.

Poor Athena asked to flash!

Great episode, keep at it!

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This was one of the best episodes, that list was spot on except Victoria (she's not crazy enough for Reborn imo) why do you even like her? And where is Terra? Will she be added later?

The secret is finally out Anna and Noel are the children of Voldemort...that explains everything.

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Cain mode activated indeed.

+1 for Serra she was my favorite Gym Leader (before the nerf)

As for my favorite episodes i'd say the one where you boom everything (including poor Julia), the one where you get Sharpedo (Blood for the Blood God!) and of course the Garchomp battle.

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That scene with Benette standing infront of you was rather rapey... Maybe he just wanted his wings fluffed a little?

Also, mighty convenient that the bed was the last item you needed to find for the girl with the disappearing furniture, nudge nudge wink wink

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Wow I haven't laughed this hard since season 1.

That forest wandering muttering was fantastic.

"Those sound like problems only a protagonist can fix! So when you find one call me." - *Insert Carly Rae here*

"But can you odd?" - I hope so because I can't even.

"I Booped it good." - For you are...the Booper. And you should have used protection.

Keep up this stream of updates, I'm McLovin it.

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