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The Terribly Titled Nuzlocke of Pokemon Reborn - Season 4 Finale : Battle of the Bastards


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Hilarious as always! Too many funny parts to name them all.

Good luck with that mystery egg. I have no idea what it is, and too lazy to check it out, but will probably be good. You can always get Flygon from that Gambling place in Onyx, but since it takes forever I couldn't be bothered with it. I didn't put that in a spoiler either since it isn't exactly hidden

it's a starly, looks like good but not a volcarona or a excadrill

EDIT: ninja'd

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Looks like you have a powerful Starraptor in your hands! This mon can be so good with proper training and moves.

Pokemon Zeta/Omicron is a solid choice. It's long, has interesting mechanics and it's long. Ah, and your max level is 120 in this game.

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The Black Form that follows you...is it a Pokemon? Seems like a Gothitelle but idk it can be something like Shade.

That sign...that sign on route 1 was the last drop for me, before i just hated Fern but after that i want him dead.

Btw will you upload the AshGrey nuzlocke here too?

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let's drop some fun facts for you:

if you didn't use the ocarina of time and went upstairs in the yureyu building, you would fight (patchy) sirius and later on at laura's house, you would fight siggy ...

i don't wanna spoil the rest just go back to your save file and replay it on your own (sh*t will happen on tanzan mountain), this game is crazy, just a choice can change the whole story

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cuwH7CIm.jpg - Ahah! So we finally get a screenshot of your girlfriend? Look at her lovingly put her arms around you. Daww.

On another note, I have no suggestions for games.

On yet another note, the sad part about meeting that sniper is if you had a dunsparce you coulda gotten your flygon. Poor, poor Sean.

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You can always get Dunsparce under the grand staircase. Good luck with its 8-10% show rate or whatever it is. I am not 100% familiar with Nuzlocke rules, but just keep re entering it to make it your "first time"

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That poem was beautiful! Also when did you kill children? Or was it before Reborn? Either way you can use the excuse of my favorite Warlock and say that the orphanage attacked you so it was self defense (eh like with Julia)

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A new episode!

Filled with wonder and merriment!


Just kidding this is Reborn after all.

So it's filled with headaches and despair over the stupidity of others

am just going to say one thing

prepare yourself for something worse than garchomp (and you can lose depending on your choice)

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"And if Archer ever learned how to count..." - Well considering there is no Sesame Street, my guess is he regressed in his counting ability.

"I've been trying to do so with Cain for most of my time in this region." - Waiting for it....3....

"Good with religious zealotry." - 2...

"Get the fuck off my lawn kid." - http://neveryetmelted.com/2015/02/13/get-off-my-lawn/


C8wt2E4m.png - It's showtime!

"And what rubs salt in the wound is that he was there when Solaris told us about Cal's brother..." - Ya that definitely stings. Well you gotta appreciate the irony of it all. Heather will never escape Team Meteor. Watch Shelly turn out to be with Team Meteor too. That's probably how she knew about those keys.

"Why does everything have to come down to chess with these people?" - Because it's lose-lose for you. Checkmate. Why the hell did DC or Marvel not make a villain called Checkmate?

AoIR6lIm.png - You switched your best Fire type in to fight against a +2 Water type that's a cunt. Are you insane?

"WHY THE HELL WOULD HE TRY THIS WAY?" - The real question is, how the fuck did he get out there to begin with. He shouldn't have been able to solve that hedge maze.

"Didn't you leave before me?" - Reverse Teleportation. When you're with Radomus, you don't really exist.

I loved that Dear Cain poem.

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"All of my stuff-- I can't even..."

"But can you odd?"


It's funny because your opponents CAN'T EVEN!



  • 8/25/2015: Yes, your opponent can’t even. We know.





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Hello...it's me...

Referencing Adele...

I sound like a Viner...

Anyway the voting thing is at the top of the page if you want to check it out.

And by want I mean I'm ordering you to do it.

Fucking DO IT!

Snakewood won the vote.

I thought we were friends guys?

And the Season Finale will be up either on the weekend or early next week.

It's a doozy.

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Hahaha, you should totally play Snakewood, if only for the novelty as you said. I can't wait to see what you would say about that, it's certainly an... interesting game. Just be sure you have a couple map walkthroughs ready, there are some really unfair puzzles involving invisible walls...

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