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The Terribly Titled Nuzlocke of Pokemon Reborn - Season 4 Finale : Battle of the Bastards


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Well, that was a great way to start season 4.

RIP Flounder, Diamond Dog, and especially Sickle...

But at least you still have Mako, Kiki, Jasmine, Braniac, and Athena, out of your trained Pokemon? Those seem pretty good for a team (although Braniac and Athena probably shouldn't be used against Luna...). Best of luck in the next part...

Also, side note, what happened to Damsel? I didn't see her in the Reserves box, and I don't remember her dying. I liked her...

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New season!

So much hate for Radomus why is that? He only let half your team die by not helping you against El (while being all "mysterious") when you could easily take him on together and by killing another half himself...yeah i see why now.

...poor Sickle...R.I.P. best Kricketune there ever was.

R.I.P. Flounder at least you died in battle as every Khornite should, now go the Eternal War awaits.

You were not kidding when you said there'll be more deaths i hope no more core members die...wait Mako is the only one remaining...welp good luck.

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Ah man sorry to say I had a vision the moment I seen you put flounder in that he would be OHKOd.

I am mostly sad to see Sickle die though. I am eager to see when you finally reach the circus and how you handle the Uber powerful pokemon that lies within the caves...

So much to look forward to, so long to wait. Gimme my fix now!

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question is looking at the full list of what each field effect does allowed because it is in both the game files and on reborrn's main page it can only help you further down the road

ie all normal moves on the chess field gain a rock type :( rip sickle

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I'm going to miss that pink bowed wonder of the bug type. F2 and DD were too new for me to get attached. This Nuzlocke has been a tragic one so far, I'm wondering who else you're going to recruit.

I get the feeling that your nuzlocke is going to look like this


(This is from Sideshow Bob's Last Gleaming).

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I'm gonna miss her, definitely, she reminded me of the Kricketune i used in my first run of Reborn

Also rip Flounder II and Diamond Dog, they've been in for just an episode, but they did well

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Aww...Sickle. Best Kricketune I ever saw, hands down. May she rest in the bug heaven...forest or whatever bugs have for an afterlife.

So you met second member of the Elite Four. Looks like Cain chose the right thing to do, you wouldn't stand a chance against an E4 member right now.

Phew, what a way to start a season. That's definitely the best nuzlocke I've read. Keep going! And give my regards to Mako!

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You didn't want to catch a Durant before, so it's all on you. Btw you have not caught anything in Crysolia Forest, Tanzan depths, Tanzan underground something, South and North Aventurine woods, and there are more areas in the Valley (if you think of the caves as a different area). You should also train the ones you already have and go get some events. Do not kill any more pokemon, since you'll be left at a shortage.

Also, I noticed a comment like this "my mere existence trumps all you claim for your achievements". Did that imply something chess-related outside Reborn or was it about how awesome (you think) you are in this run, saving everyone and their mother as you go catching them all?

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No sickle .. damn you Ramadanous (killed me with this name XD, you're a genius).

You should also get a heracross (that can sweep luna with moxie) and a galvantula in the last parts north and south of adventurine woods

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So Mako is freaking awesome for taking over. Sorry he got all nick furious after fighting arceus. You're slowly running out of time before agate locks you out of reborn so definitely get in a couple more dicking around episodes which are always fun to watch and catch some new mons. I think metagross is still available if youre down to search for hours. Good luck

Important edit* Go back to beryl library where you got gothorita. Head upstairs and all the fields will stop surprising you.

Edited by Damage
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  • 2 weeks later...

Nice episode, you're adventuring is always cool haha. If it makes you feel better about the magikarp event, no one else has finished it either since Ame tortures everyone equally.

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Cool episode, 7th Street is one of my favorite places in Reborn (i hope it remains after episode 16)

Are you really going to become a "Rare Candy" dealer? The ingredients are very expensive and you're kinda out of money...

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