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The Terribly Titled Nuzlocke of Pokemon Reborn - Season 4 Finale : Battle of the Bastards


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*Inhales deeply* *holds breath* *keeps holding* several minutes pass by *nearly passes out*

Alright I have my fix now. I can go on for a bit longer...

If you ever get tired of playing the ever edgy snakewood and like reborn enough but feel like holding more memorials, I say you should give the hardcore mod a shot.Shit's intense.

What's your plans for the Eevee? Which Eeveelution are you thinking of trying out?

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DT's Reborn playthrough is like The Walking Dead.

You become emotionally invested in all of the characters, their developments, their achievements, the hardships they've endured... but any one of them can still die abruptly without any forewarning or resolution of their personal agendas.

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I forgot that you don't even have a "boss fight" in that place...seriously why did we even go there? If we for example encountered Cain/Luna free and he/she explained what happened the result would be the same (minus that annoying stealth section) well at least you got a pretty good Pokemon in the unfortunate case Kiki dies (again)

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Oh you actually updated, well the jokes on me i guess.

Most RPGs have the heroes stand around while the villains be evil, however most RPGs also don't have a psychic typed mary sue GYM LEADER do all the work for you as well.

OH the thing with Radomus reminds me of a tabletop rpg tale, in which the gm had a bartender npc that knew all about of the problem that he sent the pc's to investigate in order to test them or something, however the players were having none that and killed him on the spot. He was later brought back because the gm didn't know better. (The gm has since learned from his mistakes)

Edited by YinYang9705
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At the very least, Radomus is an npc that actually does something and, as opposed to Cain who gets kidnapped everytime he is on his own, he succeeds. If only he'd do that without you wasting your time there. Maybe he could't find the door by himself, that got me stuck the first time. But there could be worse, like gimmicky bosses.

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btw the pinsir/heracross you fought were impossible to catch (they dodge the balls)

the heracross (pinsir if you're a fan) i was talking about is an "event pokemon" at the far right of south aventurine woods, you kill the pinsir you get a (luna slayer) heracross or you kill the heracross (bad move) you get a pinsir

ps: the bu*tplug joke was the best, sucks that ame will change the name in the next update to cristal key

Edited by webobo
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Ok I missed the whole joke, but I am glad there will be more episodes.

I keep getting more and more anxious for you to get to agate already. Especially to see your commentary on T3RR4. Alas you still need to get through Luna, which will probably be comical too. Shit man, get these things up faster.

Thinking about it now how many episodes is the whole Agate saga broken into for you? Cos there are some really long areas and dialogue to get through. Not to be funny, but I think ep 16 of Reborn will come out before we get to see the Nuzlocke completed to ep15.

Not to sound weird or anything, but I print out your stories and take them with me to bed, holding them close to, then when I realise I have to wait another week or more for an episode they end up in a pretty shitty situation the next morning, pun intended. So yeah, no pressure. Creepy much?

*heads back to stalking corner with suspicious looking doll and some needles..... Oh if you happen to feel any sharp or sudden pains that's probably not the Voodoo doll I have with me. Ok thanks bye now

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