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The Terribly Titled Nuzlocke of Pokemon Reborn - Season 4 Finale : Battle of the Bastards


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Umbreon has 110 base defense and 95 base HP so that explains why Mako didn't one shot it.

Also that unstable crystal cave's gimmick is that if you use dark pulse in battle the cave changes color and you can find sableye in there.

After doing research on White Knight Chronicles may I ask, who the hell makes an RPG with a character creator and make someone else the main character? That seems to defeat the purpose of the ability to make a player character.

Edited by YinYang9705
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Ah man so glad there were no deaths this time round. Jasmine for MVP!

I like the new Mako sprite as well and am super hyped since you're finally about to head to Agate. Good luck with whatever is keeping you busy til May. You can get Rhyhorns on route 2, good luck with that as well

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Yay! No more deaths! For now. Let's keep this trend up :)

Mako looks awesome with his new sprite, and that Sailor Snow animation is the most adorable thing ever ^_^

Looking forward to the next episode, and all the joys of Agate!

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I'm glad you managed that gimmicky boss without any losses, surely didn't see a fighting gem powered, STAB, super effective close combat not onehitting that thing coming.

There was so much comedy gold in this episode :D

Read you next time!

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I must day, I'm really impressed with how long you have come with this Nuzlocke. Alot of people, who have tried, loses the challenge early on in the game. Stay strong, my friend!

Also, I love you're hilarious comments. You, my friend, are a genius.

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Oh that must be your reaction to T3RR4, because god knows I felt the same way.

I am hoping relationship value affect Terra in the next episode so that when she invites the player to join her on her couch we can :wub:

Terra is the most entertaining, Terra for President to make reborn great again with blackjack and hookers

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I anticipate the next epsipde of your adventures. I must admire your fortitude in the face of danger, death, difficulty....and Fern.

Also, small tip, since the last I remember, you said something to the effect that Reborn had unnecessary and overcomplicated puzzles, like the Logs/Spider Webs in Route 1 and the forests North and South of it.

What makes you think it's unnecessary? There are rewards, huge ones, that await the patient one who clears all the logs and webs and travels deep into the forest. Give it a shot, it might not -bug- you so much later...

Too late if you already entered agate city, though. You can't go back yet.

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Actually, gen 6 made Clefairy a pure fairy type, not that it matters when you have a Sylveon.

As for T3RR4, I have no idea. All I know is that the gym leaders are based of an old online league back when this site was just a Pokemon fan forum, so evidently she is based of the one everyone hated, although I don't know way Ame decided to make her like that.

EDIT: After several days of research I have learned, several things, but not many, most of which is potentially spoilers so in the interest of keeping this run blind I'm not going to tell you. What I can tell you is that Terra is Ames least favorite character so you're not alone in hating her.(as for her favorite well...you'll be seeing her in an update or 2)

The circus arena stimulates a high striker game, so in practice, Fighting type attacks and attacks that stimulate a hammer strike (moves like wood hammer, pound...heavy slam)will randomly increase in base power by 0.8 to 2.5, and the abilitys Huge Power, Pure Power, Sheerforce, and Guts will always get the higher damage multipliers.

Edited by YinYang9705
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Riveting. You'll likely have a -vial- time with Route 2's puzzle, I'm warning you. Better watch your step!

On an aside, be prepared for more horrors, even though I know you'll already have braced yourself.

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M3G4 TERR4 is finally here! She will guide us to a new future of innuendos and stupid grade school jokes hurray! Waited for this episode for a long time but i thought you would be more annoyed with her (judging from your previous comments) well there's still time and you will encounter her many times in the future. I actually forgot about the Mallet thing they both should be dead (just like Amaria after a hit from Tyranitar) now i'm even more convinced that all Reborn Leaders are actually robots controlled by Ame.


Box Forever is a great name for a Clefairy


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As for T3RR4, I have no idea. All I know is that the gym leaders are based of an old online league back when this site was just a Pokemon fan forum, so evidently she is based of the one everyone hated, although I don't know way Ame decided to make her like that.

She spoke like that on the online league~

Anyway, have fun on Route 2! :3

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''Or should I continue forward specifically to annoy said readers?''

fu*k ... you ...

kidding, well glad you liked terra (haha), now just waiting for the dead to comeback (your favorite female character)

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Clefairy is a fairy type ya dingus. But good luck with Route 2...that's where I was before I forgot to save at the circus, updated, and found my character in episode 15 stuck in the side of the cliffs.

So now I'm starting...all...over...

Edited by Skullkin
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Clefairy is a fairy type ya dingus. But good luck with Route 2...that's where I was before I forgot to save at the circus, updated, and found my character in episode 15 stuck in the side of the cliffs.

So now I'm starting...all...over...

that's unfortunate did you try asking anyone to fix it I believe there is an area on the forums where you can do that I don't think you had to start over or were you just joking because that must really suck if you actually started over and I feel sorry for you

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Ah yes, Terra. My favorite character. I'm physically not able to read her dialogue before my brains enters emergency mode and skips it.

Good thing you don't suck at assembling a team and/or leveling up like I did the first time around, that rainbow clown beat the hell out of me.

And now there is another route coming up, good thing it steals a little less time than route 1, at least if your game doesn't bug out and automatically selects not saving the game everytime you try without you noticing...

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