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The Terribly Titled Nuzlocke of Pokemon Reborn - Season 4 Finale : Battle of the Bastards


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"I tell you nothing's gone right since Corey died..." - And it's never going to get better. You're in Ame's hellish imagination now.

tCCHHsGm.jpg - Oh Sean, you haven't even made it 2 minutes into this portion of the game and you look like you met Donald Trump face to face.

"Well Aya's dead. That sucks." - I can hear you saying that in a nonchalant monotone.

"Jesus Christ who made this woman?" - We assume the great Lord Goomy did send her presence upon us to divide the believers from nonbelievers.

"So another Normal type eh?" - What? Clefable is the premier S-rank fairy type of the game, second only to the mediocre Xerneas.

Jky0VdOm.jpg - j0ERP1P.png

"And then I fought a lvl 85 Unown." - Where the hell was this? I've never seen a place to fight an Unown at.

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that's unfortunate did you try asking anyone to fix it I believe there is an area on the forums where you can do that I don't think you had to start over or were you just joking because that must really suck if you actually started over and I feel sorry for you

*twitch* o__e Fuck.

Edit: I'm really surprised that Derogatorytrainer hasn't run into a shiny yet. I have shinies out the wazoo on this run.

Edited by Skullkin
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*twitch* o__e Fuck.

Edit: I'm really surprised that Derogatorytrainer hasn't run into a shiny yet. I have shinies out the wazoo on this run.

He has run into shinys, he just never catches them as they aren't the 1st mon in a route.

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So, I would like to give thanks to you Mr. Derogatory Trainer, because you pulled me back into the world of Pokemon Reborn and my monotype steel run (that I still havent finished, dear god.) You've also inspired me to do my own reaction-esque run, even though I feel it wont be as genuine because of the fact I've played through the game. (Even though my journey with this game has been binge, quit cold turkey, repeat.) ANYWAYS, I really enjoy the series and am looking forward to all of your future episodes, and have eagerly read through (and fallen asleep to) almost all of it (still reading right now, God help me your reactions are hilarious).

TL;DR Thanks bro, you pulled me back into playing this wonderful game and I love your reactions and run.

Side note: I originally thought "Goddamn, not many pokemon are fainting for a first run of the game, this guys pretty good!" Then I remembered that I was stuck on Kiki's fighting gym for SIX. HOURS.(after beating it first try with 0 faints on my first run through) (Jesus I hate the lack of steel types early in the game.) and I remembered that this game is a lot easier when you are not limited to a specific type and pitted against a gym that beats your type. (As Fern so kindly explained when facing Aya (Who I smashed so hard that it made me giggle with joy.))

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Actually the character I was referring to was Titania because Ame has a massive crush on really looks up to the person she was based on. Edit: I was sorta of the ball on this, since the old reborn league's leaders were actors with lives, Ame filled in for them on many occasions, and the hardest character for her to write was Titania, who was apparently the exact opposite of her, at least that's part of the reason. Ame will go into more detail when ever she does her lp of reborn.

Ah route 2, the place of lag and block pushing puzzles, alone they are annoying, together they are almost unbearable.

Something I forgot to mention with the circus field, is that the higher a pokemons attack is, the higher the probability they get the higher multipliers, which considering Mako(who's a mixed attacker) and King (who's weak to fighting) are your only physical attackers, this info really only applies to Samson.

Edit: Also Spike, who is made of glass​ can't believe I forgot you are using a Sawk.

Also you put the wrong forum names on the reply bars.

Edited by YinYang9705
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I have a question about the Q&A, are the characters availadable for questions only characters you created or any character in Reborn (not that I expect a canon answer though, just what you would think they would answer)?

Otherwhise god job with your nuzzlocke and good luck.

Edited by FairFamily
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I have a question about the Q&A, are the characters availadable for questions only characters you created or any character in Reborn (not that I expect a canon answer though, just what you would think they would answer)?

Otherwhise god job with your nuzzlocke and good luck.

Just the ones I created. I can't speak for the others

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Nice episode too bad there were no memorable fights (there's Samson in the next one right?) but you did well by destroying that false prophet Goomy (Hail Helix!).


Beware of Titania she is not a nice person, that is not saying much in Reborn but i always found her suspicious (and annoying).

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Is Mako in love with any of his teammates, present or past?

needs Shipping fuel and a tragic romance would be great

Also, *uses ms paint to paint a kitty cat face on you for future episodes* Nya~!

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"With this, you will be able to enter Iolia Valley."

...I hope that's not what she calls her anus

(That's what I expected you to say)

(Also why do you even have a butt plug to use as a prop)

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This was a disappointing episode. No deaths, no gym battles, no sexual innuendo, product placement, Mako not making a cameo, too much lag, too much nag, not nearly enough nostalgia for Sickle.

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"Lost a gym leader. You guys know where I can buy a new Rock guy?" - I heard Brock got abandoned somewhere in Hoenn, you could try looking there?

"I can wipe the floor with Knuckles, Retard and The Hot One" - All you need is Kilbo Swaggins.

"Lovely how Ame just lets them usurp the league challenge for their own benefit." - Well, given how Noel is completely unreachable without sheer luck, and gym leaders can give you god aweful puzzles that are insurmountable, I don't think requiring a pass is that bad.

Questions to ask? Me? Ok?

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I agree with Nick to an extent; this episode was a little low in the sarcasm-for-value meter, and didn't feature anything particularly gruesome or even eventful. I hope you at least take good care of your Rhyperior, and use an ability capsule if you have one to switch its thingymajig to Solid Rock; that way, even if you are foolish enough to send out a Mon with base 55 Spdef versus a 'weak' Bubblebeam or Mega Drain, it has a slim chance to not keel over with a scream. You need a strong Ground type after the Golurk died, anyways.

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Episode was lackluster compared to the others, although I am glad you are taking it slower than at the beginning, so we wont have to wait for ame to finish an episode before we get another ~4-6ish of your episodes, considering you're decently close to being caught up with episode 15.

Have you thought about getting a custom sprite for Ampharos too, considering she's the only other Veteran along with Mako?

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So I've been standing here for an actual minute because this Donphan has trapped me in here.


Welp game's over folks

Thanks for following my Reaction-locke, the next game I'll be playing is-

Actually, gen 6 made Clefairy a pure fairy type, not that it matters when you have a Sylveon.

As for T3RR4, I have no idea. All I know is that the gym leaders are based of an old online league back when this site was just a Pokemon fan forum, so evidently she is based of the one everyone hated, although I don't know way Ame decided to make her like that.

EDIT: After several days of research I have learned, several things, but not many, most of which is potentially spoilers so in the interest of keeping this run blind I'm not going to tell you. What I can tell you is that Terra is Ames least favorite character so you're not alone in hating her.(as for her favorite well...you'll be seeing her in an update or 2)

The circus arena stimulates a high striker game, so in practice, Fighting type attacks and attacks that stimulate a hammer strike (moves like wood hammer, pound...heavy slam)will randomly increase in base power by 0.8 to 2.5, and the abilitys Huge Power, Pure Power, Sheerforce, and Guts will always get the higher damage multipliers.

"In the interest of keeping this run blind I'm going to spoil upcoming game mechanics"

Edited by Foamy
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I love the banter between the trio of Gym Leaders and it seems that you're slowly getting used to Terra (just like with Cain) *ominous voice* soon you'll be one of us eheheahahah ahem. The battle with Samson was good (RIP Braniac) he's not very strong (despite his title) but still i'm surprised you lost only one Pokemon i usually struggle more but that's probably because i use mono steel teams.


Why there were teeth on the moon?

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Not bad at all! The circus trio talk brings back memories, and your discovery of it and subsequent reactions are hilarious. You'll meet an even bigger douche in Ametrine, though, so prepare yourself! And don't forget traitors and double-traitors; might be useful.

And if your morals are tested, do the right thing, and don't be greedy. It'll pay off long term.

Also don't neglect that ralts. It can do better than brainiac and syleon combined, and it gets Calm Mind naturally to boot. I guess you could replace it if Sylveon dies.

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