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The Terribly Titled Nuzlocke of Pokemon Reborn - Season 4 Finale : Battle of the Bastards


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Still being awesome I see. :)

"Mnnnnnnnnnnngghhhhhhh...I think characters like Terra and Radomus were a key factor in me liking Cain more..."
"Can we not?"
"You probably shouldn't think too hard about it Aya..."

At least the pain is shielding you from the other pain.
In fact, with all that's happened, you might actually care if something terrible happens to Charlotte soon!

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Do you ask me about sentimentality? I should not even figure on the list of people to discuss that with.

And yes, I suppose morality and compassion are two different things.

Anyways, I'm waiting for more, as usual.

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More newey newness, huzzah!

RIP Elizabeth (less huzzah), pretty sure that Magmortar caught me out like that too...

Actually, I'd completely forgotten about this bit of the game, it's been so long since I played it! Making me relive all of the feels though. :(

Great episode as always, looking forward to your next!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Can't wait to see your battle against Charlotte it should be good (still don't understand why so many people had problems with her i just spammed Earthquake and won on the first try)

Princess is really beautiful congratulations!

...you do realize that after your answer Charlotte will like you more right?

Ahh Fern you never change...he totally joined Team Meteor so we could kick his butt more often.

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Druddigon is your friend. It's also Cain's best 'friend', because it comes in three models: Rough Skin, Sheer Force, and Mold Breaker!

Anyways, I suggest you approach that waterfall on route 4 at night with an Ill Fated Doll. You will have one, and only ONE, chance to get a special Pokemon. Hint: You have met it before. Don't disregard it, it's worth catching. Maybe.

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"A group who are pretty much destined to be crushed under my heel..." - Considering how many times he has been crushed under the heel of Mako yours, I would say Fern has finally admitted he sucks ass and is destined to never beat you.

"She sounds like she'd die in a house fire quite easily." - Probably should have named her Kerosene and just been done with it.

"HOW WOULD HE HAVE SURPASSED ME SO SUDDENLY AND EASILY!?!" - The super secret stock of Rare Candy and TMs that Gym Leaders and E4 have access to. Probably learned that Jedi teleportation thing there too.

"You're still my favourite orphan." - Laura and Noel are both orphans, and not all that obnoxious though.

"Fucking copycat stealing my solutions..." - Oh now I see why you hate Noel.

"Just once I'd like someone interested in me instead of this ring." - Hey buddy, eyes up here!

"Look Aya nothing personal but the Ruby ring is the only macguffin we have safely away from them." - Don't forget the missing Ivory and Gold macguffins

"I mean that Chandelure is just "SO FAST" you know?" - That Choice Scarf tho.

"Charlotte's going to have some super cool edgy way to resolve the problem because that's how this works.

That's how it always works..." - Charlotte is Batman and you aren't qualified to be Robin. You can be Batgirl :P
"I've mellowed out into a icy abyss of hatred." - Sounds like you're ready for Ametrine then.
"Just like Troy Bolton said we were!" - You might remember me from films such as "Where the Fuck Did I Park?" and "The Goddamn Movie with the Obnoxious Singing Teens". http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/simpsons/images/6/65/200px-Troy_McClure.png/revision/latest?cb=20140402173941
"They literally want to kill everyone except themselves to create a "better world" with only the "righteous" members of Team Meteor and that cult surviving." - Make Reborn Great Again! - Sirius 2016
"Laura's Liligant kinda dropped the ball that time." - Liligant dropped the ball so hard they found it in China the next day.
Where the fuck was Laura in that picture? I saw Noel, Anna, Shelly, Cain, and Hardy.
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When you named her princess first thing that popped in to my mind was from mario "sorry but the princess is in another castle"

Since you were looking for her all over and stuffs

Also a grass type will help more against Terra - for her Swagsire and an Ice type for her Ace - which has already previously wrecked your team

Eager to see how you handle the heat, I would say Charlotte but some might misconstrue the meaning behind handling her

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It's amazing how you cross the line and still manage to be so damn funny. I eagerly await in anticipation for the battle with Charlotte considering the history between you two...

Also as mentioned before you could try and getting the event Pokemon from the waterfall since it could help you and regardless you would be back tracking back to the circus to get the HM for dive so why not? Plus I just want to see the interactions between that Pokemon and you.

Another question for Mako-how does Mako feel about the battle with Charlotte or her in general?

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That was an awful lot of rain/waterfall/general wetness this episode. And you didn't even have an umbrella!

Don't catch a cold! The region needs you!

Yeah how come these particular PULSE's require external power sources?

In my head, I assumed it was just needed due to Mr. Mime and Clawitzer being stationary and set for use over a long period of continual use. Abra seemed more "lets-try-this-over-and-over-again-until-we-get-it-right-y and Camelrupt was just meant to go boom. The Tangrowths weren't actually there all that long game-time I think, and Muk may have actually been hooked into the power of the plant.

That and I assume ZEL learned from the whole Abra-thing and was like "This time, there will be a better off switch..."

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(answering)Well yeah "tilted" since this game makes you tilt so much :P (well not as much as snakewood but still).

Also, didn't you get the Rain Dance TM from the Aqua leader?

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Oh you actually named the Druddidon Princess.

something something, ill fated doll that you don't have, waterfall, something.

Treat that Pawniard right, for Bisharp is a pokemon I'd recommend in gernral, just not for the next two gyms.

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I think the way you answered those questions does something mildly good later on

Also, I'm pretty sure the next thing Fern will do is become one of the creepy clowns in the circus. That guy is going for every low he can get, "gotta catch 'em all".

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I'm not saying you're definitely gonna lose one to the fire gym but I am saying your pokeball waistband might be a little bit lighter after the fight.

P.S "the fuck is a dog?"

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Well you beat her. Maybe you do deserve the title of Robin :P

Also, I think you mean Choice Specs, not Lens. That'll end up being a Gen 7 item that increases Solarbeam.

I am surprised you didn't die when Typlosion hit you with that Solarbeam attack. I guess you were prepared after all.

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Trick Room eh? Pfff cheap tactic...not really, you absolutely crushed her in my run i just used brute force as usual (2 mons "died" but that's because i never use potions) my Flygon decimated her entire team (except Rotom).

That Avalugg is a real pain good thing you had Horn Drill (i used Destiny Bond) Toxic works too. Btw if you didn't have Rhyperior what strategy would you use?

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