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The Terribly Titled Nuzlocke of Pokemon Reborn - Season 4 Finale : Battle of the Bastards


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Spoilers? the absol event is in one of the screenshots on the page you download the game from. I mean if if you didn't download the game from the forums.

I don't see why you felt the need to release pokemon, when you could have just put then in a box you'll never use, but I'll respect your decision never the less.

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Well, seeing as how you seem to lack any more birbs(and ran away from that Golett(yes, they can learn Fly)), does that mean we'll be seeing you fly on a corpse when you inevitably have to return to Reborn city? 'Cause that would be hilarious.

Also, I will bring up Snakewood as much as I want.

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Yay for abusing events

Yay for a new Dragon

Nay for releasing Ralts (just imagine, you could use it to kill Radomus with his own ace) well what's done is done.

...send my regards to Damsel

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I'm so glad you didn't use ralts. I dislike its typing and in general have a bitter relationship with the ralts line.

I'm so looking forward to see you kick Blakes ass. Actually one of the few Meteors that pisses me off. Wreck him.

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Well, since you were not going to use it anyway, forcing your Ralts into prostitution to get an egg of a male Ralts would not have been totally out of question. Then again, that might not be in line with Nuzlocke rules (probably not) so you could have just killed it off out of spite instead of releasing a level 10 pokémon in a 50+ area... Suddenly, I'm not so sure anymore about your released pokémon not dying horribly.

Edited by Sejiren
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Woo dragons! Welcome (Tri)Dent and Princess , let's hope they stick around for a while... And I am impressed by your patience, I'd have given up farming waaaayyyy sooner than you.

Looking forward to your adventures in icy Blake-land!

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yeah apparently you did have a skitty :P

too bad trident has shit attack. dragon dance sweeping would be nice. though you can always slap a scope lens on it, and with focus energy have 100% crit rate. when the draco meteor tutor is added this is gonna be such a cheat...

Edited by DemICE
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My sweet summer child, you thought Sheer Force + Life Orb only gives a 60% power boost? Hahaha

It's actually BETTER. 1.3X1.3=1.69 => ~70% Boost. Feel free to abuse that shit all you want. If you had caught a Tauros while you were at it, it also could abuse the same mechanic, while being faster than Druddigon, but I suppose that works as well.

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yeah you destroyed ramadanus, but he took sickle with him T-T, and you use that TM but you release ralts ... either use radomus's weapons or don't

and why did you release hariyama, 40 special att brine is op

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  • 2 weeks later...

So this is how you repay me?

By letting me rot in the back of the Team Showcase section?

Your old pal Dero?

I see how it is...

Here's an episode for you ingrates


Although you did reply a lot so I GUESS I forgive you all.

Edited by DerogatoryTrainer
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The "it was Team Meteor" is officially a catchphrase now but if you want to make it feel less "stale" why not use a counter? (Like in DBZ Abridged for Krilin)

So how do you like ZEL's backstory?

Will you actually tell Blake about the kid?

Aaand another building in Reborn is "mysteriously" burned down, will the police ever find out the culprit? Stay tuned to find out XOXO Gossip Gardevoir




Btw do you know what's AWESOMER than a Pidove?

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Sean you can't set everything on fire, it doesn't solve problems in a healthy way

So you've discovered the backstory for ZEL, who was last seen back when you defeated the PULSE abra, who turns out to be two part sisters and one part meteor grunt who isn't paid enough for this shit.

I mean, you didn't have access to the tm when you decided to get the dragon scale and the life orb, so Karma still had a use then

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»I came to see some famine dammit.« There will always be Snakewood for you :)

»...Plus it's not like reading diaries ever really got anyone in trouble, right?« Good job being subtle there, game.

"It was Team Meteor" should be printed on a shirt. If that joke was around since the beginning of your playthrough, the counter would probably be in the hundreds.

The diaries in this game are pretty bleak BLAKE! Well I'll see myself out then.

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So this is how you repay me?

By letting me rot in the back of the Team Showcase section?

Your old pal Dero?

I see how it is...

Here's an episode for you ingrates


Although you did reply a lot so I GUESS I forgive you all.

What a shitty chapter

Finally, another chapter. Praise Derogatory, that suffers 'cause he's a noob for our sins.

Edited by HYCROX
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We're sorry you were left to rot in the second page of Team Showcases.

Also, to answer your reply: I find the Gardevoir line highly overrated and I dislike how it has become peoples "waifu" even though it can be male as well. I will also confirm that no, I don't find Fern charming.

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