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The Terribly Titled Nuzlocke of Pokemon Reborn - Season 4 Finale : Battle of the Bastards


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Sean you're question about meteor funding actually raises a question. Where the actual ^*$# could they get funding from. I haven't seen a bank in a pokemon game literally ever. Where is this money coming from.

p.s (elite 4 intesifies)

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Obviously Solaris is from a rich family since they were the "keepers of the region" or whatever reason for his being head of team meteor is. Idr the exact wording.

Taka implying the "Family heritage/rituals/I can't betray what my family stands for thing"

Plus being a crime organization that steals pokemon and sells to scrubs for $$$ (COUGH gang story line COUGH) , controlled a mega corporation that suspiciously went bankrupt. (Yureyu or however u spell it)

Heather being elite 4 is ridiculous. Her being captured (3 times now?) is just lol bad. (Along with bennet possibly being elite 4)

Current Elite 4 Is El,Heather, Possibly Bennet/Laura/Anna/Lin.

Reborn is a mess, But a fun mess.

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Actually, about that Salamence thing, maybe it just couldn't fit inside the room. The actual stats looks impossible, but in the anime the thing is this big:


So Heather probably couldn't summon it because she would be crushed along inside the room - not to mention that it's right at the edge of a snowy mountain so it all seems incredibly risky.

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Actually, about that Salamence thing, maybe it just couldn't fit inside the room. The actual stats looks impossible, but in the anime the thing is this big:


So Heather probably couldn't summon it because she would be crushed along inside the room - not to mention that it's right at the edge of a snowy mountain so it all seems incredibly risky.

she did tho. to bring down the door together with the yanmega

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Yeah the Elite 4 thing about Heather was a total shocker, the only reasoning I can think about salamence is that Blake has type advantage and that it doesn't do well in icy conditions.

This whole episode has been pretty much plot vs character style reasoning. At least you can get some revenge against blake in the next episode, although you have to fight alongside Cal. I think next episode maybe worse than this one for your sanity. But please don't quit.

Good luck, some of the next few battles could potentially cause more deaths!

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I totally forgot about Heather being in the Elite 4, but at least someone actually acknowledged you being the undisputable hero of that region full of lunatics.

The photoshopped door really caught me off guard, I haven't laughed like that in weeks. Damn.

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http://s7.zetaboards.com/Nuzlocke_Forum/single/?p=11000834&t=9249876 - Part 1

http://s7.zetaboards.com/Nuzlocke_Forum/single/?p=11000837&t=9249876 - Part 2

Well...this was a pretty big update...

Anyway...Season Finale eh?

I want to see loads of lovely replies for this cause you won't be seeing this updated for a while.

Hope you enjoy!

Edited by DerogatoryTrainer
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http://s7.zetaboards.com/Nuzlocke_Forum/single/?p=11000834&t=9249876 - Part 1

http://s7.zetaboards.com/Nuzlocke_Forum/single/?p=11000837&t=9249876 - Part 2

Well...this was a pretty big update...

Anyway...Season Finale eh?

Won't be seeing this updated for a while.

Hope you enjoy!

I bet Season 5 will start in the 25th of December :^)

Ah, a fitting finale to this season. And it's not really surprising that Terra baited us. I mean, she IS a master baiter.

The reply to your reply: the lock is not more fragile, as the ice doesn't have a significant effect of that sort on particularly hard metals, and it even tightens the lock by covering open spots on the lock, as ice occupies more volume than common air. And also, having an E4 level Salamence go all out on a tiny space like that would definitely be a bad idea.

And you do know that there's no way to code things in order to have one of Shelly's pokemon named after the player character.

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Did you just say that "a heater being part of the Elite 4" ?? I never saw that coming, to be honest.

Also, nobody spoil him about his upcoming battle with Fern!!! Alright? Nobody tells him anything about that. I want some pokemon dead.

oh and... Mako is 71lvl now. He won't obey.

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@Ama - Who is this friend? I must thank them.

Welcome aboard this sinking ship!

Yeah...but how old is Lumi? She seems rather young. And think of how Zero feels.

Someone who suffers my company with much grace and flattery~

While I'm not sure if their ages will ever be relevant in the game: according to their creator, Lumi is 19, Zero is 21, and Eve is 24. Lumi does sound rather young in the game, but I tend to feel like that about the way Ame writes shy characters in general. Laura would be another good example of that.

You've really got to think of the potential here: It'd be so easy for Blake to make Lumi uncomfortable and piss off Zero. I'm sure Eve can think of many ways to let someone's death look like an accident. She kinda owes you the favour after you took care of that Abra.

"Solaris I'm coming for you"

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine

You make me happy when skies are grey

You'll never know, dear

How much I love you...~

"You've named one after me too right?"

I recall Ame saying it wasn't possible to do this, or otherwise it'd probably have happened.

Kid of a shame that it took me so long to check this run out, though. Considering E16 isn't gonna be out until 2030, it'll be a long time 'til the next season.

...Kidding. I haven't read your Rejuv stuff yet, so I'll just do that in the meantime.

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Ugh...let it go Sean...you have shit to do.

did you pull a cell from dbz a, probably a coincidence

Afraid? Who are you calling afraid?

I'm not afraid of any J-j-j-j-j...

ok, this is from tfs, TELL ME

And away goes the Grastronaught.

y... you know chesnaught is from juggernaught not astronaught ... this isn't even how, y'now what forget it

eather way, great season, and you are getting funnier, snow scarier, jazz shelly-er, but congrats, looking forward to your final battle with ame

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Well. Thanks for making me even MORE anxious for Episode 16 to come out...

Spectacular finale as always. Why no credits/thank you video tho?

To clear Blake's happy funhouse of doubles without a single death is nothing short of spectacular. Let's see if your opinion of Florinia changes once you hit the next doubles gauntlet...

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Double update? What sorcery is this? (it seems the sacrifice worked, good)

The next part will be Terra and her world (one of my favorites) can't wait!

So you're doing Omega Ruby, won't it be too easy after Reborn and Rejuvenation? Well the letter did say it'll be a vacation (i wonder if we'll see what your party is doing while you're away) btw where can i follow this new and exiting "adventure"?

Shelly bugged you a lot this episode do you still like her?

Unsurprisingly nobody died against Blake (even with that field of his) Ice is a really weak type (and he's Cal brother).

Did they really let go a Meteor Agent (and all his grunts) despite being able to stop them? Ahh i miss Saphira...and the game really needs an "OBJECTION" button.

Don't worry you don't need body bags...for those two (but hey who cares about Meteor grunts) remember Amaria and Titania are robots made by Ame to control the League.

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At this point, I wish I had a PULSE Meowth myself. Most of the good stuff in this game is expensive as all hell.

I would've thought you'd have gone after Terra for the finale, but eh. Brooding on a mountain and getting sent on a mandatory holiday to Hoenn is fun too. (Probably not gonna be much fun for long if it's vanilla Omega Ruby. Even in a nuzlocke, that game is a joke.)

Honestly, I've always wondered why nobody has thought to throw these gem-key things into the middle of the polluted lake. I mean, there's no way in hell you'd be able to find anything in there. Key's gone for good and Reborn is saved. Or hell, cast one into the fires of Mount Pyrous. What good's a key if it's been completely destroyed? I guess the sentimental value outweighs the need to keep the damn things away from Team Meteor to these people? Only real reason I can think of to not toss them somewhere the Meteors can't get them.

Or hell, they could try and get fakes made! Team Meteor might end up being fooled by the fakes... until they try to use the damn things(or El sees them). But at that point, they would've already been used as bargaining chips or something, so whatever.

Really, the most sensible solution for the whole "team meteor wants the things" situation that any character has suggested so far(in the game, not this nuzlocke) is "fly off into the desert, away from Team Meteor." But even then, there's been some weirdness going on with the train tracks in the desert(I forget exactly what was going on out there except that it resulted in a large portion of the desert being littered with train parts and the tracks being rebuilt further away from the area each time), so there's no doubt Team Meteor is out there. Because who else does this kind of thing?

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Ah, my good man, been a while since I last checked in here. I trust everything has been going well? Judging by the lack of team deaths, I gather as much.

Now, if memory serves, you'll have to be up versus Terra and her dirty grounds next. I know this is a blind run, but, a small hint: better have your water, grass or ice types be special attackers, if you can.

Also, well done with the previous lot of episodes. Very entertaining. Ignore Heather and her Salamence for the most part, though. The most logical explanation is that she simply did not try to get out of that shed until the player and Shelly remotivated her to come out of that black mood.

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you really gave photoshop a run for its money with this finalle huh?

i was expecting u would lose someone to those hail-powered blizzards but this was nice.

next season is very brief, tho you might want to stick it together with part of episode 16 when it is released, if you wanna take that long of a break.

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Aaaand there goes season 4. Dang.

Great finale, some of that had me in stitches. I laughed way too much at your misfortune reactions!

Looking forward to season 5 and the super happy fun times you'll have with Terra :)

Oh, and hope Mako has forgiven you for having him thrown at a helicopter... The idea of a Mako grudge is terrifying.

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