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Gen 3 vs Gen 5 Tiles - Which side are you on?


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Gen 3.

I never liked gen 5 overworld artwork in fangames tbh, it feels weird since you can't get the entire 3D effect you have in BW/BW2 in rpg maker, so it ends up looking bad imo.

On the other hand, while gen 3 doesn't have the 3d effect, it has graphics that are easier to modify, making your game fresh looking and original.

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It's unlikely I'd upgrade to Gen 4. One of the primary reasons I'm considering upgrading the graphics is that it allows characters to show more personality and feeling, like arm movements, leg movements etc.

Although I'm a huge fan of the old graphics (the nostalgia urghgrhgrhrghrh), I do sort of want to improve the wow factor. I'll make a decision after some more answers I suppose. Especially since it seems like 3rd Gen is winning the hearts of you guys.

Edited by Chivalry
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3rd gen graphics are my favorite over all and i even like them better then the 3D models in 6th gen

the 3rd gen graphics just seem to work best with 2D as the 5th gen sprites look like they are trying to be 3D while still being flat

and that just looks weird

also 3rd gen just has a nice charm to it that works really well in fan games

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If it has to be between Gen 5 and Gen 3, definitely Gen 5. You'd think it would be hard to modify/create the tilesets, but it really isn't. Plus I can only think of a couple of games that use them.

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The problem is, I don't currently believe there are 5th Gen styled animated Pokemon from X&Y as of yet. And I'd rather not touch the 3D ones from 6th Gen.

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They don't have to be animated, necessarily, and I believe a majority are animated. You can check on the project to animate them all here: http://www.smogon.com/forums/threads/xy-sprite-project-read-1st-post-pixel-perfect.3486712/

You can also check out Deviantart for more animated sprites.

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I'm just gonna quickly weigh in on this: I don't really care, whichever you find easier/more fun.


Both G3 and G5 are great in their own way, but I'd rather a quality story and mechanics with an ugly appearance then the reverse.

Just keep up the amazing work you're doing so far, and I think everyone'll be happy, appearance be damned.

(But really, I have no preference. 5 might be more polished, but 3 is nostalgia embodied, as everyone else said.)

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Well I decided to continue using Gen 3 Graphics in Desolation, but it's likely that soon (due to some helpful support) I might be launching a project that will run alongside Desolation, but this project will run Gen 5 Graphics for immersion, ultimately. Thanks for all the opinions!

Just keep up the amazing work you're doing so far, and I think everyone'll be happy, appearance be damned.

Ahhh, self esteem boost, nice and powerful. Thanks!

Edited by Caz
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if you update to gen 5 don't do animated battle sprites, they cause far too much lag for some people to be able to play the game.

If you turn the format from a gif to a pic, they are still animated but won't cause as much lag. It literally reads it as a pic.
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The problem of animated sprites was indeed solved a while back, basically animated sprites are in png format and are read from left to right in a loop. The real decision is whether to use the 3D animated X/Y styled sprites or the 2D B/W styled sprites.

Here's what a png 3d Sprite actually looks like rather than a gif:


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Gen 5 hands down!

I think I've seen gen III way too much and I've become quick sick of it tbh. There are way more gen 3 games than gen 5 games so they have to look exceptionally good or have some innovative mechanics to stand out. The advantage though is that there are a lot more publicly available for gen III than for gen V.

Gen V graphics are a bitch to rip from the games if you can't find what you need in a public tileset, but it makes it much more worthwile in my opinion.

I'm really a huge fan of gen II style games as well, but I think that's mostly just my nostalgia speaking!

HG/SS styled gen IV looks fantastic too. Really, just go with whichever one you like the best.

Edited by Schrroms
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