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Decent Psychic type


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Do you guys know of any good psychic Pokemon lingering about Reborn? I picked up a Lunatone along the way, but I dunno, maybe I'm using him badly, but once Granbull got Play Rough, poor ol' Dr. Feelgood kinda became my teams weak link.

(If possible, no spoilers, I just would like to know if there's any psychic Pokemon I may have missed that I can add in Lunatone's place.)

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Seconding Meowstic for the early game.

Do you need it at a specific time in the game, or were you asking generally?

You can also find Eevee somewhere around the mid-point of the game, which would allow you to get Espeon, and if you're willing to make the effort, there's also a way to get Beldum, meaning you can get Metagross. (Though I've heard the way to get it has been changed a bit for E15?)

This should be helpful; if this page says it's obtainable, then it is. You can either try to find 'mons all by yourself, or go for a quick search in On The Hunt, or use this guide.

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Mostly in general, I never really used a Mewostic, may be interesting...but Reuniclus has to take the cake. Love that Pokemon. Thanks for the advice. I'll stick with the good Doctor until I find a solosis I guess :P.

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I picked up meowstic from the start, after that, my next psychic was Delphox (starter evo) and then gardevoir.

How to get these two-

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As for gallade, get ralts the same way and then you find the dawn stone

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You can get woobats really early on all it needs is friendship to evolve, which if you get it at an early point its not out of the way to do. Simple plus calm mind makes for a powerful set up that basically won me the battle against Cory in Beryl.

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