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#GOPClownCar #FailedPoliticalClass


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Next week in central Texas, school kicks off....and we're still looking at 17 candidates vying for the Republican nomination.

This was supposed to be the year the Republicans had a bench of stellar, well made politicians in SPADES ready to challenge and attack what is looking like a vulnerable Hillary Clinton by the day, and then you have three candidates from outside of the political arena altogether. Suddenly, instead of having a well lined army to march into the election cycle, the car became cramped, and the biggest names today are the three names that you don't see on C-SPAN before this year.

Carly Fiorina is a former CEO of computer giant Hewlett Packard - and a woman.

Ben Carson is a retired pediatric neurosurgeon - laden with accolades including the Medal of Freedom - which is the highest civilian award in the US. He's also an African American, providing another face and avenue to segment typically liberal leaning voter groups.

and finally, casino mogul and TV-star Donald Trump, who is VASTLY ahead of the entire pack. This was supposed to be an epic battle of GOP heavyweight names. Instead, this summer brought about a new headline.

The Republican base is tired of politicians, being lied to, and being labelled as antique, bigoted, and various other monikers involving race, gender, ethnicity, and sexuality.

So tired in fact - that several voters LIKE that there's a candidate throwing the mud back. In an election where Trump - with the help of "deez nuts" - can lead Clinton in North Carolina, there may be a lot to see in the coming months.


Who has the best chance of beating Trump in the primary?

It's hard to say at this point with 17 options total - but my guess at this point would be Dr. Carson - a name I'd personally GLADLY get behind.


What's Dr. Carson's biggest challenge?

Honestly? Black Liberals. The issue black people will raise today is that their cause is worth being vocal about. In many ways, you will have many blacks who share Malcolm-X ideologies as opposed to Martin Luther King ones. Carson's bits about race indicate that Carson is more like MLK in approach, proporting "colorblindness". Those remarks have earned him praise among the general Republican base - but the left has taken the opportunity to label Carson an "Uncle Tom" - or a black who is subserviant/partial to white people or who adds to the "black struggle." - In my opinion, America has a Tri-fold racism issue when it comes to African Americans. There are those who regrettably still regard African Americans as less than human. Some like Dr. Carson who see them as human, and some who see blacks - by being pariahs about the struggle African Americans have faced and events like the Ferguson, MO riots still going on today - that see them inadvertantly as MORE than human. That's where the Liberals will attack Dr. Carson even more should he continue to rise in the polls.


Can Fiorina become even more competitive?

Absolutely. Fiorina, like Carson and Trump, is riding the wave of non-politicians right now and is the GOP answer for women in America. She'll also have more opportunities to debate - even on the main stage this time - than Clinton would. She's very much still in the race.


Is Donald Trump for REAL?

Today, I've found out that Donald Trump is 1) actively seeking policy advisory and 2) considering running partners in the back of his mind. If those two points were not enough to believe Trump might be the nominee, consider the fact that Republican voters are casting aside political correctness in favor for a hard response. I think we should start to see Trump form some coherent policy arguments the next time he sees the stage. What remains to be seen is if America is still going to buy his volcanic rhetoric going into the winter.

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Heh, I love the jokes my dad cracks about the Republican party this upcoming election. He thinks the Hilary e-mail ordeal will weaken her stance in the elections.

But my old man swears that the Democrats could run a black Jewish woman with the hair of a chimpanzee, to put it kindly on their part, could landslide just about any candidate the Republicans put forth because of their clusterfuck of candidates.

I'm actually gonna be 18 when the election comes around, so I might vote then.

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I love how in four years, when I turn 18, I won't be able to vote because my birthday is 4 days after voting day.

Okay, so I'm not really one who follows politics, but I still wanna say a few things.

1) Deez nuts? Really? I'm seriously losing faith in this country. But it's funny as hell.

2) If Trump wins, America's going to hell. Period. He's not really presidential material imo. Too headstrong, impatient, and downright rude. We'll be seeing a lot of unnecessary wars, drama and violence from him if he wins.

3) Tbh I feel like Black people haven't been doing anything to make their case better. Before you label me a racist or something, keep in mind that I am only 14, and I'm black, and I've been exposed to a lot. Obviously I don't mean all black people. I mean the ones who perpetuate the black stereotypes. They aren't helping anything at all, just making our case worse. I think that contributes to people seeing black people as less than human in a way. Really I blame the media, like Vine and stuff. Being black and acting black are two very different things, and the sooner people drop the act the better. I cannot possibly stress or explain this enough. Carson has a tough run ahead of him.

But hey, what do I know about politics?

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My first thought at the idea of Trump becoming president was, "I don't want to live in this country anymore."

My second thought was, "wow, that's exactly what the Republicans said when Obama became president." ... fack.

other random thoughts:

the right to bear arms was intended to keep citizens armed so that they could fight an oppressive government should one arise. Because they would have the means to fight off the army, controlled by said government. The ones most worried about losing firearms are conservative republicans. The military is full up to their eyeballs in conservative republicans. They are worried that the military (manned and powered basically by themselves) would follow orders to violate constitutional rights and turn their weapons on civilians. I know it's an aside from the issue of the actually efficacy of gun control measures, but the irony always made me laugh- dear republicans, you are afraid of a republican army. You truly believe your blood and political kin would turn against you and not question it.

I mean, there ARE a lot of things they don't question but that's one of those things I'm pretty sure they would

and lost my other random thought. Still need to see the recording of the debates and stuff. I keep forgetting.

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On the issue of Trump not being "Very presidential" - the Executive branch is made up of the President - the Vice President - and the President's Cabinet. So it doesn't just fall on the highest up's shoulders to run the country alone. This - along with the 5/4 split (in favor of Liberal thinking) in the Supreme Court, and the -currently- conservative legislative branch - SHOULD theoretically indicate that Donald Trump does not have all the - pun not intended - buying power of the country to start with.

Taking all of the structure of the American government into account - Trump's personality is a LOT better suited for the job. Trump is completely transparent. He will give you EXACTLY what he wants to do with America and it's on the American people to decide if they like what he is saying -and doing- or not - and it's up to the Legistative and Jurisdiction centers of government to reign him in before he does quite literally build a wall around "New" Mexico through the system of Checks and Balances.


So, what -WOULD- a Trump nomination manifest into?

Before we determine his Democratic Party opponent, let's consider his running partner. Trump hasn't made any decisions YET regarding the other name on the ticket - but appearances of Trump and his camp's operatives discussing with others at the debate suggest that Dr. Carson and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz are the leading two options.

The Cruz Missile would be an interestingly scary candidate for liberals and would paint Trump as the "Conservative and PROUD of it candidate." -...with Cruz providing the (limited as he's a freshman senator) political experience on the ticket. This works out rather nicely for conservatives who are on Trump's bandwagon because of "Washington" products being disappointments.

Dr. Carson on the other hand would ALSO give Trump the continued surge of "outsider" love - and even more so than Cruz. HOWEVER, Dr. Carson is a very soft-spoken individual who provides medical expertise and humanitarianism to Trump's business edge and volume. Where Trump will be effective dealing with the Immigration issue (which he -does- have a six-page policy outline on that says more than "build a wall") - Carson will be able to assist the president by implementing his policy outline on replacing the Affordable Care Act with a better alternative - as well as foreign policy. I'm sure BOTH Trump and Carson have economic plans in mind as well.

Neither of those picks are even close to anything other than apparent possibilities, but a Trump/Carson ticket could be seriously compelling.


What about the Democratic opponent?

Let's assume the DNC has done a great job of protecting Hillary Clinton from #FeeltheBern by only scheduling six debates and she is given the nomination. Clinton will do her best to DESTROY Trump on the issue of Women's rights - and won't have to break any sweat in doing so as Trump is liable to offend women himself. She'll also easily appeal to same-sex marriage supporters and peace doves. Trump however is not someone you want to gaffe against in a debate - even if he's not as hot a debater himself. With scandals hurting Planned Parenthood AND Clinton herself from the prior political experience, it's not easy to say she'll beat the Donald by a landslide.

If we're looking at a Trump/Clinton race - we have an interestingly similar outlook on both sides. Both have recanted statements about political issues (Hillary was originally Pro-LIfe/Trump Pro-Choice.) and both have gaffes and scandals to cherrypick from. Both SUCK at debating (See: Obama kicking Clinton's tail in '08, recent Republican debate this month.)

I would imagine Trump would lose the election due to not winning over delegates, and the popular vote being very, very, very close.

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That's like me saying if you're not a woman, you should just not talk about abortion because it doesn't pertain to you. Yet - no, we're allowed to let all of our candidates debate about that.

I tried to message you but it would seem like your message box is completely full or locked or something - but as a forced aside. Do you think I'm wrong - or only that my position is out of place because I'm not black? I don't think I did anything out of line personally. I didn't break the "don't use the n-word if you ain't black" rule. I didn't make a statement vilifying blacks in any way, and as I am talking about a presidential candidate in the country WE BOTH live in - I don't think you can say that I'm not entitled to discuss potential roadblocks for that candidate.

P.S. If I had to vote for president today, Carson would be the guy I vote for.

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That's like me saying if you're not a woman, you should just not talk about abortion because it doesn't pertain to you. Yet - no, we're allowed to let all of our candidates debate about that.

I tried to message you but it would seem like your message box is completely full or locked or something - but as a forced aside. Do you think I'm wrong - or only that my position is out of place because I'm not black? I don't think I did anything out of line personally. I didn't break the "don't use the n-word if you ain't black" rule. I didn't make a statement vilifying blacks in any way, and as I am talking about a presidential candidate in the country WE BOTH live in - I don't think you can say that I'm not entitled to discuss potential roadblocks for that candidate.

P.S. If I had to vote for president today, Carson would be the guy I vote for.

Try messaging me again, fam. Going over the roadblocks for Carson is fine, go ahead, but if you're gonna do it you're gonna have to do better than the above. I'll defs take the time to go over some of this after LCS finals.

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If you're not black, you probably shouldn't be speaking on issues pertaining directly to black people. Thanks.

I don't think that's quite how it works... Considering the fact that we are part of this earth as much as the other races. If our issues affect others, then I think it's perfectly fair for others to discuss it. Provided it's not offensive, of course.

Btw: I find it offensive even when a black person uses the N word. Quite a few people do, actually. It's part of the reasons why I think Black Media isn't helping anything, but that's for another time and another thread. Please, don't do it.

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Guys should relax, we got another year before the field will be down to two. Plenty of time for a bunch of skeletons to fall out of the closet of all political candidates.

If i had a dollar, i would bet both Hillary and Trump at some point drop out because of scandel

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I don't think that's quite how it works... Considering the fact that we are part of this earth as much as the other races. If our issues affect others, then I think it's perfectly fair for others to discuss it. Provided it's not offensive, of course.

Btw: I find it offensive even when a black person uses the N word. Quite a few people do, actually. It's part of the reasons why I think Black Media isn't helping anything, but that's for another time and another thread. Please, don't do it.

I'm gonna send you some shit to read on, fam.
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If you're not black, you probably shouldn't be speaking on issues pertaining directly to black people. Thanks.

You do realize that attitudes such as this is a big part of the reason racism continues to remain in this country in individuals of all races?

As for who Trump's running mate would be, I think he'd be best picking someone who is political. Meaning not Carson. I like Carson, but the VP is also an advisor to the President and I think someone with Political experience of sorts would be better. I'd still pick Carson before Trump, but both of them together is just too easy to sit and say 'Look they have zero experience'.

Still a proponent of the Cuban connection. Rubio-Cruz 2k16

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Yes, definitely. Black people asking others to not speak on Black issues without having the background for it is definitely upholding white supremacy.


Let's keep this on topic and keep talking about the shitshow that the GOP has got going on.

Edited by Neo
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Yes, definitely. Black people asking others to not speak on Black issues without having the background for it is definitely upholding white supremacy.

It's not 'White supremacy' that it's propping up, it's a mental segregation and distinction of 'Black' and 'White' rather than just 'People'. Yes there are white supremacists, but there are far less than you'd have people believe. Stop making it an 'Us against them' issue.

If you're still inclined to try and convince me otherwise, feel free to PM me, but as it stands right now, this is getting off topic.

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I can't blame Erick at all for his stance on the matter. The fact of the matter is that Malcolm X was just as influential in the civil-rights movement as MLK was. The notion of Black Supremacy is equally as strong as White supremacy - except that it's a lot less bloody and much more of a "positive" movement founded on self defense as opposed to being oppressive.

The Liberals - and their sway in Hollywood and in the sports scene - can influence these types of African Americans in this way very easily. Nonviolence? Blacks and Whites are all humans? The earlier years of Malcolm X's life were spent preaching QUITE the opposite. And depending on how you look at it, it's riots like those in Ferguson that indicate that Whites have NOT done blacks enough justice in order to warrant fluffy words like "colorblindness". It's also indicative that the older issue of "white supremacy" is very much still a thing.

This is where Carson will have to be the next incarnation of Martin Luther King - because the opposition will realize that Republicans are content with equality, and the blacks that feel like the world is owed to them for past oppression will make quite the voter base in response.

The thing is - so long as we're still dealing with a hundreds-of-years old issue going the other way, Blacks are allowed to have that entitlement no contest. White people will need to at the very least admit that their ancestors were wrong and that issues are still there.

I personally agree with Neo on Carson - He'll need to do better as a representative of Black America in order to shift support from the liberals. I don't agree that he needs to be militant -or- like Malcolm X in ideology, but I do agree that he needs to be more vocal, and passionate, and bear the standard rather than being passive and appealing to white voters with words of integration.

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