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I need help with Fern and Florina...


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So I tried to face Fern... and it didn't go well.. anyone know any good training areas or tacitcs I could use with the team I have so far?

Current Reborn Team:

Din - Braixen Lv.23


Fire Spin



Stripe - Zigzagoon Lv.18



Baby-Doll Eyes

Sand Attack

Azure - Espurr Lv.19

Charge Beam

Light Screen

Fake Out


Frosting - Vanillite Lv.17




Icy Wind

Shiny Moth - Venonat Lv.16 ((Shiny))




Poison Powder

Express - Pancham Lv.19

Comet Punch

Arm Thrust

Work Up

Karate Chop

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I think by this point if you go into the Onyx ward apartment building you can go to the rooftop garden (you might have to beat Fern first). You can train most of your pokemon there.

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  On 8/23/2015 at 12:13 AM, mde2001 said:

I think by this point if you go into the Onyx ward apartment building you can go to the rooftop garden (you might have to beat Fern first). You can train most of your pokemon there.

I think that you do have to beat Fern first.

  On 8/23/2015 at 12:16 AM, MistDrop said:

Which alleyway?

There's an alleyway near the divide between the Obsidia and Opal Wards.

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  On 8/23/2015 at 12:19 AM, SkyRunner said:

I think that you do have to beat Fern first.

There's an alleyway near the divide between the Obsidia and Opal Wards.

Hm, I'll see what I can find! I'm just here in the Obsidia Slums grinding up Express ((Pancham))

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what i would suggest, is to grind for game coins in the onyx arcade (if you got the case) and get nidoran-m... it helped me alot for the gym! also, train those pokemon up! you seem to be at the 17-21 level range~ train those mons to at least 23 for the gym! hope this helps!

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  On 8/23/2015 at 2:29 AM, Sinikuro013 said:

what i would suggest, is to grind for game coins in the onyx arcade (if you got the case) and get nidoran-m... it helped me alot for the gym! also, train those pokemon up! you seem to be at the 17-21 level range~ train those mons to at least 23 for the gym! hope this helps!

Manged to bear Florina thanks to the power of CHINESE FOOD!!! ((Express, my Pancham, the Pancham Express! Get it? No? Okay...))

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They both use Grass types if I recall, so it couldn't hurt to train up the Vanillish a little more especially, at least for Fern.

Don't worry, as the game goes on, Fern kinda becomes a joke to battle, or at least to me he did.

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  On 8/23/2015 at 7:40 AM, C-K said:

They both use Grass types if I recall, so it couldn't hurt to train up the Vanillish a little more especially, at least for Fern.

Don't worry, as the game goes on, Fern kinda becomes a joke to battle, or at least to me he did.

I do actually plan on using Vanillite more~

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Perfect, they should serve you well, but watch out for any steel, fire or ground moves his Pokemon may learn. A decent water type that can learn an ice move may not be bad later on down the line too.

(personal recommendation. Get a fire or Poison type. I have one of each and I run right through him)

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