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Petilil for my team?


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Okay, okay alright okay, so I just beat Florina, and as I was on my way to head to the Jasper Ward, I find a Petilil in that Park area! Now, I'm trying to decide if I should switch out one of my current party members for this Petilil! What do you all think?

Current Reborn Team:

Din - Brazixen Lv.24


Fire Spin



Express - Pancham Lv.23


Arm Thrust

Work Up

Karate Chop

Azure - Espurr Lv.21

Charge Beam

Light Screen

Fake Out


Fabulousa - Tranquil Lv.20


Quick Attack

Air Cutter


Frosting - Vanillite Lv.20




Icy Wind

Stripe - Linoone Lv.21



Baby-Doll Eyes

Pin Missle

Edited by MistDrop
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I vote Linoone, it'd be the first to fall off in the stat department

I might, but Stripe has been good in terms of Pick Up! Eventually, I might get a Blue Moon Ice Cream! But I will admit, it does have a little trouble inflicting damage...

Also, do any of you how to get that Lillipup?

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I might, but Stripe has been good in terms of Pick Up! Eventually, I might get a Blue Moon Ice Cream! But I will admit, it does have a little trouble inflicting damage...

I see where you're coming from with that, but most players here have a dedicated "Pick Up Team/Squad/Gang" with 6 pick upers that they just run around with. I usually only have 5 and just keep them on me while I grind one other team member

Edit: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/?showtopic=6802 for all your specific Pokemon finding needs!

Edited by Lord_Ludo
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I see where you're coming from with that, but most players here have a dedicated "Pick Up Team/Squad/Gang" with 6 pick upers that they just run around with. I usually only have 5 and just keep them on me while I grind one other team member

Edit: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/?showtopic=6802 for all your specific Pokemon finding needs!


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