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Q&A with Flareon/Hark.


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In this thread, I plan on answering ANY and ALL questions you may have for me, 100% brutally honest.

Whether it be about my life, my school, my past experiences, or my damn sock drawer. I don't care!

Come@Me, Bro.

I understand that there are some questions that are just "embarrassing" to ask, so if there's something you'd like to know but don't want to ask me yourself, I've set up a formspring account where you can ask me questions anonymously.


You don't even have to make an account :P

So.... Get@Me, Forums

Formspring questions and answers!




The worst part was when she stopped coming on, so I stopped having my chance at her. And she was under Bullet, the person I was divulging my next strategy to! It was a vicious cycle of gnashing teeth and steel wings.

It's actually a disease, and it can't be cured
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Yay good questions

Why don the mantle of 'Slut?'

What were the circumstances of you being in a group home?

I came to xat.com/pokefrontier as Anthony[irrelevant add-ons here], and was pretty much referred to as "Slut" exclusively after a week of being there regularly. So, I put it in my name, and just sort of rolled with/played off of it. My current excuse, however, is to discourage slut-shaming.

As far as being in a group home-- After being shipped to the mental hospital on three separate occasions for different reasons revolving around depression, my parents decided they'd just send me to a residential instead of continuing to take me to Dominion (said hospital). Seeing as there were no cheap residential (which tend to be 6-24 month facilities), they decided to take me to Leland House, which was a 2 month program, cheap, and close to home. It was primarily a group home or "buffer" between the hospital and re-entering society.

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Let me think of some questions....

When did you start playing Pokemon competitively and why? Was it hard first starting? What color is your sock drawer? Is it made out of wood? What is your favorite anime? What is your favorite american cartoon? Why do you like Flareon so much? What game systems do you have? Why am I asking you these questions? Why am I so bored? ._.


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Let me think of some questions....

When did you start playing Pokemon competitively and why? Was it hard first starting? What color is your sock drawer? Is it made out of wood? What is your favorite anime? What is your favorite american cartoon? Why do you like Flareon so much? What game systems do you have? Why am I asking you these questions? Why am I so bored? ._.


Well I started playing Pokemon when I was 4, but competetively, just last year, when I found this place!

Starting out at first, it was really hard, yeah, but I got Ame as a tutor and now I kick ass :J

My sock drawer is like a pale tan, and it is made out of wood.

I don't really watch anime. I like Studio Ghibli's movies? :J

I don't watch TV in general, sooo <_< I used to really like Invader Zim, though.


N64, PS2, Wii, Xbox360, Sega Dreamcaster, Super Nintendo, GBC, GBA, Ds Lite

Because you can't resist!

Iono :c

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Can you count the number of times you've been on an airplane on your hands? (I've been surprised at the number who can say yes to this. Maybe I'm spoiled, and that's BEFORE airborne training.)

How many different cities have you traveled to? (include cities you only stopped in separately)

Name 3 of your biggest strengths.

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How do you feel about Flareon having no good moves whatsoever?

What's your favorite Pokémon to use competitively?

What's your favorite vidya gaim?

What do you look for in a good friend/boyfriend?

Got any "pet peeves"? If so, what are they?

What's your favorite way to pass time?

How late do you sleep in till?

Are my questions beginning to annoy you?

I'd come up with more, but I don't want to bother you even more than I've done already. :3

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Can you count the number of times you've been on an airplane on your hands? (I've been surprised at the number who can say yes to this. Maybe I'm spoiled, and that's BEFORE airborne training.)

How many different cities have you traveled to? (include cities you only stopped in separately)

Name 3 of your biggest strengths.

Oh god those are good questions.

I'm going to assume I can't because up untill I was 5 we visited my great grandma in Oregon every summer, and that's 10 trips if you count the one back right there.

Errrr, lots and lots, I don't actually travel much but when I was younger, my grandparents would take me all over the states.

Three biggest strengths?

Well, I tend to be pretty "diplomatic"

I know how people work

and I've many experiences which allow me to see that it's really not that bad where I'm at.

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How do you feel about Flareon having no good moves whatsoever?

What's your favorite Pokémon to use competitively?

What's your favorite vidya gaim?

What do you look for in a good friend/boyfriend?

Got any "pet peeves"? If so, what are they?

What's your favorite way to pass time?

How late do you sleep in till?

Are my questions beginning to annoy you?

I'd come up with more, but I don't want to bother you even more than I've done already. :3

I don't! It's a conspiracy!

MoxKrow fucks shit up (: Oh? You're just going to calm mind so I don't sucker punch you? TAILWIND.

Kingdom Hearts!

Well in a friend, someone entertaining and aware.

In a boyfriend, someone entertaining, aware, educated, mature, and it's icing on the cake if they're cute c:

Pet Peeves. I'm a fucking picky person, so here goes.

1) Ignorance

2) Arrogance

3) Dandruff

4) Bad manners

5) Parents spoiling their kids(I'mOneToTalk)

6) People who are sick and then go to school anyways.

7) People who aren't sick and pretend to be so they don't have to go to school

8) People who text me too often

9) People who jump to conclusions about how I feel.

There are more but I don't know whether this has a character limit, so...

Hanging out with my boo c:

Well I just slept in til 3:30 and then my mom woke me up...

Noooo, keep 'em coming


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Tis a silly place.

Been lotsa places eh? Me too, when I stop to think about it, which is why I asked.

So that leads into the next few questions, since you didn't bother to name all the places...

Which states have you been to?

Where have you gone on vacation to?

Which trips do you have the most vivid memory of?

What 'great wonders' of the US have you seen so far? (ie, statue of liberty, etc)

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Tis a silly place.

Been lotsa places eh? Me too, when I stop to think about it, which is why I asked.

So that leads into the next few questions, since you didn't bother to name all the places...

Which states have you been to?

Where have you gone on vacation to?

Which trips do you have the most vivid memory of?

What 'great wonders' of the US have you seen so far? (ie, statue of liberty, etc)

Virginia, Maryland, North&South Carolina, Pennsylvania, California, Oregon, Washington.

I've been on vacation to a camp site in Luray, VA. And to my great gramma's when I was young to Portland, Oregon. My aunt took me to LA once. Also, Myrtle beach in the Carolina's.

Umm... Probably Maryland. My gramma's neighbors used to own a vacation home and they gave it to us for a week every year, and the most recent time we went to see two Frank Lloyd Wright houses.

As far as "Great Wonders" goes... errr, almost everything in DC? It's 30 minutes from my county. And those Frank Lloyd Wright houses if they count, which they really should, they were so awesome. Ooo, and the Luray Caverns.

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My in laws live that far away from DC too. I think they live somewhere just outside Bethesda or something like that. Place might be called silver something or other. I forget. It's probably been like 6 or 7 years since I last went and saw the smithosian, the air and space museum, the washington monument, lincoln memorial, the ww2 memorial, and all those.

What are these frank loyd wright houses you speak of? (reminds me, a lot of those in laws are in the real estate business)

Kinda interesting that you've basically been east coast and west coast with nothing in between. xD

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