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Help with the All-Powerful Flobot


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My friend is having trouble with Florina and could use some help. Here's his team.

Frogadier Lv. 23

Ekans Lv. 20

Buneary Lv. 20

Mightyena Lv. 22

Trubbish Lv. 14 (For Toxic Spikes)

Any suggestions on strategies he could use? Thanks!

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Your friend may want to invest in a Flying or Fire type. There are Unfezants, Pidgeys, and a Pansear on rainy days in Peridot Ward. These will most likely be temporary members of course. Trubbish is great as well for Toxic Spikes so keep it for this battle. Also, Hariyama or Pancham will REALLY help with her Ace. Good luck to your friend!

Edited by ShadowStar77
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Your friend may want to invest in a Flying or Fire type. There are Unfezants, Pidgeys, and a Pansear on rainy days in Peridot Ward. These will most likely be temporary members of course. Trubbish is great as well for Toxic Spikes so keep it for this battle. Also, Hariyama or Pancham will REALLY help with her Ace. Good luck to your friend!

Alright thanks man! I'll be sure to pass on the advice. I would think Pansear would be good because it has access to Yawn. I actually forgot but he also has a Lv. 20 Pancham so he should be good with that.

Edited by Astrochaos
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Alright thanks man! I'll be sure to pass on the advice. I would think Pansear would be good because it has access to Yawn. I actually forgot but he also has a Lv. 20 Pancham so he should be good with that.

Oh I forgot about Litleo lol. Use that as the Fire-type, It's really good early-game.

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Where can you find Litleo? Don't you have to trade a Bibarel for it?

That was changed this episode. That person now gives Munna.

Litleo: Event in Obsidia Ward, talk to it and chase it down to the Abandoned Railnet, defeat Klinklang and obtain it

However, I thin you will need to have a Pokemon with max happiness and defeat a high level Klinklang. Pansear may be the better choice for the time being. You will get an Arcanine later.


@Omega, The event replaced Vulpix

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Good job with setting up toxic spikes, that helps a lot against Flobot.
But your friends might want to try out Kricketune. As stupid as it sounds, once it gets Fury Cutter going, there isn't much on Flobot's team that can stop it. Not even Cradily. But if your friends ever does have problems against the Cradily, the Pancham should be able to take it down, especially after it is weakened by Kricketune.
As suggested, a fire type is recommended. Try getting that Pansear.

My suggestion is, swap out Buneary and Ekans for Kricketune and Pansear, set up toxic spikes first, use pansear to get rid of as many mons as you can, then bring in Kricketune for the sweep.

Good luck :D

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As already mentioned, Swalot and Hariyama are both great choices for that gym. Toxic Spikes activate Breloom's Poison Heal, so you (or your friend) needs to be careful with that.

Numel isn't that bad either, just a little slow and not that tanky.

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Oh, I guess your friend already beat Florina then huh? I was about to recommend either Pidove, Makuhita, or Pancham to take her down, as for her Breloom, I would recommend picking up the Lv.5 Espurr that replaces Gothita pass that guy who you need to give $50 to a few times to get him to move...

Edited by MistDrop
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I feel like I should note that a grass type actually really helps vs. flo's breloom. grass types are immune to spore/leech seed tomfoolery, and some some (eg roselia, maybe hoppip) resist mach punch. the only problem is brellom resisting your stuff.

bringing in trubbish vs. breloom can help if she sends it out early, because it denies her poison heal and you can acid spray to lower its special defense for someone else to come in and KO

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