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Carm>Medusa>Atalanta results in the greatest amount of crit with those three NPs since I think Medusa's crit gen buff scales with NP % ...I think, might only be level


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So yea I've been getting back at this the past few days and finally finished Rome again xD

I achieved my goal getting Stheno bond 5: http://prntscr.com/958ml9

Then I got my final Gorgon sister: http://prntscr.com/958onn Lexi you jelly now?

So then I decided to make a few extra parties: http://prntscr.com/958ot1

A 1/2 star party: http://prntscr.com/958ncq

Aswell as a 3 star party: http://prntscr.com/958oyt where my phone decided to be a butt and place Dutch stuff

And then my real party tho Euryale's there to and get bond up and I'm still levelling her and Shielder cause not enough points to get a different servant yet: http://prntscr.com/958nys

Edited by Wendel
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So, any thoughts on Demon Archer/Sakura Saber possibly coming out soon? I personally want to roll Archer because she's got a NP explicitly described as being "Mami-like."

probably not soon. they will probably appear once there's a event or what not with them in it. They have a lot of servants that they have teased that will be in the game at some point.

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i spent the entire day on this but it is super worth. soon.



I asked Inuki for some of his lucker noob ability and scored this with a summon ticket. Today was a good day.

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For people who don't know:

GudaGuda Event

Get Demon Archer(Nobu) by changing "Honnonji" point for free!

New Summon Gate for Sakura Saber(Okita)!

You can only farm Honnonji point once a day, and to get more point, you'll need specific Servant, which is EMIYA, Nobu herself, Sakura Cheiba, Medusa, Mephisto, Benkei, Ushi, and "You Never Die Enough" FSN Cu

Honnonji point could be used to change into Nobu, QP, Apple, Crystalized Lore, and much more

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Same honestly. Her art is so good I'm almost upset that I have Atalanta already. I guess it won't hurt to have two archers for saber days and for when I have Atalanta level capped so I don't feel bad about leveling something else.

I also kind of want sakura saber because 4* or above Saber, but I'm not planning on using quartz since I have to be strong for Scathach, so I'll have like, four summon tickets at most. My expectations are low.

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I'm waiting until after I acquire Medea loli and Euryale before I start saving those

Meanwhile I need a ton of Homunculus babies. If I did my math right, I need a total of 21 barring skills level ups. And I probably did my math wrong

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when they said nobu would be in grand order i was more or less expecting this dorky mug


Instead it turned out to look more like this


well she is called demon archer for a reason though i think Gil still wins.

Edited by rustytengo
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true that she does but as you said she gets stronger depending on the mystery and divinity of her OPPONENT not the stuff he has. though when fighting Gil she probably would be quite strong given his high level of divinity but not mystery as much given his story is quite easy to find. though she would probably be able to get his respect to some then he pulls out Ea.

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well she is called demon archer for a reason though i think Gil still wins.

I mean she's basically the Japanese equivalent of him, if he didn't take the fight seriously he'd probably lose (And we all know how good Gil is at taking things seriously)

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