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Newcomer Needs Help


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So discovering this game I got really excited. It sounds really cool, and I like the inclusion of all the Pokemon. So after sitting through the download session, creating a folder and extracting files into it... Nothing. Just a finite loop of the blue loading ring. Okay. So I try and extract the game into my VBA folder, it's what I've done with other modded games. However, as I click on the game.exe link, Norton pops up, decides game.exe is unsafe, and removes it.


Aaand now the file is so big it won't recycle into my recycling bin very fast at all so I can try again without clogging up my desktop.



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Welcome! First things first, allow Game.exe to be exempt from Norton's scans. Secondly, do not run the game using VBA. Simply run the Game.exe application and it should run as planned.

If you have trouble finding how to restore Game.exe, from Norton, go to Security>History>Show Quarantine, select the file (Game.exe), press "More Options", and then hit "Restore". Let us know if anything else goes awry.

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The files for Reborn number a pretty big amount of data, so it's natural for it to take a long time. Depending on how many files were removed, it could probably take a second to a while. Really, it depends on how many files were recycled and your processing speed.

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Just have fun and be prepared for one heck of a ride. Also, don't be afraid to stalk the forums if you get stuck (which you will. Trust me. Everyone does.).

We'll be happy to answer all of your questions and fix your problems.

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Welcome to the forums! Community rules to your left, search bar above that, Showdown server above that. Try not to confuse the search bar with the status bar, as it's a common mistake. Or don't. I'm not a cop. I hope that you enjoy your stay here!

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An intro without a song WHOA is this 2014 #SoOld #UltraOld

Well met Caraboo.

Welcome late to Reborn! only three days late from the last post is not that bad ;__;

Anyway, it seems like your trouble was resolved, but feel free to ask any questions you might have in the future /o/

Right now here's a staff WOLOLO get converted to blue \o/

Please, enjoy your stay here in Reborn.

I'll see you around o/

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