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One of friends from high school hit me up saying the "Red-Eyes" finally got support and you can essentially create a very good deck with it now..Red Eyes is my favorite dragon, and seen finally getting support after what? 13 years is feels good ...haven't play for about 2-3 years....any Yugioh fans here can help me pick up the dust?

EDIT: Install Devpro. Has been years I have use this! They have done lot's of tweaking to it

Edited by Kiryuu
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I hate you for starting this topic now that I am in my hometown <.<

I love helping people get the hang of the game and enjoy decks that are not of the "big four" (Shaddols, Qliport, Nekloz, Burning Abyss, which are more or less dominating the metagame at the moment). And I am planning to write a fanfiction about Yu Gi Oh, so the more I come in contact with many decks used by many different people, the more ideas I get for characters.

So yeah, I would love to spar with you, chat about the game and whatnot... But now I am in my hometown. Which means limited time online, shaky connection, and no DevPro <.<

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I hate you for starting this topic now that I am in my hometown <.<

I love helping people get the hang of the game and enjoy decks that are not of the "big four" (Shaddols, Qliport, Nekloz, Burning Abyss, which are more or less dominating the metagame at the moment). And I am planning to write a fanfiction about Yu Gi Oh, so the more I come in contact with many decks used by many different people, the more ideas I get for characters.

So yeah, I would love to spar with you, chat about the game and whatnot... But now I am in my hometown. Which means limited time online, shaky connection, and no DevPro <.<

Let's duel!

Although I have to said, I don't understand the "Red-Eyes" deck at all. This is coming from a guy that use to play meta and in tournaments back in 2004-2010. I could understand the synergy of each cards and pretty much simulate decks before even building them. For some reason I lost that "power". I look at the "Red-Eyes" cards and it just doesn't add up. I feel like a kid just staring at the beautiful artwork. Is it a burn deck? Fusion? I'm so lost lol

I'm going to build it at the best of my ability and hopefully shit just comes back to me.

Maybe a duel will help me wake up....

EDIT: I can take a screenshot of the deck to show you what I got so far

Edited by Kiryuu
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Red-eyes got so many good cards that they can actually go 3 different routes: beatdown+Xyz, Fusion and, believe it or not, Ritual (Paladin is surprisingly useful also in the beatdown builds, while Lord of Red requires a dedicated build, but it's a very strong card).

The Fusion path is considered the strongest one on the account of using Red-Eyes Fusion which is a very powerful, borderline broken card. However, said card forces you to include Summoned Skull (the new Gemini variant that is also a Red-Eyes is NOT compatible with Red-Eyes Fusion, you MUST run good old Summoned Skull), which is atrocious for consistency so yeah, the other builds do have their merits, namely better cnsistency, over the Fusion build...

Oh and don't let the burn effects fool you: those are just ways to increase the damage output of your standard beatdown approach. This is NOT a burn deck. And besides, the only burn effects that are good are Flare Dragon, Flare Metal Dragon, the big bad fusion boss abd MAYBE Inferno Fire Blast. Red-Eyes burn is a terrible card and you should not use it.

I would go into more details but I am posting from my phone :/

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Red-eyes got so many good cards that they can actually go 3 different routes: beatdown+Xyz, Fusion and, believe it or not, Ritual (Paladin is surprisingly useful also in the beatdown builds, while Lord of Red requires a dedicated build, but it's a very strong card).

The Fusion path is considered the strongest one on the account of using Red-Eyes Fusion which is a very powerful, borderline broken card. However, said card forces you to include Summoned Skull (the new Gemini variant that is also a Red-Eyes is NOT compatible with Red-Eyes Fusion, you MUST run good old Summoned Skull), which is atrocious for consistency so yeah, the other builds do have their merits, namely better cnsistency, over the Fusion build...

Oh and don't let the burn effects fool you: those are just ways to increase the damage output of your standard beatdown approach. This is NOT a burn deck. And besides, the only burn effects that are good are Flare Dragon, Flare Metal Dragon, the big bad fusion boss abd MAYBE Inferno Fire Blast. Red-Eyes burn is a terrible card and you should not use it.

I would go into more details but I am posting from my phone :/

Holy shit.

I also notice that Red-Eyes Black Dragon Sword is the sword from the anime years ago and the effect it's ridiculous. I'm having an idea now how to run it now....I'll take a screenshot of the deck in a minute....

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red eyes are good also toons got a lot of support so I would recommend checking them out as well

be wary there are also a lot of scary threats in the meta right now youll see what I mean I don't remember the names at the top of my head

Edited by nepeta100
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Black Dragon Sword is ridiculously easy to Summon in all Red-Eyes builds. All you need to do is to tech in a couple of the corresponding Legendary Dragon spell card (was it Critias or Hermos? Can't remember...). Giving such a massove Atk bonus to bosses with powerful effwcts like Lord of Red or Flare Metal Dragon is always nice...

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Oh fuck yes. Always good to see a new or returning face to the great children's card game. Well I dunno about the Red Eyes archetype, because I have yet to play it, however I do play at tournaments and I must say people believe they hold potential.

I am well-versed in just about every competitive and semi-competitive deck circa 2008. If you want a hard Yugioh deck, I'd suggest the new Synchron Extreme Structure Deck coming out on Friday.

If that don't float your boat, then keep on going. Blue Eyes also got some support. Hit me up if you want deck advice.

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here it is


I believe I nail it this one. Spend roughly 3 hours making this (don't judge, first time making a deck in years). I think everyone can see where I'm going with this

Ritual>Red-Eyes and the Ritual card get's me my Red-Eyes Traps.

Key Cards: Dragon Shrine and BMD

Dragon Shrine is VERY good on this deck just by looking at the cards (slowly coming to me)

BMD I think would be good on 2 will play test


-Junk>Herald>Ritual Set Up

-Manju>Ritual Set Up

-Divine Dragon>Get my Tracer or Black Stone legend back

-Keeper>Protection, re-cycle and Wall

-Byo> BMD OR Black Stone loop (Every turn)>go for Red-Eyes B. Dragon/Black Flare OR Beast-Eyes

*IDK how I feel Red-Eyes Black Flare Dragon and having a Cards of the Red Stone (I think running 3 Red-Eyes B. Dragon is the way to go; will play test)

Opinions before playtesting?

red eyes are good also toons got a lot of support so I would recommend checking them out as well

Never were a fan of toons :/ . Red-Eyes got little support years ago with Red-Eyes Wyvern (around 2008?) and that's when I decided to quit. I was playing meta back them but when I saw Konami didn't throw down more support I got mad piss. Still don't know why they took almost 10 years for this support to arrive.

be wary there are also a lot of scary threats in the meta right now youll see what I mean I don't remember the names at the top of my head

All I got from my friend was to watch out for Shadolls? something like that. Haven't research what's cooking in the meta yet

Black Dragon Sword is ridiculously easy to Summon in all Red-Eyes builds. All you need to do is to tech in a couple of the corresponding Legendary Dragon spell card (was it Critias or Hermos? Can't remember...). Giving such a massove Atk bonus to bosses with powerful effwcts like Lord of Red or Flare Metal Dragon is always nice...

The atk bonus is ridiculous. With a proper hand you could potentially OTK. We see what happens...

Oh fuck yes. Always good to see a new or returning face to the great children's card game. Well I dunno about the Red Eyes archetype, because I have yet to play it, however I do play at tournaments and I must say people believe they hold potential.

I am well-versed in just about every competitive and semi-competitive deck circa 2008. If you want a hard Yugioh deck, I'd suggest the new Synchron Extreme Structure Deck coming out on Friday.

If that don't float your boat, then keep on going. Blue Eyes also got some support. Hit me up if you want deck advice.

IDK if they hold potential due to the fact IDK how the meta decks plays. They look interesting tho

I stop buying cards around 2009. Sold all my goodies around 2011 for a price of $500 (around 4000 cards [Yes, all the cards I had collected since 2003 with all the metas deck from 2007-2008]). Could had made easily over $2,000 but meh. Friends wanted the cards, I wanted to get rid of them since I was moving, plus in 2011 the cards I own weren't "wanted". I did had over 300 secrets of staples cards and shit. I know, it was a bad business all together but I wanted to get rid of them.

I'll stick to Devpro. The last time I use this, this thing was like in alpha version and buggy has hell. They have a chat, you can view other people's duels now too!

Edited by Kiryuu
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Well there is a lot of work to make here. You are suffering from what I call the "too many options syndrome". Basically, you are running lots of cards that have a use in specific situations (Divine Dragon and Junk being the most glaring examples) but that, outside of that, are terrible for consistency. Darkness Dragon is an atrocious card. Also, this is clearly a beatdown build, so you don't need so much Ritual support: Paladin is the one who has to support the rest of the deck, not the other way around.

Here is what I suggest:


A much more fluid build, that focuses on being good at one thing, rather than on trying to do different things. You want your beaters to hit the field fast, and you want REDMD there to direct traffic: with this build, you aim to do just that. Paladin brings REDMD from the deck and Spirit revives it from the grave, after Shrine sent it there. Manju and Preparations are all you need to set up ritual summons, and you can tribute Manju himself to summon Paladin. Since you focus so much on toolboxing around normal monsters, Dragon's mirror is included to give you access to Firstof the Dragons, a very powerful monster you don't want to miss out on. And since I was running Dragon's mirror, I also teched in one single copy on the new Gemini archfiend (which is also a Red-Eyes, so you can toolbox it around with Black Stone) so that, once it hits the grave, you also have the opportunity to bring out Archfiend Black Skull Dragon, which is immensely powerful. However, this is not a Fusion build, so teching in solution to bring the big fusion boss might not be that optimal for consistency: if you REALLY want to be consistent, and win games in less spectacular fashion, but more often, you should run Dark Armed Dragon over the Archfiend guy, and Allure of Darkness over Foolish Burial. This deck has great control of the graveyard and nice draw power, so DAD should prove an excellent weapon.

In the Extra I only put the monsters you absolutely NEED (of course, remove Black Skull Dragon if you go the DAD route). Feel free to fill the remaining spaces with whatever strikes your fancy.

EDIT: some screens:




EDIT EDIT: updated DAD version with improved conistency


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Well there is a lot of work to make here. You are suffering from what I call the "too many options syndrome". Basically, you are running lots of cards that have a use in specific situations (Divine Dragon and Junk being the most glaring examples) but that, outside of that, are terrible for consistency. Darkness Dragon is an atrocious card. Also, this is clearly a beatdown build, so you don't need so much Ritual support: Paladin is the one who has to support the rest of the deck, not the other way around.

Here is what I suggest:


A much more fluid build, that focuses on being good at one thing, rather than on trying to do different things. You want your beaters to hit the field fast, and you want REDMD there to direct traffic: with this build, you aim to do just that. Paladin brings REDMD from the deck and Spirit revives it from the grave, after Shrine sent it there. Manju and Preparations are all you need to set up ritual summons, and you can tribute Manju himself to summon Paladin. Since you focus so much on toolboxing around normal monsters, Dragon's mirror is included to give you access to Firstof the Dragons, a very powerful monster you don't want to miss out on. And since I was running Dragon's mirror, I also teched in one single copy on the new Gemini archfiend (which is also a Red-Eyes, so you can toolbox it around with Black Stone) so that, once it hits the grave, you also have the opportunity to bring out Archfiend Black Skull Dragon, which is immensely powerful. However, this is not a Fusion build, so teching in solution to bring the big fusion boss might not be that optimal for consistency: if you REALLY want to be consistent, and win games in less spectacular fashion, but more often, you should run Dark Armed Dragon over the Archfiend guy, and Allure of Darkness over Foolish Burial. This deck has great control of the graveyard and nice draw power, so DAD should prove an excellent weapon.

In the Extra I only put the monsters you absolutely NEED (of course, remove Black Skull Dragon if you go the DAD route). Feel free to fill the remaining spaces with whatever strikes your fancy.

EDIT: some screens:




EDIT EDIT: updated DAD version with improved conistency


After dueling for about 6 times and getting defeated by dolls, some cartoons and boxers I tweak my deck completely:


NOTE: It actually exactly the same has yours but I run 2 silver's cry

I notice the inconsistency very easy, BMD is a very slow search card compare to all these new archtypes like VERY slow. I had dudes pull on me OTK for days with some weird bear cartoonick monsters (I can't remember the names). This game has become so fast and pretty much every deck can pull OTK now. Ridiculous, idk how I feel yet about this....

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Awesome dood, I'm staff over at DevPro under the same username here. If you ever need help with an issue just double click my name in the Mod list and PM me, I'll help as best I can. Also, Along with Red-Eyes, Toons got good support as well after so many years(people said it wouldn't happen) and yeah, shaddolls, qli, nekroz, Burning Abyss, and TellarKnights are the main decks to beat at the moment. Also for your red-eyes deck, possibly look into Carboneddon and Mathematician.

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Awesome dood, I'm staff over at DevPro under the same username here. If you ever need help with an issue just double click my name in the Mod list and PM me, I'll help as best I can. Also, Along with Red-Eyes, Toons got good support as well after so many years(people said it wouldn't happen) and yeah, shaddolls, qli, nekroz, Burning Abyss, and TellarKnights are the main decks to beat at the moment. Also for your red-eyes deck, possibly look into Carboneddon and Mathematician.

Oh so you ARE the same Lits. I never sent you a PM to ask because I was afraid of sounding like a stalker o.O

I notice the inconsistency very easy, BMD is a very slow search card compare to all these new archtypes like VERY slow. I had dudes pull on me OTK for days with some weird bear cartoonick monsters (I can't remember the names). This game has become so fast and pretty much every deck can pull OTK now. Ridiculous, idk how I feel yet about this....

Well what can you do, some decks are simply blessed with more consistency than others. Incidentally, my reason for tunnin T-Roar over Silver's Cry (which is not that needed because you already have Spirit and REDMD to revive people) was precisely to stop OTKs. Assuming that by "bear cartoonick monsters" you mean Fluffal/Frightfur (Fluffal Bear is one of their key cards, and well, that's the only archetype I can think of that features a bear and looks "cartoonick"), they can OTK because they have access to a combo of Frightfur Tiger and Frightfur Wofl, the former being capable of destroying multiple cards upon being summoned and the latter being able to attack multiple times. T-roar works wonders against such strategies: you see, you can chain T-roar to the effect that targets it to destroy it, meaning that, no matter what your opponent does, they will NOT be allowed to attack you this turn, meaning that their OTK attempt is thwarted (something you cannot accomplish with, say, Mirror Force, which has a specific timing of activation and therefore cannot be chained). And well, the aforementioned Frightfur monsters dn't have stellar attack, so if you can thwart their OTK attempt, you will then be able to come back, considering that your monsters should have higher Atk.

This being said, power creep in this game has reached a point where there is a handful of decks (the ones mentioned by myself and Lits earlier) that are on a completely different level, compared to everything else. Outside of weird gimmicks or specific counter-cards to be used as Side Deck options, decks that are considered tier 2 and below just cannot beat the big four nowadays. Therefore, I think that in a topic like this we should discuss fun decks for casual play and leave the competitive aspect out because... Well, talking about the competitive side means talking about the same four decks over and over and over again.

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Meanwhile, I play casually with my level 3 and under deck...

I <3 Raging Flame Sprite

I... Sorry, but I don't have a lot of consideration for Raging Flame Sprite. I mean, the game today has developed to a point where keeping offensive decks from attacking, even decks that are not of the big four (like the Red-Eyes deck object of this topic) for the entire duration of the duel is just impossible. Once upon a time, you could lockdown your opponent with Swords of Revealing Light, Marshmallon and the likes, relying on burn damage or direct attacks to win, but nowadays such a strategy is not viable anymore. not even in casual play. Unless you rely on Chain Burn you are not going to win with indirect damage, even Simochi struggles nowadays: you just cannot hope to win by using cards that remain face-up on the field. Not with all the destruction and removal that exists nowadays. Even the weakest decks have lots of ways to destroy or otherwise remove problematic cards nowadays, so in general it is better to rely on cards that can be chained (which is why I prefer T-roar over Mirror Force for battle protection).

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Awesome dood, I'm staff over at DevPro under the same username here. If you ever need help with an issue just double click my name in the Mod list and PM me, I'll help as best I can. Also, Along with Red-Eyes, Toons got good support as well after so many years(people said it wouldn't happen) and yeah, shaddolls, qli, nekroz, Burning Abyss, and TellarKnights are the main decks to beat at the moment. Also for your red-eyes deck, possibly look into Carboneddon and Mathematician.

Gotcha, I may hit you up this weekend....

Oh so you ARE the same Lits. I never sent you a PM to ask because I was afraid of sounding like a stalker o.O

Well what can you do, some decks are simply blessed with more consistency than others. Incidentally, my reason for tunnin T-Roar over Silver's Cry (which is not that needed because you already have Spirit and REDMD to revive people) was precisely to stop OTKs. Assuming that by "bear cartoonick monsters" you mean Fluffal/Frightfur (Fluffal Bear is one of their key cards, and well, that's the only archetype I can think of that features a bear and looks "cartoonick"), they can OTK because they have access to a combo of Frightfur Tiger and Frightfur Wofl, the former being capable of destroying multiple cards upon being summoned and the latter being able to attack multiple times. T-roar works wonders against such strategies: you see, you can chain T-roar to the effect that targets it to destroy it, meaning that, no matter what your opponent does, they will NOT be allowed to attack you this turn, meaning that their OTK attempt is thwarted (something you cannot accomplish with, say, Mirror Force, which has a specific timing of activation and therefore cannot be chained). And well, the aforementioned Frightfur monsters dn't have stellar attack, so if you can thwart their OTK attempt, you will then be able to come back, considering that your monsters should have higher Atk.

This being said, power creep in this game has reached a point where there is a handful of decks (the ones mentioned by myself and Lits earlier) that are on a completely different level, compared to everything else. Outside of weird gimmicks or specific counter-cards to be used as Side Deck options, decks that are considered tier 2 and below just cannot beat the big four nowadays. Therefore, I think that in a topic like this we should discuss fun decks for casual play and leave the competitive aspect out because... Well, talking about the competitive side means talking about the same four decks over and over and over again.

Yeah it was the Frightfur monster. Who would of though a bunch of teddy bears would give me a run for my money...

This game have took a turn for the worse tbh. The game has evolve to just become faster, faster and faster. I miss the 2006 era...

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Well, since I find it unfair that this topic is only about Red-Eyes, let me share the single most hilarious deck I have ever built:


What can this deck do, you ask? Well, this, for example:


Detailed explanation in the spoiler (WARNING: it is very long)

It should be immediately obvious from the first glance that this deck is built around THE DEVIL. Because seriously, Kuriboh is not just a devil, Kiroboh is THE DEVIL, the root of all evil, the god of cruelty and bloodlust: does this look like the face of mercy?
Now for a more detailed explanation:

Battle Fader x2 - Battle protection in the form of a level 1 monster. A perfect fit for this deck.

Kinka-Byo x3
Mystic Piper x3 - Together, these two cards form the draw engine of the deck. By tributing Piper, you get to draw one card in the worst case scenario, and two in the best case scenario. Next turn, revive with Kinka and repeat. This strategy is effectively a +1 per turn when you consider that Kinka is a Spirit monster.

THE DEVIL x2 - You can use it as a ghetto Battle Fader, but the main use is to summon it during your opponent's turn to use as tribute.

Winged THE DEVIL x3 - Set this guy or summon it during your opponent's turn. You want it on your field by the time your opponent enter their battle phase, in order to pull off your winning combo.

Tragoedia x2 - A deck like this needs hand traps (AKA monsters whose effect activate in the hand during the opponent's turn) in order to protect your LPs from the opponent's attacks. And Tragoedia is perfect for the role because its attack increases with the number of cards you have in your hand, and with the amazing draw power of this deck...

Winged THE DEVIL LV 10 x2 - Having one is not a good idea, because if you draw it it will sit in your hand untill you can summon it, with two, you can use one as tribute to summon the other, which is already an improvement. Of course 3 would be too much, so 2 is the ideal amount. You only need to summon this guy once, actually you SHOULD aim to manipulate the field in order to guarantee victory upon summoning this guy, because the surprise effect is essential to lure the opponent into your Battle Phase-locking combo (detailed later), so chances are they won't fall for it twice...

One Day of Peace x1 - This card is a no brainer in a deck like this. Free draw with the bonus of protecting you from damage during the next turn, meaning that you can save your other forms of protection for later...

Transcendent Wings (AKA the ritual of THE DEVIL) x2 - This card is your win condition, but it is useless unless the stage is set, so running 3 is bad for consistency... With all the draw power you have, you should manage to get at least one copy no problems.

The Flute of Summoning THE DEVIL x3 - You are never going to use this card to add stuff to your hand, what you want to do is to bring THE DEVIL (specially the winged variant) to the field during your opponent's turn. Be careful however: as I will explain later, the Battle Phase-locking trick only works with a combo of TWO cards, as a combo of 3 will cause you to miss timing. So don't just set this card, Transcendent Wings and Nightmare Archfiend all in the same turn, or you'll mess the win condition up...

Pot of Duality x3 - Free draw. Conflicts with Kinka, but learning when to use one and when to use the other is really really easy. Just use it in the same turn in which you Normal Summon Piper, and save Kinka for later.

Where Arf Thou? x2 - Has great synergy with The Flute of Summoning THE DEVIL and with Battle Fader, allowing you to search Piper and immediately Normal Summon it and get a free draw. Alternatively, if you have Piper and this card in your hand, you can summon Piper then use this card to search Kinka, before activating Piper's effect. You won't be able to summon Kinka this turn and thus you will lose 2000 LP, but it is a price worth paying IMO, thi deck has no problems defending its LPs anyway...

Solemn Warning x1 - To prevent the summoning of monsters that mess with your strategy, like Stardust Dragon

Torrential Tribute x1 - If the opponent swarms the field with low-Atk monsters, meaning you cannot exploit their monsters to OTK and there is no room to use Nightmare Archfiend, then it is time to use this card.

Compulsory Evacuation Device x1 - Another card mainly used to get rid of Stardust.

Nightmare Archfiends x2 - If your opponent plays a defensive deck, or in general a deck that doesn't swarm the field with high-Atk monsters, then you'll need this card to win.

Reckless Greed x3 - You lose your normal draw, but you can easily make up for that with Kinka-Piper.

Threatening Roar x3 - Compared to Mirror Force, this card is more useful as battle protection, because it can be chained to the inevitable MST, thus guaranteeing that the opponent won't be able to hurt you this turn.

Extra Deck only consists of Slacker and Downerd Magician, because honestly I couldn't think of any other useful Extra Deck monster...


You need to have Winged THE DEVIL and another monster on the field, as well as Transcendent Wings and Nightmare Archfiend set i your backwrow. There are two main ways of achieving this, and depending on which one you go for the combo works slightly differently, so let's look at both cases.

1) Winged THE DEVIL set on your turn

In this variant, what you do is to summon Effect Veiler or Tragoedia during your opponent's turn, then you set Winged THE DEVIL, Nightmare Archfiends and Transcendent Wings during your turn. As your oponent begins their turn, you lay in ambush: you know how the Battle Phase is divided in many steps? Well, the moment they move to the first step of the Battle Phase (AFTER they have entered it, not before, this is important so remember it) you immediately activate Nightmare Archfiends (tributing Fader/Trago), then chain the activation of Transcendent Wings (tributing Winged THE DEVIL and discarding two cards). This way, as the second step of the Battle Phase (the one in which the opponent decides if they want to declare an attack or if they want to move onto Main Phase 2) begins, the archfiends and Winged THE DEVIL LV 10 will appear on the field simultaneously... BEFORE attack declaration. This is important because now the opponent has still to declare what they are going to do, and declaring is a mandatory action: even if they declare that they changed their mind and want to end the Battle Phase, you can chain THE DEVIL's effect to that declaration, effectively guaranteeing that your OTK WILL go off. And even if they try to stop you with a trap, you can just chain THE DEVIL's effect to the trap, unless it is a Counter Trap like Solemn Warning (here is an example in which I succesfully used this tactic to beat the opponent's Torrential Tribute). So yeah, if you time the activation of your cards right, you will effectively lock your opponent into the Battle Phase, although they can circumvent this by not entering the Battle Phase at all... Which is why the surprise effect is important: nobody expects this combo, so unless you play carelessly and give yourself away, they will not skip their Battle Phase and fall right into your trap...

2) Winged THE DEVIL summoned during the opponent's turn

The flute of summoning THE DEVIL allows you to summon Winged THE DEVIL during the opponent's turn. However, be careful: trying to fit this strategy into the previous combo will mess it up. In fact, if you activate Nightmare Archfiends during the first step of the Battle Phase and chain Flute to it, you won't be able to also chain Transcendent Wings, because that card cannot be activated untill the summoning of Winged THE DEVIL is completed succesfully. But if the chain ends, then the opponent will be able to declare that they want to end the Battle Phase (and believe me, they will, because they will have smelled the trap by this point), and if you chain Transcendent Wings to that declaration, the Battle Phase will end after Winged THE DEVIL LV 10 hits the field, and you won't be able to use its effect. Therefore, you CAN pull off the OTK by setting Flute, Archfiends, Wings and a random monster in your turn, but you need to think and act differently from before to make it happen.
If your opponent has a deck that relies on swarming the field with weak monsters, in order to overlay into their bosses (decks like Constellars, Evilswarms, -tellarknight, or Pendulum Beatdown strategies like Qli and Igknight), then what you want to do is to activate Nightmare Archfiends (tributing your monster) during their Draw Phase, in order to clog their field and prevent them from performing their combos. This strategy is risky to use, because if the opponent has a deck that can perform Tribute or Synchro summons, they will be able to use the tokens to their advantage during their Main Phase 1. Also, as mentioned Transcendent Wings cannot be chained to Flute, so if you use Flute in the first step of their Battle Phase you will lose your chance as detailed before. You therefore need to activate Flute as soon as your opponent ends their Main Phase 1, butif you do so they will have to decide to which phase they want to move AFTER Flute has resolved, and the smarter opponents might smell the trap and decide to skip their Battle Phase. So yeah, only use this strategy if you are ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN that it cannot backfire, that the opponent cannot use it to their advantage.

Alternatively, you can activate Flute during your opponent's Draw Phase, which will effectively recreate the same situation of point 1, which is MUCH safer and has MUCH better chances to work. However, compared to point 1, there is a slightly worse situation here: your Winged THE DEVIL is now face-up, as opposed to point 1 in which it was face-down. This makes a HUGE difference because smarter opponents might understand what you are trying to do and use their monster removal options to kill Winged THE DEVIL during their Main Phase 1, thus topping your strategy in its tracks. On the other hand, if they don't know that the monster you set is Kuriboh, chances are they won't realize what your strategy truly is about, and thus they will be more inclined to save their monster removal... Which is exactly what you want.

The key to playing this deck is patience: you need to play defensively, prioritizing drawing over everything else, while using all of the means at your disposal to avoid taking damage. Use Tragoedia to bait their monster removal, and set all the spells you don't need (if you draw two copies of Where Arf Thou or Pot of Duality, for example) to bait their inevitable MST (be careful not to run out of backrow spaces tho). You don't want them to MST your key combo pieces, so try and keep those in hand untill the stage is set if possible. If you have Battle Fader in your hand, it would be wise to set your combo pieces on the field only after you have used Fader.

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