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Streaming Pokemon Fangames


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Since I have a twitch account now so will start this tomorrow @ noon/eastern

Rejuvenation Wins so tomorrow will be my first stream and expect for some insanity.

Edit: Onto more serious questions, for rejuvenation. Do you want me to go by gym part per stream or by choice when to stop. The timeline depends on these choices.

Edit2: Done with my stream layout. 6b9a934460d3a5aa0e3bb4797228f648.png


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'ayyyy, you stuck with the Daryun close-up. I love it! Let us know when you're streaming!

And to answer your question, it seems easiest just to stop whenever you'd like. Do what you want and you'll enjoy streaming far more than if you felt obligated to hit checkpoints.

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'ayyyy, you stuck with the Daryun close-up. I love it! Let us know when you're streaming!

And to answer your question, it seems easiest just to stop whenever you'd like. Do what you want and you'll enjoy streaming far more than if you felt obligated to hit checkpoints.

Yeah just stream till whatever. If you have checkpoints, you may eventually get burnt out due to always wanting to hit that checkpoint. That's how I am anyways. Looking forward to seeing you stream if I can make it! :D

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Next Stream Straw poll: http://www.strawpoll.me/5323309

Rejuvenation is possible but sneak peek on tf2 layout. I need a test to confirm: https://gyazo.com/df8fb81c6d42d1796e21f56f0cf1078c

Edit2: Rejuvenation wins so tomorrow, I let you all know via here and status updates and maybe showdown.

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