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Wii Game Suggestions

Raviel the Phantom

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I am a bit behind in the game consoles. I've stayed up to date with the handhelds, but not the home. Anyways, I just bought a Wii U and all I have is a copy of Smash Bros. I don't really feel like shelling out $60 for a new game when the Wii has a ton more all discounted. I have a Wii controller to play, but don't know what to get.

Any suggestions? And why?

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If you have a EU Wii U, Xenoblade Chronicles, it's,an amazing game, if,you buy it on the Eshop you got $30? Off XCX

._. WHY CAN'T THEY PUT IT ON ESHOP ALREADY!!!! But yeah Xenoblade is a good game but ain't worth the price. I'll give you a list of mostly cheap but really good ones off the top of my head.

-Super Mario Galaxy (1 and 2) - This duo is the same, but different at the same time. Mario Galaxy gave me a better impression story wise (and that final boss fight was kind of epic) while Galaxy 2 provided the greater challenge. I can't exactly recommend one over the other because they are the same, yet very different.

-Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn (if you're a fire emblem fan...though I do recommend playing Path of Radiance if possible): This is probably my favorite fire emblem of the bunch but it is pricey. I don't recommend it unless your a fan (but it has some of my favorite maps and game designs).

-Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword - some people may hate on it, but it's still a classic zelda game. It's not wind waker, but there's a lot to enjoy from the game. The motion controls are weird at first, but I enjoyed them after getting the hang of it. The boss rush is the best part of this game.

-The Last Story - SEVERLY UNDERRATED. IMO, this is the true FFXIII. It's different from final fantasy and has some action based combat, but I love it nonetheless. It's short, but it does so many things right. If you're an rpg lover buy this game (you can get it for $30 new). I like the characters in this one more than Xenoblade Chronicles if you want to compare it to something (and Xenoblade Chronicles is my favorite wii game).

-Kirby Return to Dreamland - This game redeemed the kirby franchise. We haven't had a game like this since Kirby 64. The Co-op feature is really nice and it's definitely got all the kirby elements to it.

-Okami - I haven't gotten that far, but this game really is unique. If you like zelda games, you might want to consider picking this one up. It's pretty cheap iirc

-Metroid Prime 3 (DO NOT PLAY OTHER M) - Fantastic shooting game like the other prime games (I haven't played much of it, but prime games are all fantastic).

Punch-Out Wii - Really simple yet difficult and intense. I haven't touched much of this one either, but it is quite fun (and purchusable on the wii shop for $10,but I got it free :P)

Some lesser ones, but still good

-Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess - I thought this one dragged on at some points and was a little on the easy side as I crushed some bosses without losing a heart. Still, there's a lot of charm to this one and some of those graphics look amazing.

-Super Paper Mario - Unfortunately, this is where Paper Mario went downhill. As a Paper Mario game, it's nowhere near as good as the prequels. It's still kind of fun though and gives you super mario vibes. I had fun playing this one.

-Kirby's Epic Yarn - I wish I could like this game more. It's not bad, but you can't die and levels are odd. Some are cool, but some are boring. Collectibles really aren't there like in Return to Dreamland. Some boss fights are kind of cool like the fire chicken, but some aren't anything special.

-Animal Crossing City Folk - If you like animal crossing, buy this game. There's a lot of good things about this, but Wild World is a bit better and New Leaf pretty much stomps out the competition fixing everything wrong with the previous games.

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._. WHY CAN'T THEY PUT IT ON ESHOP ALREADY!!!! But yeah Xenoblade is a good game but if you want a list. Best RPG of 2012 though.

-Super Mario Galaxy (1 and 2)

-Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn (if you're a fire emblem fan...though I do recommend playing Path of Radiance if possible)

-Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword

-The Last Story

-Kirby Return to Dreamland


-Metroid Prime 3 (DO NOT PLAY OTHER M)

Some lesser ones, but still good

-Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess

-Super Paper Mario

-Kirby's Epic Yarn

-Animal Crossing City Folk

Edit: I'm giving reasons as we speak.

I agree with this list. Also, you could hop on Mario Kart Wii and join the custom track scene. They have their own independent server and it's a very active scene! :D

There are tutorials online if you are interested~

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Bayonetta 2 and Donkey Kong Country Returns Tropic Freeze are both really really good. We also have Fatal Frame, Star Fox Zero, and Xenoblade Cronicles X coming out in the upcoming months.

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A decent Wii game? Hmm...I recall Resident Evil The Darkside Chronicles being rather enjoyable, it's a rail shooter though so I'm not sure if that is your thing but I recall it having a decent story, graphics, and a nifty upgrade system.

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Well well, I'll agree with this list and toss in a few things.

Super Smash Bros. Brawl - Still a great game after all this time. If you wanna play a game with Snake or Ice Climbers or a Smash with a Story Mode, here it is.

Star Wars the Force Unleashed - A relatively cheap game for around $10, it has not a lot of replay value, but it's more for the story and the lore of their universe. Unless you hate Star Wars with a passion, I'd recommend it.

Mario Kart Wii - Who doesn't love Mario Kart except for people who suck at it?

Dead Rising - Yeah this zombie thriller made it over to the Wii. It doesn't suck as badly as the reviewers claim it did. It's more stable than you'd think.

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-Metroid Prime 3 (DO NOT PLAY OTHER M) - Fantastic shooting game like the other prime games (I haven't played much of it, but prime games are all fantastic).

Why all the hate for Other M?

ok it's not a groundbreaking game like the Prime games... but it's still a good Metroid game, that sheds light on Samus' past... I really enjoyed it (except the 'final boss' with the unkillable Armor-pirates... that shit was annoying)

I think it gets all the hate because it WASN'T a Prime game, but always get compared to them... while being a totally different Genre...

and all that Samus being whiny and all ... IT'S ABOUT HER FRICKING PAST... It shows that she is human, and not some kind of cold-hearted seriel-killer who has no emotions! (seriously that would be boring)

everyone praised TOMB RAIDER for Laras old whiny self, because it gave Character development and showed how she became the cool Gun-wielding Archeologist we knew...

But enough rant about that...


I would also like to add:

Tales of Symphonia 2 - Dawn of a new world

- for JRPG fans or just fans of the "Tales of ..." games it is most likely a must, because it'S the sequel to the (arguably) best one of the series Tales of Symphonia.

Mario Kart Wii / 8

- If you don't want to spend a lot of money on a fresh copy of MK8 you can settle for a cheap copy of MKWii for multiplayer racing fun with friends. (although MK8 is better in like everyway and has great DLC-courses)

Mario Strikers Charged

- If you like Soccer/Football that doesn't take itself to seriously, go for it. It can be really fun, espacially against friends (and when you settle for not using the super-shots for extra thrill... because most of the time they are just OP)

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you dont really need other games in the wii u aside from sm4sh... but if you realllly want another game on the same level as sm4sh... i suggest splatoon!


your a kid... and a squid!

also there's this really cool multiplayer paintball style matches that totes copy COD, but who cares about that?!?!

have fun!

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I wasn't a huge fan of the Wii, but I really enjoyed No More Heroes 1 and 2, Metroid Prime 3, and Punch Out!! The ports of Okami and Resident Evil 4 were also really damn good.

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I KNOW you said you want Wii games, but I can`t help myself.

I would totally recommend shelling out that extra $$ for the Wii U games.

I will second Bayonetta 2, it is packaged with the first one as well, so its like $30/title.

It may not have a compelling story line (from what I can tell so far),

but if you just want an all-out hack and slash with ridiculous scenarios, I'd totally recommend picking this up.


Shin Megami Tensei x Fire Emblem Crossover.

And then Atlus crammed it to be a copy of Persona.

Combining elements of all three games, it sounds like a clusterfuck, but it sounds brilliant to me.

Starfox Zero.

Enhanced graphics, newer content, and aerial dogfights in space.

if you haven't played the N64 one before, it's totally worth a try.

But if you're still deadset about Wii games,

The Last Story over Xenoblade.

Most likely pick one or the other, as both are extremely time-consuming.

Xenoblade is really corny and I didn't find myself as attached to the characters (if at all).

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