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CAP 4.0: Restarted


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So, You've got a new Pokemon Idea. However, you don't want to Necropost, and two of the previous three CAPs have fallen into the Deadzone. This is where This Thread comes in handy, since it's just a brand new CAP Thread. If you get any Ideas for new pokemon, throw 'em down below, and i'll keep a list of 'em using this Thread. New Eeveelutions are a special case, and I'm going to be keeping an extra-close eye on those in order to put them into a List for a new Fangame that i'm planning on making at some point. I'll be putting the Templates for the Pokemon Creation down below in a Spoiler, where you can copy and paste it in order to use it as a Scaffolding. Oh, and just as a heads-up, the Normal-Type for a New Eeveelution is taken by Mega Eevee, which I'm going to keep secret. also, i'll keep a repository of all the Created Pokemon in the Post below this one.

Have fun Creating! ^_^

Normal Pokemon:

Evolution Method, if applicable:
Pokedex Entry:
Movepool: (Optional if you don't have it at the moment.)

Miscellaneous Information: (These ones are optional if you don't have that specific one at the moment.)
Body Type:
Catch Rate:
Base Happiness:
EV Yield:
Base EXP Yield:
Growth Rate:
Egg Group(s):
Hatch Counter:
Height: (If there's only one of the Units, i'll convert into the other.)
Weight: (If there's only one of the Units, i'll convert into the other.)
Gender Ratio:

Mega Stone, if applicable:


Normal Ability:

Hidden Ability:
Evolution Method:
Pokedex Entry:
Stats: (this is set in a combination of 130-110-95-65-65-60 in any order.)
Total: 525
Movepool: (Optional if you don't have it at the moment.)

Level-up: (Only fill in the Empty Slots.)

Start: Tackle

Start: Helping Hand
Start: Tail Whip
5: Sand Attack
13: Quick Attack
41: Last Resort

TM/HM: (Feel free to add a few more if you want.)

Toxic, Hidden Power, Sunny Day, Protect, Rain Dance, Frustration, Return, Dig, Shadow Ball, Double Team, Facade, Rest, Attract, Round, Echoed Voice, Retaliate, Swagger, Sleep Talk, Substitute, Secret Power, Confide

Move Tutor: (Feel free to add a few more if you want.)

Covet, Heal Bell, Helping hand, Hyper Voice, Iron Tail, Last Resort, Snore

Previous Evolution: (DO NOT ALTER THIS!)

Growl, Baby-doll eyes, Swift, Bite, Refresh, Covet, Take Down, Charm, Baton Pass, Double-edge, Trump card

Breeding: (DO NOT ALTER THIS!)

Captivate, Charm, Covet, Curse, Detect, Endure, Fake Tears, Flail, Natural Gift, Stored Power, Synchronoise, Tickle, Wish (Chainbred), Yawn

Miscellaneous Information: (These are optional if you don't have that specific one at the moment.)

Body Type: Quadrupedal


Catch Rate: 45

Base Happiness: (Unless the Typing indicates a different Base Happiness, then this is 70.)

EV Yield: (Some combination of 2 EVs, doesn't matter which ones.)

Base EXP Yield: 184

Growth Rate: Medium Fast

Egg Group: Field

Hatch Counter: 9180-9434 Steps



Gender Ratio: 87.5% male, 12.5% female

Edited by K_H
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In Progress:

Unnamed Pokemon Line (Steel/Poison by Sinikuro013)

Unnamed Pokemon and Sculloius (Steel/Ghost by Solarance)

Mega Eevee (Pure Normal; being made by Yours Truly from an idea that's in Nascent Form all over the Internet, especially on the Pokemon Fangame Forums, Reddit, and Youtube) [Mega Stone: Eeveenite]

Terraeon (Pure Ground; initiated by Nova in the Original, being fine-tuned off-forums by Yours Truly)

Litheon (Pure Rock; initiated by Nova in the Original, being fine-tuned off-forums by Yours Truly)

Brawleon (Pure Fighting; started by Hukuna in the Exclusive)

Completed Normal Pokemon:

none thus far

Completed Eeveelutions:

Non-mega Eevee, Vaporeon, Flareon, etc. (Misc. Types, all made by The Big N themselves)

Souleon (Ghost Type no. 1; made by Yours Truly in the Original, and tweaked off-forums to my liking)

Spectreon (Ghost Type no. 2; made by Baz in the Eeveelution-exclusive CAP thread, altered by me on the spur of the moment to fit alongside Souleon)

Toxeon (Poison Type; Initiated by Masquerain on Deviantart, Expanded upon by Rainbow Dash in the Original, Altered by Yours Truly off-forums, and completed by Baz in the Exclusive)

Draconeon (Dragon Type; Initiated by Baz in the Exclusive as Shenreon, renamed and finished off-forums by Yours Truly)

Mechaneon (Steel Type no. 1; initiated in the Original by several people under different names, finished off-forums by Yours Truly)

Titaneon (Steel Type no. 2; Created by Baz in the Exclusive)

Oreon (Hybrid Dark/Fairy Type; Created by Chubb in the Exclusive)

Solareon (Hybrid Fire/Fairy Type; Created by Chubb in the Exclusive)

Aveon (Flying Type; created by {Insert the Creator Here} in the Original and then altered by Yours Truly off-forums. Additionally, it's the only non-canon Eeveelution that I have any Sprites for)

Edited by K_H
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Name: (to be decided)
Type(s): steel / poison
Evolution Method, if applicable: level up at night with lowest happiness stat (it's supposed to imply the hard to get feel :P)
Pokedex Entry: 1337?
HP: 85
Atk: 130
Def: 80
SAtk: 45
SDef: 75
Spd: 110
Total: 525
Movepool: (Optional if you don't have it at the moment.)

to be determined! expect something to do with hazards, iron head, and maybe a custom physical poison move~

Miscellaneous Information: (These ones are optional if you don't have that specific one at the moment.)
Body Type: ???
Color: um to be decided
Catch Rate: 0.10
Base Happiness: 0
EV Yield: 3 atk
Base EXP Yield: uhh idk
Growth Rate: ... i have to look this up...
Egg Group(s): yep
Hatch Counter: brb
Height: (If there's only one of the Units, i'll convert into the other.) gonna look at bulbapedia
Weight: (If there's only one of the Units, i'll convert into the other.) i dont know what this shit means
Gender Ratio: 99.9 male / 0.1 female (good luck getting egg moves from this thing)

Mega Stone, if applicable: name-to-be-determined-inite

mega evo stats:

to be determined

pre evo's stats:

also to be determined


footnote: what im imagining on what the fully evolved mon is,

a four legged robotic tiger thing that looks corroded and has toxic liquid oozing out.

mega evo has more awesome blade looking things on its back (for my planned significant increase in speed)

pre-evo looks more like a cub and less corroded, but still imply's the feeling of not to touch or else get killed!

ill try to finish this later!

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Name: Sculloius

Type: Steel/Ghost

Abillity: Cursed Body/Shadow Tag/(HA) Shadow Change (Changes normal grass type moves to ghost type moves)

Evolution Method: Evolves at night with 0 happiness

Pokédex Entry: This Pokémon come from the Shadow Relm, where it wonders the barren land in search of prey. It feeds on prey live and takes it bit by bit causing major pain to anything it eats.








Movepool: Some thing it can learn right off the top of my mind is Slash, Crunch, Swords Dance, Tail Slap, and Horn Leech. That's all I can think of right now.

Concept of what it will look like. (wouldn't allow me to post image)

I wonder what the chances were to have both me and sini say the same evo method.

Edited by Solarance
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Chubb, i apologize for bringing this news so abruptly onto you, but i already made a Ghost-Type Eeveelution for the Fangame. Remember the first CAP Thread, made by the exact same person? If not, here:


You should find it somewhere on Page 5. Additionally, several other Eeveelutions are in the Thread in the same general area.

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Chubb, i apologize for bringing this news so abruptly onto you, but i already made a Ghost-Type Eeveelution for the Fangame. Remember the first CAP Thread, made by the exact same person? If not, here:


You should find it somewhere on Page 5.

Oh, oops. Well, maybe some of the other Eeveelutions (the upcoming ones, too) made by Baz can be used. I don't expect the hybrids to be used, though, they're more for fun.

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You never know, you might just find them as an easter egg...

In fact, i think that both Ghost-Type Eeveelutions can be used. there ARE multiple Ghost-related Items, after all.

the Spell and Cleanse Tags come to mind...

And the same Toxeon can be found in both threads.

[EDIT]: Chubb, those Hybrid Pokemon are just too good to pass up. I'm adding them in now.

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