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Permanent Team Update Thread


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From here on out, this is the thread that I'm gonna use to show my Reborn Team! Thus far, my team is one of the best teams I have ever created in any Pokemon Game!

Game Progress: Just got to Calcenon City to hopefully rescue Aya, but gotta beat Charlotte!

Problems: Charlotte herself and a good training area for my Gigalith...

Current Reborn Team:

Din - Delphox Lv.66

Ability - Blaze


Fire Blast



Soundwave - Noivern Lv.65

Ability - Infiltrator


Air Slash

Dragon Pulse

Dark Pulse

Toadster - Seismitoad Lv.66

Ability - Swift Swim

Rain Dance


Hyper Voice

Muddy Water

Amphy - Ampharos Lv.65

Ability - Static


Dragon Pulse

Power Gem


Darumani - Donphan Lv.65

Ability - Sturdy





Vinnette - Scrafty Lv.65

Ability - Moxie

Brick Break


High Jump Kick

Dragon Dance


Rotom - Rotom Lv.40 (I don't typically nickname Rotom...)

Scented - Aromatisse Lv.35

Fabulousa - Unfezant Lv.40

Azure - Meowstic M Lv.41

Hot Tongue - Heatmor Lv.40

Archer - Sharpedo Lv.46

Edited by MistDrop
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I recomend you get an Ability Capsule and get your Meowstic Prankster at some point. You will also want him to learn Misty Terrain (lvl. 50). This move is very useful to overwrite any field for 5 turns. This is very useful for certain very hindering field effects.

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I used an Unfezant until my Noibat evolved. It was helpful for a while but once you get to around Serra it becomes less and less useful.

Nice to see you got a thread for this. It is better than ALL of those new topics.

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I recomend you get an Ability Capsule and get your Meowstic Prankster at some point. You will also want him to learn Misty Terrain (lvl. 50). This move is very useful to overwrite any field for 5 turns. This is very useful for certain very hindering field effects.

I most likely will do that, since I have an Ability Capsule that I got last night, and mde2001! I'll probably catch a Noibat eventually though!

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The team is rather solid for that level point in the game. If anything I would try to swap out Meowstic for something after you pass the 45 cap (As to not overlap typings), as well as making sure you have priority dual screens on it since they can shut down just about any assault. I can vouch for catching aN oibat but only if you're willing to overlevel it (And then force feed it common candies) or wait until the level cap rises to evolve it as it is rather useless otherwise :<. Now this last bit is just personal preference, so you don't have to listen at all, but I would try grabbing a Mamoswine for Donphan at some point, you can get one rather early on by breeding Ancientpower onto Swinub via Dunsparce (You can also try getting icicle crash from Beartic). All in all though, keep up the good work! :D

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hmm well i would slip in a water type some how since you already have a fire/psychic you can actually remove meowstic and replace him with a water type. lombre/ludicolo would be good. also catch a bidoof/patrat and make him into a HM slave for later parts of the game.

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hmm well i would slip in a water type some how since you already have a fire/psychic you can actually remove meowstic and replace him with a water type. lombre/ludicolo would be good. also catch a bidoof/patrat and make him into a HM slave for later parts of the game.

Well, I joined the Aqua Gang in the Lapis Ward, and for the first mission, what Pokemon do you get for it? And if I may ask, why should I switch out my Meowstic? I'm gonna need it for when I go to fight Aya, and Light Screen and Reflect could help a lot!

Also! I'm curious, how long does Episode 15 last for?

Lastly, what's with the blood that under that bed in Dr. Connal's "Orphanage"?

Edited by MistDrop
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Well, I joined the Aqua Gang in the Lapis Ward, and for the first mission, what Pokemon do you get for it? And if I may ask, why should I switch out my Meowstic? I'm gonna need it for when I go to fight Aya, and Light Screen and Reflect could help a lot!

Also! I'm curious, how long does Episode 15 last for?

Lastly, what's with the blood that under that bed in Dr. Connal's "Orphanage"?

when you vs aya you can use your starter and well having duo typing in a team is not really good. You can still train Meowstic for aya's gym but after that Meowstic won't be so useful for the rest of the journey. so i suggest starting to train a water type to help you with vsing team magma since you joined team aqua. Better start early than late. So i strongly suggest replacing meowstic for now. since unfezant would still be useful to beat shelly the bug gym.

As i said in my last post lombre would be a good water type to use. well lotad and lombre can have some strong water and grass type attacks if you stop lotad from evolving until lvl 36 it can have energy ball. but yeah all up to you since you feel meowstic is awesome and you don't mind delaying getting a water type you can wait until you reach azurine island where you can a few other water types wooper/palpitoad. mind you Meowstick wont stand any chance against shelly unless you have prankster on meowstic.

how long does it last hmm well quite long from your point you still have around 11+1 more gyms to go. not gonna spoil you. so yeah still a long way to go for you.

Oh you will know bout that soon. not gonna spoil you again. if you want to know just read up or just play on.

Edited by Luna
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when you vs aya you can use your starter and well having duo typing in a team is not really good. You can still train Meowstic for aya's gym but after that Meowstic won't be so useful for the rest of the journey. so i suggest starting to train a water type to help you with vsing team magma since you joined team aqua. Better start early than late. So i strongly suggest replacing meowstic for now. since unfezant would still be useful to beat shelly the bug gym.

As i said in my last post lombre would be a good water type to use. well lotad and lombre can have some strong water and grass type attacks if you stop lotad from evolving until lvl 36 it can have energy ball. but yeah all up to you since you feel meowstic is awesome and you don't mind delaying getting a water type you can wait until you reach azurine island where you can a few other water types wooper/palpitoad. mind you Meowstick wont stand any chance against shelly unless you have prankster on meowstic.

how long does it last hmm well quite long from your point you still have around 11+1 more gyms to go. not gonna spoil you. so yeah still a long way to go for you.

Oh you will know bout that soon. not gonna spoil you again. if u want to know just read up or just play on.

Okay, well thanks for the tips! I actually switched out Meowstic for that Carvanha you get after beating the Magma Gang! BTW, how do you gain access to 7th Street? I completed both of the missions, but nothing involving 7th Street happened!

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Okay, well thanks for the tips! I actually switched out Meowstic for that Carvanha you get after beating the Magma Gang! BTW, how do you gain access to 7th Street? I completed both of the missions, but nothing involving 7th Street happened!

Once you beat, I think, Radomus? You get access to it to continue the story.

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Hmm well just want to check what did you get from they mystery egg from the police office event or did you not complete this event. if you did not compleet teh event yet i would suggest doing so as the egg you can get from the event are quite good well some of which like larvesta,staryu,azurill and drillbur. i would go for drillbur as it would be a perfect sub for donphan.

Also i would build a sub team so that you have more options. A team of 6 for reborn might not be so good. it is always good to have backups and subs.

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hmm guess you did not do the mystery egg event a.k.a police officer event/ trade for growlith

Also i suggest just listing the subs you have so that people can see what pokemons you have for rotation. also indicate at which point of the game you are at as it would be a little easier to suggest subs/ replacements if people know at which point of the game you are at.

add something like this:

Game Progression: Defeated noel now heading to route 1 blah blah blah

Problems: None at the moment


Anna-Ampharos lvl 55



Power Gem

Signal Beam

Dragon Pulse

Melody-Gardevoir lvl 53


Calm Mind


Draining kiss



Ella-Exacdrill lvl 53

Alina-Noivern lvl 50

Hm Slave-Watchog lvl 30

You do not need to list the move of your subs to save space and time.

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hmm guess you did not do the mystery egg event a.k.a police officer event/ trade for growlith

Also i suggest just listing the subs you have so that people can see what pokemons you have for rotation. also indicate at which point of the game you are at as it would be a little easier to suggest subs/ replacements if people know at which point of the game you are at.

add something like this:

Game Progression: Defeated noel now heading to route 1 blah blah blah

Problems: None at the moment


Anna-Ampharos lvl 55



Power Gem

Signal Beam

Dragon Pulse

Melody-Gardevoir lvl 53


Calm Mind


Draining kiss



Ella-Exacdrill lvl 53

Alina-Noivern lvl 50

Hm Slave-Watchog lvl 30

You do not need to list the move of your subs to save space and time.

I guess I could do that! Also, where exactly is the Day-Care Couple?

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I guess I could do that! Also, where exactly is the Day-Care Couple?

In the Obsidia Ward, to the right of the Pokémon Center there. There's a sidequest that you have to complete before you can breed Pokémon though.

Edited by SkyRunner
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In the Obsidia Ward, to the right of the Pokémon Center there. There's a sidequest that you have to complete before you can breed Pokémon though.

Well, I already beat the Team Meteor Grunts there, but where's the Warehouse Key to open the one the Day-Care Couple is in? Will the one that Amaria gave you work?

And I bet that you, Luna, is thinking something like "Wow, this person really needs to train up those Subs!"

Edited by MistDrop
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Well, I already beat the Team Meteor Grunts there, but where's the Warehouse Key to open the one the Day-Care Couple is in? Will the one that Amaria gave you work?

And I bet that you, Luna, is thinking something like "Wow, this person really needs to train up those Subs!"

meh i m thinking why did you not click the click here i posted in my last post XD that is a video guide for the day care quest and nope your subs are ok lvl for now and you can easily grind anytime you want cause route 1 has bouffalant,tauros, heracross and pinsir and there are also trainers which you can spam re battle.

Edited by Luna
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meh i m thinking why did you not click the click here i posted in my last post XD that is a video guide for the day care quest and nope your subs are ok lvl for now and you can easily grind anytime you want cause route 1 has bouffalant,tauros, heracross and pinsir and there are also trainers which you can spam re battle.

^_^ Yay! And I'm actually going up against Radomus now... I almost beat him... man Slowking and G.Gardevoir make for a good duo!

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well you can grind up a bit and use the combo of Noivern and Ampharos to discharge and zap most of Radomus pokemons. slowking should die to a few discharge. Donphan + Noivern is also a good combo EQ most things. Well you can grind your main team to around 59 or so.

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well you can grind up a bit and use the combo of Noivern and Ampharos to discharge and zap most of Radomus pokemons. slowking should die to a few discharge. Donphan + Noivern is also a good combo EQ most things. Well you can grind your main team to around 59 or so.

Hm, that's not a bad idea actually! It's just that god dang Slowking and Gossip Gardevoir that screwed me up! But one problem is his Gallade. If it's lucky enough, it could potentially one-shot Donphan with a Close Combat, but Donphan does have Sturdy, but there's also his Reuniclus that could hit Donphan, but hopefully Noivern can hit a Hurricane on Gallade and knock it out fast... I also have to worry about Reuniclus using Psychic to fling a chess piece at Noivern and one-shoting it too...

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