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i would open with Scrafty and Noivern. Noivern and scrafty can sweep Reuniclus and Exeggutor. i am assuming he still opens with those 2 in episode 15. than from there keep in scrafty to kill what ever you can with scrafty and once he knocks out scrafty or when scrafty is low swap out to donphan. once noivern is low/after noivern takes out gallade swap out for Ampharos. have not vs rodomus in E15 yet so i dont know what he leads with but usually i will just lead with my scrafty + anyone who is in the 2nd slot at the time vs rodomus. cause scrafty can resist psychic atks and deal dark dmg. discharge wont do any dmg to donphan as well he is a ground type. Dont put in Ampharos if Metagross is still in battle as u need to EQ that Metagross.

Edited by Luna
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i would open with Scrafty and Noivern. Noivern and scrafty can sweep Reuniclus and Exeggutor. i am assuming he still opens with those 2 in episode 15. than from there keep in scrafty to kill what ever you can with scrafty and once he knocks out scrafty or when scrafty is low swap out to donphan. once noivern is low/after noivern takes out gallade swap out for Ampharos. have not vs rodomus in E15 yet so i dont know what he leads with but usually i will just lead with my scrafty + anyone who is in the 2nd slot at the time vs rodomus. cause scrafty can resist psychic atks and deal dark dmg. discharge wont do any dmg to donphan as well he is a ground type. Dont put in Ampharos if Metagross is still in battle as u need to EQ that Metagross.

Well, Radomus opens with Gallade and Reuniclus, and that Gallade has Close Combat, so I would recommend starting off with something that can tank a Close Combat from a Gallade, cause you'll need one!

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The one from the Obsidia Slums? Or is there more than one?

Once you've found all five policemen, you get a Growlithe. You can trade a Growlithe egg for a random egg that's set once you choose your starter Pokémon. That's the Egg that Luna's talking about.

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Hmm you having problems with Charlotte.You should have a roggenrola cause last update you did say you collected all the mons in 7th street and got lucky egg. so now train up that roggenrola to boldore and evolve it to gigalith with link stone. Also meh you miss an awesome grinding opportunity, when you were with Aya you can easy grind anything as you heal after every battle. Just run this in you team and you should be able to beat Charlotte:

lead with:

Azure- Meowstick M Lvl 41


Trick room

Light screen


Psychic( can be replaced with any other moves)

Gigalith lvl 69


Rock Slide

Sand storm

Stone Edge

Stealth Rock

proceed and rock slide anything and everything you see.

Train up your azure so he can be some what useful. or if you are lazy just dont train it and take him back in after he set up the trick room and use donphan and roll out and strength those who live the rock slide.

Edited by Luna
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