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Shinies and those Eeveelutions


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While going to get that Electrike, I ended up finding my first (technically first ever randomly encountered shiny, in ANY pokemon game) .... And it was a Trubbish. I named her Diamond but... I already know what types I want as my last 2 team members.

And daannngg that double battle with ZEL and Taka. That was the first boss I had actual trouble with. That Glacion and Espeon were just the worst, and so fast. ;_; After a grinding session and teaching my Manectric charge beam, things went smoother after a few resets due to crits. I just focused on taking ZEL's Eeveelutions out, then Taka, since Lileep really wasn't an issue. Whew!

Also, where are people getting those small X/Y / ORAS sprites for their sigs?

Edited by Caraboo
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worry not, you'll encounter way more shinies after this one. The rate is really high compared to normal games. And for early game, ZEL and Taka can be really quite annoying unless you have the right team. I see you took upon yourself to raise a Noibat.... may the odds be ever in your favor

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