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[C] Gender Census


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Each species of Pokemon has a Gender ratio (if they have genders). The most common is obviously 50% Male, 50% Female, but there can be many variations.

Find each of the 649 Pokemons' male gender ratio and place it in a list separated by "+"'s. If a Pokemon is always male, put 100. If it is always female, put 0. If the Pokemon is genderless, put 101. For instance, part of your data will look like this.:


That data would be for Seaking, Staryu, Starmie, Mr.Mime (that awkward moment when Mr. Mime can be female...), Scyther, Jynx, Electabuzz, Magmar, etc.

Gather the list of male gender ratios for all 649 Pokemon each separated only by +'s, and post it here, in order of National Pokedex Number. Then you win!

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  • 1 month later...

I obviously need more ruppees. No idea if correct, I'll leave it to Ame/whoever to check.


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