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The Cult of the Missingno (Pokemon Insurgence Hard-mode Randomizer Run)

Lord Chespin

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Hey, and welcome to my Hard-mode Randomizer run of Pokemon Insurgence! This is just a little something I'm doing to blow off a little steam accumulated during my Fire/Fairy Duotype run in Pokemon Rejuvenation (which you can find here).

Anyway, here's the team so far:

143.pngThud Butt (Male) - Lv. 8

138.pngLord Helix (Male) - Lv. 11

679.pngSoul Edge (Male) - Lv. 12

685.pngCupcake (Female) - Lv. 10

248.pngNot OP (Female) - Lv. 12

620.pngIndiana J. (Male) - Lv. 11

There's also the Pokemon in my PC:

133.pngConstant (Male) - Lv. 10

And finally, the major bosses I have to fight (Images for each team member pending):

Spr_3r_000.pngSpr_3r_000.pngSpr_3r_000.pngSpr_3r_000.pngSpr_3r_000.pngSpr_3r_000.png Orion (Undefeated)

Spr_3r_000.pngSpr_3r_000.pngSpr_3r_000.pngSpr_3r_000.pngSpr_3r_000.pngSpr_3r_000.png Xavier (Undefeated)

Spr_3r_000.pngSpr_3r_000.pngSpr_3r_000.pngSpr_3r_000.pngSpr_3r_000.pngSpr_3r_000.png East (Undefeated)

Spr_3r_000.png Jaern (Undefeated)

Spr_3r_000.pngSpr_3r_000.pngSpr_3r_000.pngSpr_3r_000.pngSpr_3r_000.pngSpr_3r_000.png Harmony (Undefeated)

Spr_3r_000.pngSpr_3r_000.pngSpr_3r_000.pngSpr_3r_000.pngSpr_3r_000.pngSpr_3r_000.png Anastasia (Undefeated)

Spr_3r_000.pngSpr_3r_000.pngSpr_3r_000.pngSpr_3r_000.pngSpr_3r_000.pngSpr_3r_000.png Diana (Undefeated)

Spr_3r_000.pngSpr_3r_000.pngSpr_3r_000.pngSpr_3r_000.pngSpr_3r_000.pngSpr_3r_000.png Taen (Undefeated)

Wish me luck! ('_')7

Edited by supermario79411
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Update #1: Let the Insanity Unfold

Well, the first battle against Damian was... eventful, to say the least. I led with Eevee, and Damian led with an... Umbreon? AN UMBREON? AN UMBREON?!


(hack) Um... sorry. Anyway, I had Eevee (whom I nicknamed Constant because he's the only thing that's stayed the same in this insane world of insanity) use sand-attack once, then tackle until the Umbreon fainted. Sure, it put up a fight (probably because IT WAS A FULLY EVOLVED POKEMON RIGHT OUT OF THE GATE FOR CRYING OUT LOUD), but Constant was able to handle it surprisingly well! It could have been worse... on my first attempt at this battle, he got a Snorlax!

The team so far:

133.pngConstant (Male) - Lv. 8

Edited by supermario79411
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Update #2: Kiss My Assassin

Well, I finally got a full team ready (it was harder than I thought; every time I found a Pokemon I liked, it just wouldn't get caught), and what better time to break them out than with a battle against a would-be assassin! The Abyssal Cultist led with an Electivire (I think I used that JonTron clip too early) and I led with Thud Butt the Snorlax! Thud Butt sadly went down pretty fast to a low kick, so I sent out Cupcake the Slurpuff, who tanked a swift and two thundershocks. set up a fake tears, and got off two fairy winds before fainting to a swift. I then sent out Soul Edge the Honedge, who managed to just barely tank a thundershock and took down the dreaded Electivire down with two tackles! The cultist sent out his Audino next, and I sent out LORD HELIX... who surprisingly only did scratch damage with a bite. Because of this, I switched him out for Not OP the Tyranitar, who managed to shrug off baby-doll eyes and a disarming voice to bite the Audino to death! And so, with the Augur saved, it's time to head on out to Midna Town!

The team so far:

143.pngThud Butt (Male) - Lv. 8

138.pngLord Helix (Male) - Lv. 11

679.pngSoul Edge (Male) - Lv. 12

685.pngCupcake (Female) - Lv. 10

248.pngNot OP (Female) - Lv. 12

620.pngIndiana J. (Male) - Lv. 11

Edited by supermario79411
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