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What starter did you choose?


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First run Froakie for the Dark typing. Luckily I also got protean without trying. Unfortunately bad nature + IV + EV + Move pool...ya it's ass got boxed at Noel for it's poor performance. Camerupt for all the wins!

Second run Fennekin. Also boxed it's ass pre Noel as I decided to do some OP breeding. Emboar was bred as a rotation, and the only rotation I used it for was Noel (Heavy Slam v Clefable = gg).

Third run - TBD. Thinking what variety of nuzlocke I might do. Russian Roulette run seems interesting.

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Mudkip for my first playthrough, chespin for the second abandoned run, and delphox for the third.

Out of all of those 3, delphox is easily the best of them. Its ability to support the team and punch holes in teams makes it so useful. Chespin second as it did quite well in beating solaris and pulled its weight in all gym battles except for aya. Swampert third as while it was useful early, it really struggled late game, even with charlotte (although that was when typhlosion had energy ball still)

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I've only played it through once so far and I picked Chimchar since I thought Infernape looked pretty cool and it looked like a fun mon to use. He's been pretty awesome. Very handy with Florina and all those Pulse Tangela/Tangrowth.

Once the game is completed I plan on starting a new run to experience it in its full glory. I'm planning on picking Treecko since it gets a pretty good/diverse moveset early on. Though that plan hinges on Ame not removing the post-Julia train station numel. Half of my troubles in my main run early game came from not having anyone with any decent ground moves, and that noibat is a pain in the butt to train early game.

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  On 9/13/2015 at 6:44 PM, Kelazi5 said:

I've only played it through once so far and I picked Chimchar since I thought Infernape looked pretty cool and it looked like a fun mon to use. He's been pretty awesome. Very handy with Florina and all those Pulse Tangela/Tangrowth.

Once the game is completed I plan on starting a new run to experience it in its full glory. I'm planning on picking Treecko since it gets a pretty good/diverse moveset early on. Though that plan hinges on Ame not removing the post-Julia train station numel. Half of my troubles in my main run early game came from not having anyone with any decent ground moves, and that noibat is a pain in the butt to train early game.

I'd really be careful with frail mons, if I were you.

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First Run : Chespin, proceeded to cry and restart the game as soon as I got the Chespin egg from the in-game event T__T

Second Run : Froakie, have been super happy with it and using this as my main run. Protean is an amazingly useful ability

Edited by MellowSlinky
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I got my friend to chose a chikorita, telling him that it was the best to start the game of with, but me? I chose froakie. The main reason why i started playing reborn was because i don't have a ds and i wanted to use a froakie somewhere. then i started loving the game.

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One of the reasons they hated Emboar is because of the repetitive pattern of fire/fighting type(I dont get the reason and the hate either, my Emboar in black/white playthrough tanks everything with massive HP) and yet they whine again about Delphox with the new typings when Delphox was revealed before gen six was released~People seem to never content with everything and always want more~It's not like GF hasnt put a lot of thought into the inspiration of Emboar, which is known as Demon Pig in Journey to the West to match Infernape which is SunWuKong or Jap's Suzikon~

Edited by TimTim
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  On 9/25/2015 at 3:53 PM, TimTim said:

One of the reasons they hated Emboar is because of the repetitive pattern of fire/fighting type(I dont get the reason and the hate either, my Emboar in black/white playthrough tanks everything with massive HP) and yet they whine again about Delphox with the new typings when Delphox was revealed before gen six was released~People seem to never content with everything and always want more~It's not like GF hasnt put a lot of thought into the inspiration of Emboar, which is known as Demon Pig in Journey to the West to match Infernape which is SunWuKong or Jap's Suzikon~

I can understand the typing woes of Emboar, but functionally and stat wise he's a lot different from Infernape and Blaziken(or any fire starter really) that I can look past the repeated typing and appreciate him for what he is.

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Well I guess infernape had an actual reason for it's typing as it gave him the ability to potentially beat empoleon (it's also the same reason torterra is a Grass/Ground type) but me? I picked charizard first then on my current run I picked a Froakie which has surprisingly good Sp.Def.

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Charmander. Unfortunately, he had bad ivs, I didn care about evs, so he ended up boxed around Noel's gym. Later, I did some breeding and got myself an awesome special attacker. Actually planning to make him my mega evolution moon.

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