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What starter did you choose?


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I have picked froakie, fennekin, oshawott, charmander, torchic and mudkip and currently trying out turtwig. Oshawott was a disaster. It had perfect Ivs as well as nature and was still horrible. Mudkip wasn't bad, but later on in the game he became useless. Torchic was good, same with chimchar. Delphox was meh after lvl 50 and charmander was surprisingly good. But froakie was the boss. Easiest gameplay of my life. Turtwig turned out to be better than i thought but idk how it will do later on.

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So far I've done:

Blaziken on OP team runthrough mode: Would recommend to ease the difficulty

Greninja on normal run: Despite Protean, it really doesn't get great use out of it due to level up moves.

Empoleon on Steel Mono: Not the best, but not terrible. Mediocre for a mediocre challenge.

Delphox on Psychic Mono: Ooh boy this packs a punch. Including magician trolling, 9/10; 11/10 with rice.

Torterra on Ground Mono: needs a bit of set-up like curse, but can be a very formidable starter to use in niche situations.

Edited by BIGJRA
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On my first run I picked Torchic, because I heard Reborn was hard and I decided that having an OP pokemon from the start would be the way to go. It didn't quite end up being the unstoppable force I expected. It never got too many chances to cause any real damage before going down.

On the next run I picked Chespin because I kind of wanted to try it out. It actually turned out to be pretty good(in spite of the awful IVs I ended up with). I didn't expect bulletproof to be so useful. Its bulk, alongside leech seed and wood hammer, proved very useful.

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Chikorita's the one I chose. He's a personal favourite of mine and, as far as I'm concerned, a solid pick all-around. Hell, I bloody love this guy!

He doesn't have the hard-hitting early game punch that many starters have... and some team compositions need, but he does have early access to a string of useful support moves such as Poisonpowder and Synthesis. But it's really when you get past Corey that things really git gud. With the mining kit, you're pretty likely to get access to Light Clay immediately (and if you don't, you can always do a bit of nawty resetting until you DO find one), which allows you to access what I think Meganium's true role is: superb support for frail team comps. through extended Reflect and Light Screen.

I run a simple set of Synthesis/Petal Dance/Reflect/Light Screen on my Meganium, a set obtainable by level 40. I can't exaggerate how much of a lynchpin this guy is for my team, literally I could not have gotten through a single fight post-Shelly without hiding behind this guy!

Though don't get me wrong, he's got plenty of weaknesses. He never gets access to the better status moves, for one, and his best attack outside of a sun team is the unreliable Petal Dance. His 83 special attack stat is really pretty poor in terms of offense, especially on my Meganium who I stupidly accepted an ATK boosting nature on! Even his 80/100/100 tush loses its lustre later in the game, going from 'tanky' - and enough to set up the screens even against foes with super effective attacks - to just 'bulky'.

Well, at least Meganium actually is bulky, unlike the other 'bulky' pokemon on my team like Granbull - haha, they're the whole reason I need the screens in the first place, half of my offence is slow and lucky to take a neutral hit!

(Note I haven't gotten to facing Charlotte yet and I'm not looking forward to it.)

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1st run: Snivy (Killed by Julia)

2nd run: Turtwig (Killed by Julia)

3rd run: Tepig (Killed by Julia)

4th run: Cyndaquil (Killed by Julia)

5th run: Mudkip (Stopped on the way to Florinia for reasons that I don't remember)

6th run: Chimchar (Beat Ciel, run on hold)

7th run: Turtwig (Shall finish when I have time)

Turwtig is my favorite starter anyway, but Chimchar was the first one that actually worked.

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Wow I am the only one to have picked Feraligatr so far :P

Nope :P I'd always pick a Gen 4 starter, Fennekin or, recently, Totodile. But Chimchar is now the only one of those that can be obtained only as starter, so I dunno what I'd pick if I restarted (or my laptop offed itself again -.- )

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For my first time I chose Fennekin, as I had never played games from sixth generation, and Fennekin was my favourite of the Kalos starters.

I tried Chespin in my second run, and in the last run I got myself a shiny Turtwig, simply because it was my first starter ever.

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At first I was very iffy on what i should choose! Ii thought i should use charmander because wynaut! I immediately lost both starting battles... -_- I re chose my starter randomly using /pick 1, 2, 3 and / pick 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. I got 2,4 meaning chimchar, as soon as i went into battle i FREAKED OUT! It was a shiny! The shiny effects are amazing!

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Went with Froakie, on my run, starting in Ep 14. I wanted a starter that didn't currently have an event in game, and it seemed to fill the most needed niche based on what the early game offered for team comp. I wasn't disappointed in the slightest, especially once I switched over to 15 and was able to actually give it Protean with a Capsule.

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