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Anyone got any good tips for a new playthrough


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Try to use a mix if old favorites and new pokemon you don't normally use. I fell in love with Manectric on my first play through and you may end up in a similar relationship if you branch out. Also try to stay away from the more powerful starters as they'll end up becoming crutches.

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Probably the best advice I can give you is: don't be afraid to throw things out, and try new strategies. Back at around E11 I gave up entirely on the game after I tried a team featuring Carnivine and Beedrill, and it took me three years to get back into the game. If something in your team sucks, replace it! Keep your team of 6 at about the same level too, since often your ace in the hole will overlevel. Oh, and study the field effect guide and see what kind of manipulation games you can play.

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Probably the best advice I can give you is: don't be afraid to throw things out, and try new strategies. Back at around E11 I gave up entirely on the game after I tried a team featuring Carnivine and Beedrill, and it took me three years to get back into the game. If something in your team sucks, replace it! Keep your team of 6 at about the same level too, since often your ace in the hole will overlevel. Oh, and study the field effect guide and see what kind of manipulation games you can play.

To add on to Field Manipulation, having a Pokemon with a Terrain Move / Mist is a very useful for overwriting a field effect that hinders your team. For example, my Roserade in Reborn runs Grassy Terrain. However, this only lasts 5 turns.

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Use Twerkterra

"This is the greatest advice of all time."

Aside from that, learn the field effects and combination of pokémons that can abuse those effects.

It can make impossible battles looks so easy, you'll just laugh.

Also, have fun, that's important. I think that's the best tip~

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Pachirisu assures you setups and can cripple the opponent pretty bad...trubbish is pretty swell in the beginning...Point is, mons that could drastically help you are often not the ones you would use normally.
Or just use Speed Boost Blaziken to murder the crap out of everyone.

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_ Pachirisu and Emolga are gonna help you a lot early to mid game with the fast Nuzzle+Electro Ball.

_ Be sure to have some back up team members in case you over level a pokemon in your team.

_ Study all the Field Effects

_ Have a strategy against lvl 75 bosses (Prankster Perish Song Murkrow for example)

_ Don't be afraid to train up a pokemon for a gym leader/boss

_ Save a lot, and try to make a backup save file before you go into a difficult puzzle (The Water Treatment Plant for example)

_ Have a great time (not actually; but you should at least try, ok :])

Edited by biboo195
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1. always check for hidden items. then come back and check again after a gym battle. and when the weather changes. and at night.

2. save before event pokemon so you don't get a klink with a minus-attack nature (good god)

3. if you can't beat 'em, join 'em! abuse a gym's own field mechanic against them. If a pokemon or gym gimmick wrecks you, you might want to try it for yourself!

4. there are no problems, only solutions. find a gym's counter to your strategy and then find a counter to that

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Probably the most important thing I can think of is to keep your team fairly balanced, and when in doubt, find a way to destroy the field effects your opponent uses. Oh, and try keeping track of some side-events that are rather important. Don't be like me and save the Daycare Couple at the conclusion of Episode 15. I have no idea how they survived that long, they frankly should of been dead. They could of been very useful had I saved them earlier. :c

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Hey I'm also new! If anybody would like to give tips, I would gladly appreciate it! Right Now I just got my first egg! It hatched into drowzee ;-;

As DoomBotMecha said, learning how to use Field Effects to your advantage is very helpful. Going in head-first may lead to getting wrecked by the Gym Leader's field-boosted Pokemon. Learn the specific moves you could use that work well against the Leader's type and is buffed by the field. (For example: Signal Beam on Dark Cave field).

Have fun in your play-through! #pigswag

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Nidoking is very good. He works well both physical and special, is poison(which due to field effects is actually a pretty awesome type in Reborn) can take advantage of several fields/weather due to his awesome movepool, and frankly is downright badass. He doesn't ever start to feel weak either, like he's good from ep 2 to ep 15. Of course some fights(Blake mainly) he'll be kind of useless but overall you can't go wrong with DA KING. You definitely want a good nature for him + sheer force.

Oh, and don't choose piplup as your starter. I never did but nearly everyone says he's the worst possible starter choice.

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Nidoking is very good. He works well both physical and special, is poison(which due to field effects is actually a pretty awesome type in Reborn) can take advantage of several fields/weather due to his awesome movepool, and frankly is downright badass. He doesn't ever start to feel weak either, like he's good from ep 2 to ep 15. Of course some fights(Blake mainly) he'll be kind of useless but overall you can't go wrong with DA KING. You definitely want a good nature for him + sheer force.

Oh, and don't choose piplup as your starter. I never did but nearly everyone says he's the worst possible starter choice.

While Empoleon is a pretty solid Pokemon, things just aren't good for Water-starters (not named Froakie) early-game. This is mainly due to the first two gym types...

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Not even just that, but then you have PULSE Tangrowth, Corey's gas field ruining bubble(beam) against him, shelly abusing giga drain, the electric buff in shade's gym...wow water in this game is the new grass lol. Early game is pretty difficult I'd imagine.

I do want to run with totodile one day though, I love him and he reaches his final form earlier than any other starter. But he doesn't seem like he'd do too well.

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Nidoking is very good. He works well both physical and special, is poison(which due to field effects is actually a pretty awesome type in Reborn) can take advantage of several fields/weather due to his awesome movepool, and frankly is downright badass. He doesn't ever start to feel weak either, like he's good from ep 2 to ep 15. Of course some fights(Blake mainly) he'll be kind of useless but overall you can't go wrong with DA KING. You definitely want a good nature for him + sheer force.

Oh, and don't choose piplup as your starter. I never did but nearly everyone says he's the worst possible starter choice.

i started with a piplup a few times before and i managed to work out a stratergy to make him be pretty useful wich was to store him in my pc untill i can go to the sweet shop then force him to evolve into a empoleon then make him eat common candies to be at a controlable level

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