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That journal I only update at school~


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Hi! So I figured I'd do this for the hell of it... I was pretty interested in doing a regular journal entry, and, well, this way I can be annoying and try to tell everyone about my day and they can't say "shut up I don't want to hear this" in real-time!

So here goes~

Currently in programming, I should REALLY be working on those 4 assignments in Alice, but that program is so tedious and elementary that it's just not worth my time. I'm sure my mother will disagree with me when she sees my grade, but oh well. My most recent ex (Raziel) is going to juvie again because he's a dumbass who violates parole for shits and giggles. Poor him and his entirely too feminine boyfriend. Bye, won't miss you~

Meanwhile, I'm a catty bitch! Well, obviously. That last bit in the previous paragraph has been repeated to my friends 10x over. Is that bad? I don't know. Do I CARE? ... Probably a little, he still pisses me off.

I'm not nearly as bored anymore now that I have a boyfriend, and am going out more... I guess I just lacked a social life, and it was bringing me down? Well now I have one, and I'm all sorts of bubbly and probably really fucking annoying. Everyone will just have to deal with it!

I REALLY should have started this with like, an event, or plan. I'm just rambling, all sorts of unorganized. Does it show?

OH! Got one. Yesterday I went to my friends' house to play "Sexy Truth or Dare"(?) which was apparently an 18+ app, and I was told she was inviting lots of people. It turns out, she was inviting me and 6 girls. The game was entirely too heterosexual, and I was the recipient of much unwanted feminine attention. Take that, heterosexists. I get more chicks than a henhouse.

I'm going to be the MC for the school talent show again this year... I did it last year, but my friend Ellie was co-hosting with me. Now I have to write a script all on my own, and with nobody to synergize with.. Woe is me! D;

It's MUCH easier when you can banter with/bounce off of someone, and the fact that I'm only working on the script when I'm tired as FUCK because of a lack of any sort of uniform sleep pattern does NOT help. Neither does the fact that I find half of the people I'll be introducing to be utterly obnoxious. Or the fact that I don't think I have a ride home, and my house is a 30 minute drive away. I wonder how long it would take to walk? Probably REALLY long, since this thing doesn't end until 8PM anyways. fun in the dark! Maybe I could try hitch-hiking...? I'll be sure to wear tight pants. Pick up some creepy old men.

Bell's going to ring in 3, bye <3

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Win with 'creatively altered' introductions.

Girls love what they can't have- gay dudes. Or maybe its just they got the same things to gossip about? I don't know.

They just feel more comfortable with gay dudes, I think. I mean, I can gossip, I guess :D

Women love gay guys who are cute. If you are ugly, you are screwed. Gays are mostly pretty.

Maybe you can have Reborn help you with that script.


I'm cute c:

Apparently the teacher wrote the script, I just have to go edit it until it's funny next period.

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Went to bed around 2, woke up at around 5:30, ate a biscotti, downed a monster, and now I'm going to be at school til 8~


Also Ruby Line is going to be delayed for that reason. Sorry, guys~

Thank god it's thursday. Almost.... weekend...

So I dressed up pretty nice today, wore my favorite skinnies, one of those hipster oscar the grouch shirts, and my favorite hoody. Studded belt, 3 chains between my front left belt loops, and a studded wristband. FeelsGd. Also I had time to comb my hair BEFORE I ran to the bus.

Feeling the crash from that monster. Or is it just the lack of sleep coupled with impending lack of naptime after school?

I'm treating this as more of a "stream of consciousness" sort of thing rather than a journal, huh?

OH. Boyfriend visited yesterday :J 'twas a good thing, but he has to go back to richmond soon for college :( Stupid Omar, y u no in my grade?

DramaDramaDramaDrama I'M THE GOOD KID @ SCHOOL :J

Or at least my teachers think so

Which I don't understand, because I've probably turned in 4 homework assignments all year.

I guess I'm just respectful?

More people should be respectful.

This generation man, I'm sad to be part of it.

Do you guys believe in the 99% campaign? Occupy Le Wall Street.

I don't!

Work your ass off hard enough, don't eat out, learn to cook, spend wisely, don't spend money on frivolous things, and hooray you're scraping it by.

I've seen it happen and I'm seeing it happen every day.

It's funny, you don't see many occupy-wallstreet-ers below middle class very young adults.

Typically people who grew up eating every day, newly-18 spoiled children.


Speaking of spoiled children who eat every day, I'm hungry.

I have last lunch today QQ

I broke 100 followers on tumblr C: I'm at like.. 115ish now.

All I post/reblog is porn.

Hue. HueHue. HueHueHueHueHuehueHue. ... Hue.

fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck, this air conditioner is loud.


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DramaDramaDramaDrama I'M THE GOOD KID @ SCHOOL :J

Or at least my teachers think so

Which I don't understand, because I've probably turned in 4 homework assignments all year.

I guess I'm just respectful?

More people should be respectful.

This generation man, I'm sad to be part of it.

Story of my life bro.

Teachers who knew me knew I would be able to do it if I wanted to, I just didn't. My AP Bio teacher (one of like THE best teachers I had ever in high school) made it a running gag that I fell asleep in class and would wake up just in time to do well on the tests lawl

I kinda feel bad though, despite them pretty much loving me any- no, that's exactly it, I felt bad because they were my favorite teachers and I just constantly fell asleep in class because I slept all of 2-3 hours every day. Way to show them you appreciate them, right? Nope.

Anyway have fun with your thing, don't worry about the league lol we've had worse lateness >_>; *cough*

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Story of my life bro.

Teachers who knew me knew I would be able to do it if I wanted to, I just didn't. My AP Bio teacher (one of like THE best teachers I had ever in high school) made it a running gag that I fell asleep in class and would wake up just in time to do well on the tests lawl

I kinda feel bad though, despite them pretty much loving me any- no, that's exactly it, I felt bad because they were my favorite teachers and I just constantly fell asleep in class because I slept all of 2-3 hours every day. Way to show them you appreciate them, right? Nope.

Anyway have fun with your thing, don't worry about the league lol we've had worse lateness >_>; *cough*

omg me too c:

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One of the dodrio's heads is a hyperactive, sarcastic bastard of a troll who nonetheless manages to have friends since he's just that good at being verbally corrosive :P <s>It's Ian!</s>

And he's also one of those gay folks that just seems to have a score of lesbian/bisexual girls as his friends. So Hark, you aren't the only one (though whether your girl friends are straight is an unknown variable here) XD

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I look fucking GOOD today. UNF UNF.

New shoes ($80, my mom spoils me... I only asked for some $30 tennisshoes, for the record) Skinnies, Chains, Purple button-down, belt, & my hair looks great.

Today is a good day.

So I did the MC thing yesterday, and thank god I had time to revise the script my teacher wrote because christ, was it lame. I added a few situational jokes and in some cases just completely subtracted bits ("It takes a lot of teamwork and trust to work so hard in a band!") and apparently I killed it because people were laughing, at not at my expense for once! I got a lot of praise after the show, which made me happy. && We got my music teacher a boquet and everyone signed a card for her. 'twas nice.

On a related but seperate matter, I went to say hi to that same teacher today, and she was telling me how her friend had watched the show and said, "Who was that MC kid?" Anthony Carbone! "He was hilarious." c: "Got his own sense of style, too." B-) "How do you look him in the face with all that hair?" <______<

Been listening to a lot of Cake. You could say I'm on a Cake Kick.

So apparently this period's teacher is cracking down because everybody's really slow, and I'm like... 5 assignments behind so I can't slack.

Meanwhile I'm updating this.

The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire. Let that mother fucker burn.

2 1/2 hours of sleep last night, and I'm turning this whole running off fumes thing into an artform.

I'm about to turn 17... in 2 days!

Can't say I'm looking forward to it.

16, you can drive. 18, you're an adult who can't drink, but can totes die for his country, that's cool.

17? More than 16, not quite 18!

I'm going to be... barely jailbait. I don't want to turn barely legal, there's power in being jailbait.


If I could just get some sleep, this would be a really good time in my life.

Off of my meds, depression all sorts of invisible, older boyfriend with a car, I could stand to work out more, but I'm not "fat", mom says she's going to take me to go for my permit sometime, I'm dressing in the morning rather than throwing on whatever the fuck is clean, all my teachers exceptmaybethisone love me, I'm going out more often, and bam~ that translates into me having a life, right there. I haven't had a life since 9th grade, which was largely dominated by drugs and alcohol, so I think the clean version is a HUGE improvement.

I should REALLY be working on this "final assignment" the teacher issued for the semester... it's worth so much.

Samson is a ho.

I didn't eat breakfast this morning and now I'll just be hungry till 10:25. #FirstWorldProblems

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I don't know what else to say, so I'll edit this if anything comes to me <3

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One of the dodrio's heads is a hyperactive, sarcastic bastard of a troll who nonetheless manages to have friends since he's just that good at being verbally corrosive :P <s>It's Ian!</s>

And he's also one of those gay folks that just seems to have a score of lesbian/bisexual girls as his friends. So Hark, you aren't the only one (though whether your girl friends are straight is an unknown variable here) XD

Pshhh and I only just gave you a shoutout before refreshing ;)

Glad to know I'm not alone~

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And at 17, you can be tried as an adult. >>

boy you best be sleepin' tonight.

Oh... fuck.

Bromethyst, 2 1/2 has become standard. it was HORRIBLE today though, because I guess I hadn't gotten my nap yesterday ebcause of the talent show?

But whatever, 6th, 7th, and 8th period make for delicious dreamtime.

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Yeah, actually if you keep that up, you can train your body to cut to REM sleep time quicker. However, you'd have to regularly sleep at the same time every day, It's polyphasic... But it's probably what's keeping you going now anyway. >>

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Movies... in my head?! Black magic!

Currently updating from Music Sampler, and pretty soon my teacher (Mrs. Lyon) will be in the chair next to me while we go through the arduous journey of catching her up on the multiple new bands I discovered over our 3 day break. Totally went all archeologist here, bands from 2003. Woooooow maaaaaan, ancient history here.

Speaking of my 3-day-break, as I've made obnoxiously clear, I'm 17 now! Yayyyy me! Old enough to see R-Rated movies without an adult, be TRIED as an adult for petty crimes, and now that I'm on A/B honor role,(roll?) My mom's going to take me to go for my permit :)

Meanwhile, I've been noticing how scarily potent music is in effecting my.. affect in 2 minutes flat, I listen to some Harvard, become eerily depressed, listen to some Versant, suddenly better. Bam. Finger snap audio track here, done. Crazy, right? I'll play this off like it's individual to me, mayeb it'll seem cool that way.

This screen is zoomed @ 95%, and I can't see punctuation marks.

I told you I'd only update this from school btw, I haven't from home, not once!

Omar left for VCU on my birthday, now he'll be 2 hours away, back in Richmond :(

Worst birthday present EVER.

I was sitting w/ my friend Garrett in the hall, and my friend Alexan throws a book at me, misses, knocks over my can of monster, and I pull out my SECOND can and play it off like this happens all the time, and pretend I wasn't going to sell the second can to Tim for $3. Such a mess aaaaaaaaa.

I have a phobia involving sharing earphones! Headphones are okay though, they're not actually IN your EAR.

I didn't sleep last night C:

Been up since 4PM yesterday, running off fuuuuuuuuuumes,

Harvard is such a hard band to do a general search for ._.

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Haven't updated in a few days due to random episodes of depression, but I'm currently too apathetic to feel either way on the subject!

I really want to change my trainer sprite and make it all pretty, but nyehhh I don't want to spend any $R.


Currently #9.

Today is my sister and my grandmother's birthday.

I've gained like 50 followers on tumblr in the past week alone, currently standing at 170ish... amiinternetcoolyet?

I also installed missing-e, and tumblr tried to tell me to uninstall it since they didn't endorse the add-on.



I miss Omar :(

Everyone annoys the fuck out of me, just by talking to me or trying to on a daily basis.

I'm going to have my friend cut my hair soon, because I'm so done with the emo bang.

Hard to manage, haironface=pimples, I can't rock it half as well anymore, I've developed an awkward part in my hair that defeats the purpose, and I'm just too old for such a juvenile cut, now.

I want contacts

I need to have a physical

I need a enw prescription for my glasses

I'm probably just going to get new glasses instead of contacts, because I can't poke myself in the eye.

I have an IEP meeting on February 10th at 10:30, and I'm going to have to like describe what I need to continue my schoolding and not want to kill myself over it, and what plans I have for the future, when my plans are literally to spend all my money on visiting Italy, Australia, Japan, Holland, and then die before I reach age 30, because fuck knows I've never been in it for the long haul.

I almost took up smoking again last week, but then I realized it was stupid so I didn't finish the pack.

I'm falling behind in school.

I can't stay awake 6th, 7th, or 8th period.

Staying up till 12/later is killing me.

I wouldn't go to sleep earlier if I had the chance though.

This is a depressing entry

Season of Love by the Shiny Toy Guns just came on my playlist. This song makes me happy.

I'm halfway out of monster already and school started 67 minutes ago.

This shit isn't going to carry me through 8th period, or even 6th.

I despise people who fit the gay stereotype, because being a minority, it reflects on me too, and all other gay people. Heterosexuals are privileged to live in a world where they are the "norm", and it's not like I'm saying they should feel bad for it, but the thing with systematic advantages like that is you need to be aware so as to be sensitive to people without that advantage. Heterosexism is annoying, and so is white privilege. Make sure to check yourself.

I'm white, and even though I don't want it to be this way, I have many subtle advantages over people of color, and that's what white privilege is. It's not fair, and people need to be aware and not take advantage of their race without realizing it. Here, read this article. http://en.wikipedia....White_privilege

It's okay to be a male feminist, that just means you're breaking boundaries for equality between sexes.

10 minutes till class ends.

Ramble ramble ramble.

I feel ugly all the time but people tell me I'm not so I act confident about my looks because I hate people who constantly remind others of their insecurities. But here I am, doing it. Hyp-o-crite.

I wished pokemon were real before it was mainstream.

I always feel really awkward making wishes because I have the "Genie turn-around" thing going in mind when I make them.

What if it gets messed up?

So I have to make one really long and specific run-on wish so as to avoid it being taken the wrong way on purpose.

"I wish pokemon were real and always had been, and that we had the same relationship with them as people do in the manga/anime. Not that bad people, the good people, like, they're our friends and stuff." <- Me at 7 years old. Except I hadn't read the mangas yet so I edited my wish right now. Oops.

I'm a nerd.

So are you.

I feel empowered when I manipulate people, especially when I have the ability to drastically effect the quality of their life.

I did that a lot at my old school, so outside my group of friends, not too many people liked me.

Then again most of them didn't like me for other reasons, and I didn't like them either. Tom ruined fucking everything.

It's funny because Tom was the catalyst for my suicidal ideation, and then one letter away, Tim was, according to the definition written into law, my stalker. And both of their last names start with H. Tim scared me more than Tom, though.

I don't talk to anyone with the initials TH, which is silly, and I'm not crazy, it's just much easier to feel secure when you generalize that way.

Hey, that's what racists, homophobes, and ALL the scum of the earth do.


2 minutes till class ends, I'm going to post this and leave now.

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I'm somewhere between "Blonde" and "Ginger" now, and it differs with the light.

I fully intend to take advantage of my new hair color in every way possible with comments like "ARTIFICIAL BLONDE MOMENT" and such.

Cept I'm putting red (crayon red, not ginger red) in my hair soon because blonde doesn't suit me.

She Riochets

And you don't notice

She's in your head

And you just don't notice

notice (x9)

These earphones

Don't fit

in my ears


Earphones: Yu ain't shyt i duz wut i want!2!!!1@

Ziggs looks real fun. Somebody should by me $10 in RP.

If I took mainstream classes instead of this baby cedss shit I'd be failing

I need to work out

I have a tummy :(

I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it

I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it

I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it

I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it

I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it

I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it

I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it

I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it

I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it

I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it

I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it

I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it

I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it

I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it

I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it

I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it

I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it

I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it

I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it

I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it

I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it

I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it

I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it

I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it

I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it

I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it

I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it

I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it

I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it

I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it

I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it

I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it

I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it

I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it

I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it

I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it

I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it

I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it

I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it

I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it


This is possible the most boring journal post I've ever made.

I have no content.

I remember in elementary school, an author lady came to visit,she said when you have writers block that you just need to keep writing, even if it's something mindless like "I don't know what to write" 100 times, and the block will pass faster.

I want to start rewriting the 30 pages for my book.

Y'see, I was writing a novel about mental hospital inpatients who got together post-release and ran away, and 30 pages doesn't sound like much, but go ahead and try to write something completely original for that long, I dare you.

Anyways, I left it in the group home and when I called to see if I could pick it up they'd thrown it away.

Hey that rambling untll your block passes thing really works, I just did that^

My new haircut makes me uncomfortable.

I've recently gotten really into Marvel comicbooks, and have been pleased to discover that their LGBT characters are put in more deliberately and casually than their DC comic counterparts.

My favorite comic series are The Runaways (Marvel) and Young Avengers (Also Marvel) and I swear to Flying Spaghetti Monster it's only by coincidence that one of the main characters in The Runaways is a lesbian, and another is GenderQueer, while TWO of the main characters are gay in Young Avenegers. I'd love both of the stories even without any of that but that just pushes the awesome over the edge, because they're not "stereotypical" or "forced" characters, and the stories would still totally be my favorites if it was another heteronormative series.

I really want to get some of (or at least one of) you guys to read The Runaways, becuase it's possibly one of the most interesting plots Marvel has ever turned out... I HAVE A COMIC E-READER AND ILLEGAL DOWNLOAD LINKS TO THE COMICS IF YOU'LL DO THIS. NO PURCHASE NECESSARY <3 XOXOXOXOgivemesomethingtotalktoyouabout,readthecomicsilovethemsomuch.

You are the one, you'll never be alone again... You're more than in my head, you're more...

Every question, every answer too

Ever-constant, ever-changing view

It's a memory in the sun... Or it's all in the darkness

I love Shiny Toy Guns^

And Emilie Autumn v

You can lie to the papers

You can hide from the press

You can fake it on stage

Crawl from your cage

Search and destroy

You can kill and depend on it

I know your tainted flesh

I know your filthy soul

I know each trick you played

Whore you laid

Dream you stole

I know the bed in the room in the wall

In the house where you got what you wanted and ruined it all

I know the secrets that you keep

I know where you sleep

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So tired.

So incredibly, very tired.

Exhausted, even.

I need to start getting some damn sleep.

Currently sleeping through 6th, 7th, and 8th period.

And I get bitchy when I'm tired.

Damn, to I get bitchy.

I really need to stay awake for those last three periods--

Geometry (core) Computer Graphics (elective) and Chemistry (Core)

I'm supposed to be in Algebra 2 but for various reasons I can blame partially on attending 4 seperate schools in the ninth grade, I had to retake Algebra.

God damn what is that smell?

I'm going to get some more $R so I can afford to make my sprite over, and then make a new team for my trainercard that I don't plan on challenging league with. I don't really have much time between actually running the Ruby Line, moderating, keeping things in check on my xat (new staff-- need to keep an eye on their behavior) and the things I want to do, like games.

Currently reading "Ultimate Spider-Man". They're a bit too detailed with superhero bulges for me to suggest this to friends.

Bang bang pow!

Thursdayyyyy, I think it's spaghetti for lunch?


Huehuehue, Mordekaiser es #1 Brasil.

Sometimes I type a bunch of fluff incase my teacher coems over to see what I'm doing, when I just typed something inapp for school.


I'm really fucking tired of everybody asking me, "Are you okay?"

First of all, that is the most annoying question to recieve, in my opinion, and second of all, I'm just fucking tired.

I want to throw a damn fit whenever those three words fly in my general direction.


And then I feel bad, because they'er only concerned about me.

But I still make a point to makea deal out of it, so they don't ask again.

Dizzy Gillespie ran for president once, and was campaigning to change the White House into the Blues House. True story.

Or was that Miles Davis?

Just finished the jazz section in music sampler, lol.

I need some quick $R.

Also some Riot Points. Ziggs looks hella fun.

And I like yordles.

25 minutes till lunch.

Spider-man/Peter Parker sooooo needs to keep his emotions in check. YOU JUST GOT OWNED BOI.

You know what I found to be an interesting short read?



I get really lonely really easy and I'm pretty sure it's BadUnhealthy.

The new bots on LoL are weird.

They aren't as SMART as real players, but they react INSTANTANEOUSLY, which is annoying.

If you pop out of stealth, Morganna has her spell shield up before you can even click her, followed by a snare one second later.

And Cassiopeia ALWAYS uses Twin Fangs after she poisons you.


I'm too tired to think of anything else to type, lol.

I am NOT going to survive computer graphics next period.


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