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That journal I only update at school~


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For some people, some places (more than you might think), that stuff IS exotic and different for the authors. They can't write much beyond their own experience and research.

Personally, I really don't know many. There's those of you that are here on reborn, and less than a handful irl. It's not like YOU haven't been stereotypically opinionated and dramariffic. The redhead I know is in theater arts. And Bunny (wolf knows him) is pretty chill and pretty good at Brawl, but we never did talk much since gamer's club and anime club didn't mix much. So yeah, it's all what you know and have been exposed to. Maybe you can blame all the flamboyant people that capture the media's attention for what little does make it into your comics.

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^I'm confused^-- while it's true some people may not have the opportunity to know/speak with/dispell their stereotype-driven ideaologies, if they've made no effort to do so, isn't it only fair that they be judged for so callous an assumption on racial roles? And for something like this, there are writers, illustrators, editors, proof-readers, etc, and more (assumption) before it can be published for the public to see. And while this is just a wild assumption I don't care to back up with google, I'm going to go ahead and say that DC Comics is based in DC, which is the bottom of this melting pot we call a country. I live 30 minutes from the city, and can assure you that you'd have to go to INCREDIBLE lengths not to interact socially with people from vastly different nationalities.

Gay stereotypes are a little easier to understand (At least the SOURCE of them) because many homosexuals are still publically humiliated/shamed/etc., and tend to either stay in the closet, be outwardly "proud", or quietly cheer on the community from the sidelines. In a place like DC, I can understand there being some discrepancies if you don't know any gays personally, because I've been to one of those many pride parades, and they're pretty fucking obnoxious and do NOT help to dispell anyone's predisposed thoughts on flamboyant nearly naked homosexuals.

I understand the sentiment that you only know what you know because you haven't had the chance to realize otherwise, but there should still be checks & balances involved, instead of this blindly-grasping-at-straws-and-grabbing-hay-instead.

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Sometimes I feel smart.

Other times I feel like updating my internet-journal during Programming~

So many people ask me why Flareon is my favorite pokemon.

I say, "I don't know. Why is your favorite food, your favorite food?"

Well now I have a real answer, because I've thought on it real hard.

Because Flareon is better than your favorite!

Also it just makes me <3

Let's cross the sea... and get some culture~

So I was in Music Sampler trying to watch Skins (U.K.) with my new friend Maddy (the new girl) when I realized that earphones would NOT make the show something our teacher would just glance up and be okay with. Not only is there such insane profanity, but full frontal nudity is a factor, too. Also what is EASILY recognized by the untrained eye as hard drugs/drinking is pretty easy to spot from a distance.

So we turned that off <<

And then we tried to watch some Harry Potter movies.

One of the mirrors gave the computer a virus...

But only my account. The plethora of other student logins are still the same, as I checked by having some friends log in.

Also, the virus is only on that computer.

So really, all I have to do is not log in to that computer with my account till they do a maintenence thing.

Don't cry, I'll bring this home to you. If I can make this night light enough to move.

I had some new GIFs to show you guys, but I forgot to upload them to my photobucket so I'll just choose from the ones I haven't used yet.



Wowowow, almost done with the programming project in my other window.

While I was doing this.


Yay I just finished it, with 6 minutes to spare!


Babies are cute. c:

Ugh so I'm really tired of this kid Jack. I was one of the only 2 people who didn't make fun of him in algebra last year, then I hear his spreading rumors about me & my sex life.

You learn more from rumors than you knew about yourself before, every day!

So anyways, I sort of want to confront him on it. Except he's like this fat kid with a bad haircut. It'd look bad. But in my head, I'm all, "WANNA GO SON?"


Whoa lookit that 2 minutes left. Kbai

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I tried to upload over 50 gifs to photobucket at once and it crashed my shockwave player and the entire browser, so uh... <_<

Ladidum. Yesterday was an adventure. I fell asleep on the bus, then woke to have my glasses handed to me in two pieces, the arm snapped, and bent as if stepped on. Then I remembered that I'd left my Monster energy drink in the freezer and was freaking out over the idea of it exploding in the ice box and ruining all of the ice.

It all turned out okay, because I came home to find my stepdad had moved it to the fridge, and my mom had made an appointment to get my eyes checked and order new glasses. Of course now I have Old People Eyesight, and they have to special order my lenses which could take up to 2 weeks instead of just doing it in the store like before. But, they did a quick fix-it on my glasses by just giving them a new arm. Success!

I want to dance, all the time.

So I've decided, since I don't want to live to 30, that I would save up all of my money to go to Italy, and hike up and down the countryside before then, and then die somehow (not sure how, but I like to think I'm over the whole "Dramatic death" thing.). I don't want to kill myself or anything, I just don't wanna get old. Maybe I could die partying :B "American danced himself to death at 4 am this morning" sounds like a good morning paper obituary, no? Maybe I could OD, idk.

Or maybe I could travel to more places, first. Though I don't see how I could in any ways realistically get the funds for that. At least in travelling to/hiking around Italy all I'd be paying for is the tickets and food, (assuming I carry a one-person tent and sleeping bag), but world travel sounds expensive. I realize this all sounds very naive and over-simplistic lol, but wouldn't that only be a better way to strip myself of this naivety? To thrust myself into the world with nothing to lose but the clothes on my back, and the few supplies I've brought along?

And if I just disapear in Italy it's whatever. Joined my ancestors in the motherland, dude. I really want to see Capri, Florence, and Rome, but... soooooo expensive... and the Italian countryside is pretty, anyways. So says Google Earth.

Though by the logic of "It looked nice via Google Earth" I should also visit the UK, Australia, and Holland.

Ooooh I really want to live in Holland.

Too much substance, man.

I should go back to rambling at two to three sentences per half-formed thought.

I'll do anything to avoid getting old, but I need to experience lots before that happens or I'd regret it.

They say all the best things are bad for you, so maybe if I try all the best things, it'd be so bad for me I croaked o:

Ew why am I being so morbid?

For the record I'm not suicidal, just repulsed by the idea of living that long.

Hummmmmm. Pokemon too good.

I miss Hemlock from ML :(

he was an OC of mine D:

So was Hark originally, but when I stopped roleplaying I just opted to dub myself Hark online and act as I would under any other name ;o

I miss roleplaying as Hark too :I

Though roleplaying was fucking demanding on facebook, so I'm not sure I want to sign myself up for something as full-time as that again. Though I know those people miss me, because I still have them added and they get giddy when I post on that account <3

Cargo ships move by

Tracing on the horizon line

There's a luster from the city lights

On the waves that kiss our feet

And we're thinking of going in

The times getting thin

Fuckin' fabulous.

I miss pre-2005 alternative, grunge, rock, and metal. Around 2006 most of these were replaced by emo/screamo/tryhard metal/gothic boybandesque.

Though I can totally get into some alternative and indie-rock bands going around now.

Doesn't mean I don't miss stuff like Amber Pacific, and hearing Evanescence and Alanis Morisette on the radio instead of Nicki Minaj...

Also I've just really been digging the 1995-2003 alternative/rock scene right now-- everything sounded like it should be played on the beach or at a college party. Ughghhgafhuasfuasfhanfawufha. It's okay, gangster rap is starting to step down in prominence, though it's in no ways on the sidelines. I just want pop to give way to indie, already.

I'm not into dubstep.

I was into screamo when I was like 14, then I realized it was a phase where I was trying too hard to be "emo" and that I don't like the genre at all.

Also, ever notice how 95% of the time it's just some white kid, in a band full of white kids, trying to make their throat bleed as much as possible?


Though there are some exceptions, as always.

Pretty sure I just pissed some people off. You can't deny the bit about it being totally dominated by white kids in the 18-30 range though~

zoop zoop zaboo-bop.

What's that, Bill Cosby?

Copyright infringement?!

I won't do it again, I promise!

I've done all of 10 minutes' work in programming today....

And I haven't participated/turned anything in for english in 2 weeks. Currently sporting an F ):

We're working with Bryce atm in computer graphics.

There are some kids who honestly think it's more tedious than Google Sketchup.




You're a weenie.

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Not my usual update day/time, but we have return Second, so here I am.

Since my last update I've purchased a G I fully intend on taking advantage of after school, been roped into acting as MC for the next music show, been hit on by some guy I don't even know


and gone out with my friend Ellie to walk around the park, watch a movie, and eat dinner. Also I've decided that I'm getting fat and I'm boycotting fast food. I've developed a belly :'(

Fiora too good.

I very much want a boyfriend.

So every Friday that we have Music Sampler (Period 5) our homework is to bring in a song to share w/ the class and observe things like the melody, beat, etc... And today I'm bringing this.

I usually can't stand screamo (screaming emos) but this song is pretty good, and generally light on the screaming. Just the beginning and some point 2 minutes in. I really like the industrial, breakbeat electro sound combined with the vocals post-screaming.

Public nudity is not acceptable, children.

I've gotten in trouble for it twice, LOL.

So I'm starting to think I migh tbe slipping into that depressed mindset again, and the whole idea of another depressive cycle scares me.

Moody, Irritable, Apathetic, Fatalistic, and Extrovert are five words you can't use to describe me while content, but I'd say are pretty accurate lately.

Moody-- Self-explanatory. Moods fluctuating violently and easily.

Irritable-- See above. I've been much more prone to snapping at people and almost punched someone in the hallway this morning.

Apathetic-- I don't care. Which can be a strenth, but only in the sense that it's a natural defense mchanism.

Fatalistic-- I've mentioned existential nihilism quite a lot recently, and for a reason.

Extrovert-- Probably confusing, but I'm usually the Quiet and Content type. When I was severely depressed I would be loud, outgoing, and particularly social in public, but scarily pseudo-goth at home. I think it's a desperation thing.

^Took longer than I wanted and I elaborated too much^

I was recently told "big words don't suit" me, and I got really mad.

Just so you guys know, this is the internet and none of you except Winter have known me for more than a fucking year and a half.

And Winter knows me from Xat, where I don't go out of my way to act proper or have intelligent conversations, anyways.

It really pissed me off when I was told that, because none of you fucking know me beyond my internet-self. Lol.

I'm considering being an uptight prick who bleeds my potential vocabulary from his mouth, but I'd probably be no fun to talk to.



I need to start working on that thing for Cloud.

If you're reading this I want to talk to you...!

I'm starting to wonder whether anyone even reads this journal, lol.

That's half the reason I post my personal experiences and thoughts, so you guys can get to know me better.

If you do, post so I don't give up on this little project :D

Mmmm I need to get back into battling.

I've become lazy ;o

I also need to get back into doing homework. I haven't done more than three assignments a month for any class in the past 3 years. >_>

Is it terribly unhealthy that I miss the mental hospital, because it was fun and I didn't have to worry about anything?

Free vacation with okay food, "interesting" individuals, and in every visit I've taken, 3 or more bi/gay guys in very close proximity.

Though they put it in their records when they caught me with my roommate last time, I think.

But then again I'm 80% sure they erase the records after you've been discharged.


Why am I talking about this?



Awkward spacedog.

Peace, comment if you actually read this shit <3

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Harksies, be happy. Think happy, kay? <3

But anyways, Enter Shikari be fucking awesome. Both lyrically and technically. I'm trying to break out of the teen screamo shit and go for different genres, or find more sophisticated shit. Due to kiddy screamo being bands like: Asking Alexandria, A Day to Remember, Bring Me the Horizon, most of the metalcore genre that aren't Protest the Hero and Between the Buried and Me.

Ignore what people say, you know you are intelligent. You are you, don't let anyone say different.

>Missing the mental hospital.

I have no response, I for one would not like going there. At all.

But yeah. I read <3

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I read but I've been blowing off all of humanity sans my mom for the past two days so hi.

I just never have anything say, I guess

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So many people ask me why Flareon is my favorite pokemon.

I say, "I don't know. Why is your favorite food, your favorite food?"

Well now I have a real answer, because I've thought on it real hard.

Because Flareon is better than your favorite!

Also it just makes me <3

Last I saw, Cacturne could Sucker Punch Flareon to oblivion, SO GG, MY DEAR SIR. Just kidding. I fucking love Flareon as well, man. The third most adorable Eevolution, imo.(Glaceon for 2nd and Umbreon for 1st.) Flareon is just.... OmgIwannahugglesoFLUUUUUURRRRRFFFFFFFY. It's just so underapreciated by Game Freak. "Let's give it Guts as a Dream World ability!" "Shouldn't we also give it a good fire type attack? Like, I dunno, Flare Blitz?" "... Naaaaah. Flame Orb already does nothing to it, and it needs the Toxic Orb or get para'd for Guts to activate." .... Game Freak, fuck off. Minirant on Hark's journal. Oops.

But yeah, I understand what you mean when you talk about your favorite Pokemon. I think that a lot of others just say the strongest one that comes to their mind as their favorite because it is good. Like Dragonite. Ok, bad choice, Dragonite is actually kinda cute. Like Excadrill. It's sprite is... Kinda meh. It's fast. And REALLY strong. I personally can't see any other reason why someone would actually choose Excadrill as their favorite. As for me, Cacturne is just... I've used it for about a decade now. (How long ago did 3rd gen come out? THAT long ago? Holy hell, I'm old. ;~; ) and it has helped sweep through more opponent in both 4th and 5th gen in Shoddy Battle and Pokemon online because of how troll it is and how badass it looks. It's a really kickass looking Pokemon. Not to mention it's Pokedex entry? *Shudders.* Pre-5th gen, it has the most terrifying Pokedex entry. (Seems like half of the Pokemon in 5th gen want to devour your soul's face.) It stalks it's prey in the desert until the prey collapses of exhaustion. Then it eats its prey, while it is still alive. I am now the creepiest person on PO. I like Cacturne. <3

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Like Excadrill. It's sprite is... Kinda meh. It's fast. And REALLY strong. I personally can't see any other reason why someone would actually choose Excadrill as their favorite.

Excadrill is actually one of my favorites. Not because of how fast/strong it is, but because it looks so god damn manly. Have you seen it in the anime? It fucking spins fast as shit at the other guy. That's beats mode.

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Excadrill is actually one of my favorites. Not because of how fast/strong it is, but because it looks so god damn manly. Have you seen it in the anime? It fucking spins fast as shit at the other guy. That's beats mode.

This screams Gurren Laggan crossover art.

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Going to respond to each of you individually~

(Wow, this is a lot more people than I initially expected!)

Amethyst-- <3 Love you too :D

Winter-- Ever been to a mental hospital? Prime example of "entertainment". Visit one my roommate's life was attempted, and he lost hearing/vision in his left ear/eye. Second time, slept around with my roommate. Third was the best... Roommate 1 was smuggling in morphine from partial and giving people his meds to snort, then he was put in 1 on 1 and couldn't room with anyone till they shipped him to rez, roommate two I slept with thrice, roommate three was just funny.

Cyrus-- I do what I waaaaant!

Ugh I love Enter Shikari at this point. Not really into the whole screamo thing but songs like zzZonked, Arguing with Thermometers, and Hectic just totally get me. I discovered them through your posts in "What are YOU listening to?" btw :D

Pshh, the hospital is underrated.

Ikaru-- It's okay I love you anyways <3

Inuki-- Not long enough; I'll write more <3

Maelstrom-- Well, I aim to please~

Pink-- It's okay! Flareon and Cacturne will be uber in OUR tier lists :D

It's really something about aesthetics and in-game use for me. Also if I try something out for a team and like it, I end up loving it as a pokemon, instead of just something that works on my team. Honchkrow is a prime example of this~ Sucker Punch+Moxie sweeps ALL day.

Did you know Drowzee's Dex entry (not sure which gen, I think all of them? lol ;o), all about eating dreams and such, is a LIEEE? Drowzee can only learn Dream Eater through TM!

Erick-- The anime totally gives a whole new perspective~


Mmm, reading up on my last post, I've deduced that I wrote that list bit on Friday~

Oooh, Friday. You were a fun time.

After school, I went across the street with Maggie, Jeremiah, and Maddy.

We met up with Jose, Gabe(yum), Sammy, Raziel(ew), and Vicky.

And then Ellie and Zach showed up out of nowhere xD

And then illegal activities I will skip over with Maggie and Jeremiah.

It was my first time so I was hella disoriented and I loved it.

Also I kept forgetting what I was saying before I was done saying it, so three word sentences became a lot harder than they should have been to puke out.

And I just really wanted to touch Gabe all over. Mash can fill in the intentional blank here. (But don't, that's why I left it blank)

Plus it was just really fucking awesome.

Hrmm. I feel like I'm censoring a LOT of information here.

But. Mrr.


And then I was coming down and was just, really, really exhausted, and so I wanted to smoke some more but it was alte and my ride was tired, And everyone was gonna go drink in the woods but my ride (The Sober Crusader) needed to get home. So I missed out on that ):

There were 4 fucking cop cars in that shopping center btw, which consists of like 15-20 stores. What the hellllll?

I still have some stuff left, but I'm saving it.

Have you ever stolen cigarettes, not to smoke them, just to open them and sniff because they smell SO GOOD?

I do that

All the time.

My parents are smokers and buy them by the multi-pack carton and I just sort of smuggle a pack to my room every once in a while because I like the smell. And then I give the pack to Jeremiah and he bums me a pill or something later.

I like how I'm just not participating in class today.

Ugh where's Alexan I want to talk with her :(

I want to hang out with people after school today but I've no ride back so I can't.

Social lives aren't for weenies anymore, children. I got one and made it a cool thing to have.

Aren't I fabulous?


Fuck, I've definately already posted this GIF before.

I literally have over 100 fresh GIFs saved on ym computer at home.

Last time I tried to upload any though, my shockwave player crashed, and Chrome crashed with it.

Might be because I was uploading like 9038293048390 GIFs, but still...

What, you you finna try?

You wanna go?





Okay, so I covered Friday.

What happened Saturday?

... Well I got hella tired Friday, fell asleep at like 8:40, ended up blowign off league, and then slept till like 3 pm Saturday...

Played LoL all day... I'm bad with Olaf... Went to bed at 5am.

Sunday, woke at 12, Ate a croissant(sp?), LoLoLoL, I'm good with Mundo, Skyped some people, went to bed at 12 but fell asleep at like 3 <_<

and then I woke up today and with the help of Monster Energy I'm surviving second period, and hopefully fourth.

Fuck sixth.

I'll pop my 5-hour-energy for eighth, especially since our pseudo-student teacher lady (this chick trying to BECOME a teacher who has been taking over every other day as practice) is being observed today, and she deserves to get a job as a teacher, so I want to be good for her.

Want to see the most amazing thing? It's a band playing an AWESOME song on ONE guitar. All five of them are playing one guitar.

And the vocals are BEAUTIFUL. Especially LongHairedGuy and BlondeGirl.


The teacher is eating like some peanut butter shit and oh god it reeks.

I hate that smell.

Don't any of you ever eat peanut butter in front of me.

I will cut you.

Or otherwise inconvenience your physical being.










Okay that GIF is out of frame.

Would be awk if somebody walked by and saw me typing with that just above my ramblings.

Mmm, 21 more minutes of subjecting you people to my stream of consciousness. It feels goooooood <3




I don't know what else to say.

What's going to happen today?


Well Alexan's been having to take the metro to school since her bus isn't coming to her stop for some reason...

Which means she's here more than an hour late every day.

so hopefully, with any luck, I'll see her next period :D



Rom-papa-pam rom-papa-pam rom-papa-pam~

My hair just doesn't cooperate anymore.

Doesn't help that all of my combs disapeared in a very disturbing fashion.

All at once, except for one, broken and disgusting because it went through the wash. Lint D;



First the combs, then US.


Yeah, so still feeling like I don't care and not much matters.

Which means everyone should do whatever the fuck makes them happy. Want to hear what that is for me?


In my case, sit through school doing as I please as long as it doesn't get in the way of me graduating. Then fall off the face of the earth and reappear in a foreign country, party untill I don't want to anymore, the end~

Pretty fucking romantic, in my opinion.

Anyone else feel the same? Everrrr?


Sorry, got distracted by the other tab.

Watching videos by these people... Soooo gooooooood.

Anyways, two minutes till class is over, bye <3

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Really, Hark, I enjoy the way you put so much more into the daily things. Me, I can be somewhere and be completely unaffected by any number of things that would irk the shit out of anybody else. They're all so either so insignificantly mundane or inconsequential as to be beneath my notice (slow to anger, but also slow to feel anything). The way you know your shirt is on you but don't really pay attention to the sensation of it rubbing against you as you move throughout the day. But you remind me every day that there's all sort of amusing shit if you stop to pay attention to it or look at it in a different light. My usual business is serious business and observing monk-like restraint. I'd like to be more like you and Ame (yes, Ame, I read the blog you write); stop and look at things with more than a superficial notation of its existence. The only way I figure I can do that is to let go. Reading your steam of consciousness makes me realize my consciousness is rarely a stream. My consciousness is a stream that's been dammed up. There's no flair, no creativeness. Too concerned with the practical. When it isn't daydreaming some foolish fantasy.

I'm the guy who replies that nothing happened when he comes back from someplace and then his buddy who went with him tells the whole story and reminds him of all the things they actually did on their trip.

So yeah, keep it coming, Hark.

Edited by Maelstrom
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Really, Hark, I enjoy the way you put so much more into the daily things. Me, I can be somewhere and be completely unaffected by any number of things that would irk the shit out of anybody else. They're all so either so insignificantly mundane or inconsequential as to be beneath my notice (slow to anger, but also slow to feel anything). The way you know your shirt is on you but don't really pay attention to the sensation of it rubbing against you as you move throughout the day. But you remind me every day that there's all sort of amusing shit if you stop to pay attention to it or look at it in a different light. My usual business is serious business and observing monk-like restraint. I'd like to be more like you and Ame (yes, Ame, I read the blog you write); stop and look at things with more than a superficial notation of its existence. The only way I figure I can do that is to let go. Reading your steam of consciousness makes me realize my consciousness is rarely a stream. My consciousness is a stream that's been dammed up. There's no flair, no creativeness. Too concerned with the practical. When it isn't daydreaming some foolish fantasy.

I'm the guy who replies that nothing happened when he comes back from someplace and then his buddy who went with him tells the whole story and reminds him of all the things they actually did on their trip.

So yeah, keep it coming, Hark.

This legitimately made me really happy ;w;

I find it's really easy to do when it's either -Write about ANYTHING, PLEASE, FUCKING ANYTHING- or -Do coursework-.

It's an Imagination Steroid, procrastination.

See, but I used it all up in programming, and I can't think of much to write at 11:10 pm in my own home D;


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Reading your steam of consciousness makes me realize my consciousness is rarely a stream. My consciousness is a stream that's been dammed up. There's no flair, no creativeness. Too concerned with the practical. When it isn't daydreaming some foolish fantasy.

^ That, I agree with very much.

And yay, mutual readership~

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That Gintama GIF, I really need to watch Gintama. Heard it's fucking hilarious.


>Enter Shikari totally get you

>Arguing with Thermometers about oil.


He does the dat screamo voice at times. But most of the time it's a yelling kind of scream. Which I'm really liking. Quelle Surprise shows more of that. There is also Stalemate, which is fucking fabulous.

Also, to what Mael says. I agree fully, you put a lot of effort and energy to your posts. Hell, this probably one of my favorite threads in Reborn. Really enjoyable read.

Peanut Butter is bad? What the fuck man, peanut butter is amazing<3.

Smell of smoking is good, I don't understand. Explain to me more.

Chrome crashing? Welcome to my world, chrome crashes 24/fucking7 due to lolkIsuck.

Anyways, hoping to hear more from you Harksies. :3 (Calling you that, mmkay?)

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That Gintama GIF, I really need to watch Gintama. Heard it's fucking hilarious.


>Enter Shikari totally get you

>Arguing with Thermometers about oil.


He does the dat screamo voice at times. But most of the time it's a yelling kind of scream. Which I'm really liking. Quelle Surprise shows more of that. There is also Stalemate, which is fucking fabulous.

Also, to what Mael says. I agree fully, you put a lot of effort and energy to your posts. Hell, this probably one of my favorite threads in Reborn. Really enjoyable read.

Peanut Butter is bad? What the fuck man, peanut butter is amazing<3.

Smell of smoking is good, I don't understand. Explain to me more.

Chrome crashing? Welcome to my world, chrome crashes 24/fucking7 due to lolkIsuck.

Anyways, hoping to hear more from you Harksies. :3 (Calling you that, mmkay?)

Like, the beat/vocals :3 Not necessarily the lyrics.

I'll check those guys out >w> <w<

Awwwh thanks ;w; Just2popular.

It reeks! Not necessarily smelling BAD just really STROOOOONG. Mrrr.

Cigarettes smell REALLY good. Especially camels. Smoking, idk. Haven't paid attention.



Winter-- ilyxoxo

I'd have posted today, but I was alil fucked up. Still alil fucked up. Spell-check I thank you.

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Oh goooooood, I have to check the date of my last post every day because so much is going on nowwww~

Ignorning the fact that I have schoolwork again...

Aaaaaand skimming my last post so I know what I've already covered...

Omg I touched my face and realized I forgot to shave this morning :(

Kay, done skimming. Uhhh.

I wrote that Monday morning!

Nothing much happened, that day. Couldn't stay after :(

The next day however, stuff did happen :D

This new chick, Hawa, born in somewhere-else, raised here, went to the backward-ass school that all the racists/homophobes seem to spawn from, showed up. My friend Maddie and I started talking to her, then we got to the topic of the show Skins (UK version, US is shit) and she says she hasn't heard of it. "WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?" we say. So we pull up episode one, and before the intro is even finished... you know, the 20some seconds of music and .5 second videoclips from bits of the show... -post-


"Ew, is this a gay show?"


First and foremost, why would it matter if it was?

Secondly, there was nothing conceivably "gay" in those 34 seconds.

Thirdly, there is only one gay character in season one and two!



Moving on.

Later that day, I went into the woods with my friends and got off my ass.

And I sort of just assumed Ellie would be there to pick me up.

I should really learn never to assume these things.

I ended up having to call my dad to pick me up at mmm 6pm, 30 minutes out of the way.

And the whole time I was freaking out that he'd be able to tell what I had been doing.

I'm new, so it's not easy to act sober ):

Like, I'm just afraid he'd be able to tell from the way I walk or something.


Mmmm. But I survived league that time,


^Look Winter I speak Australian, we can commune in your native language^

Mmm. All of Wednesday I had the whole "day-after" thing going on.

All of the unhelpful side-effects, none of the non-sobriety.

Teachers kept tlling me to pay attention.



And then after school I did it again, but ONLY A LITTLE BIT, which didn't matter, because I still got all sorts of disoriented/unable to think straight/fucked up in the best and worst of ways.

Wow I've been trying really hard not to say it but to clear the air I'm talking about weed, laced/unlaced.

Anyways, then my mom picked me up and I had to babysit...

for an hour...

Any idea how hard it is to keep up with toddlers normally?

Okay, any idea how hard it is to do so while "elevated"?

My goooooooooooood.








Omg I totally skipped the bit at lunch.

No, I will not scroll up and just type this where it would make sense chronologically.

Yes, I will remember to update the picture on my "About Me" at some point.

Soooooooo on odd days, I eat lunch with this group of people I think is really awesome.

Majed, Matt, Anna, Valerie, Ben, Sami, Preston, and myself.

And this kid Tony was sitting in that day, I guess. What. Everrr.

Wait, this was Tuesday, for the record.

It all blurs together.


... zoned out for like 4 minutes there...

ANYWAYS, I was eating lunch, the bell rings, somebody tells Matt he sucks, and I say something along the lines of "Pshh, I wish Matt sucked. Nobody's touched me like that for ages D;" And Majed totally. Touches me like that.




I thought it was quite nice.

ANYWAYSTHENHEHUGSME and I wonder if the whole touching thing was unintentional.

Everyone else is gone at this point

I realize he's never hugged me before?

Then I realize that while I'd totally like to do things with him because he's attractive and nice to me, but the bell just rang and I was late, plus the alcove we sit in is not the best place to have relations, especially considering we're at school.


Except, awkward fact, he has a girlfriend. I've had issues with bi guys in the past D;

Whatever, we can still makeout, right?


Oh god... I TOLD you guys I got a bunch of new GIFs.

And now I'm using them.

So many of them at a time.

I have a limitless resource of them.

It's called "The Internet".

Yeah so I might fail programming and geometry this quarter XOXOHark4SummerSchool2012XOXO



Oh and then there was yesterday.

I hung out with some friends and ate at an 80s/90s rock/alternative themed burger joint.

Other than that nothing happened and it was boring and I wanted to smoke.

Also I left league 30 minutes early to sleep but ended up finishing the episode of Skins I was watching, anyways. (Just finished Season 3 Episode 9, Emilie/Katie)

And then there's today!

I wake up, find out I'm admin, celebrate briefly in my sleep-clothes, realize I'm still in my sleep-clothes, get dressed for school, think about how often I use run-on sentences, wonder if sentences is supposed to be spelled with an "a", get on the bus, arrive at school, and here I am!

I brought some cigarettes/weed for after school, but I don't smoke cigarettes anymore, I just sell them to these scrubs that have no way to get 'em :D

I have nothing else to say, so OkBye guys


Nice talking to you


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