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Here's my thought process:

Azu imo is better. Digby may have a little bit better attack however Azu's typing is great.

Digby may have great STABs(EQ and Return Facade is also good) but Azu has got a STAB priority and overall good Fairy STAB with greater coverage

Azu has a really good bulk and with a sitrus + belly drum can become a real monster

Digby's access to swordance is gives him something to go on but he hasnt ot any priority and a really bad speed(both of them suck speed-wise)

Digby's got 2 resistances, 2 immunities and 4 weaknesses

Azu's got 6 resistances, 1 immunity and 3 weaknesses

Finally Azu is in OU and Digby in BL (BL has got lots of GREAT pokemons).

Azu wins for me due to its typing and access to AquaJet. By a really small margin!

EDIT: Just thought of Quick Attack but yet...

Edited by Kookies
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There are a lot more especially if the admins stop deleting some of them they already deleted over 10.

I think I'll go ahead and divulge that some of them are being moved to more suitable forums. You should just look around the site to where they've been moved.


On to the topic at hand: As much as I like Diggersby's typing a lot more, Azumarill has more uses and a decent HP stat.

Breaking this down - Diggersby is allowed to function as a revenge killer and a wallbreaker. Azumarill is allowed to function as a Choice Banded attacker, a bulky attacker with the Assault Vest, AND a sweeper with Belly Drum.

On top of having more roles it can fill, Azumarill is much more apt to take priority attacks than Diggersby.

Like before we break it down.

Azumarill is weak to Bullet Punch

Diggersby is weak to Mach Punch, Ice Shard, and Azumarill's own Aqua Jet. It also doesn't resist Sucker Punch as well as Azumarill does.

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Azumarill hands down imo. Yes they both have STAB priority. Yes they both have about the same speed. Yes they have several options for both of them. Granted Diggersby has a way better movepool, and Agility, but Azumarill can utilize it's tools better. BellyJet, Knock Off, Superpower, etc. Some things Diggersby wish it could have. The biggest winner in this role is typing. Azumarill got a Fairy typing which is good in on itself in a tier full of Dragons, Fighters, and some Dark. The coverage moves help it out as well. Diggersby is just not helped by the fact there's a lot of physical walls in the tier it cannot if barely touch. Then there's the number of Fighting, Ice, Water, Grass types that are in the tier that can calmly brush it away. Then there's Azumarill's bulk that outdoes Diggersby.

Winner: Azumarill.

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