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Future Run Team/s Assistance?


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I'm pretty sure that whenever I get to the end of Chapter 15, I'm going to make a second game folder to replay it through with some different 'Mons. Obviously from these lists, I already have a few Pokemon already picked out, but I was definitely wondering if anyone had some advice or maybe something better to use? Plus some moveset suggestions would be nice. I'm no competetive battler, but those gym battles are some kind of hell trying to muscle through when you don't have the right moves.

Team 1 Idea:


Team 2 Idea:

delphox.gifroserade.gifhonchkrow.gifgranbull.gif OR aromatisse.gifmarowak.gif (SIXTH MEMBER ??)

Team 3 Idea:

blaziken.gifswoobat.gifeelektross.gifroserade.gifdragalge.gif(SIXTH MEMBER ??)


Of course, Dragelge is a big 'if' on Team 2 and 3, and Eelektross and Ampharos are kind of interchangable right now, but Eelektross is being highly considered mostly due to the fact that I haven't used it before. I like trying to do different things each time, but I definitely want a well balanced team. What do you people think?

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I like the team 3 idea but good rod is pretty late in game to acquire, it may be wise to get a water type first in early game in team 3

Some water types I recomend:

- Azumarill if the Lucky Egg loves you.

- Swanna is pretty cool if you can get it

- Ludicolo is a nice choice with Mist for field changing and Nature Power to abuse other fields. Ludicolo's typing is very nice as well.

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For team 2:

-Replace Roserade with Ludicolo

-Add floatzel the 6th member(if you do not put in a Ludicolo)

-Replace Marowak with a donphan or Excadrill if the lucky with the mystery egg

-Put in Scrafty for 6th member

-Replace marowak with mamoswine

For team 3:

-Replace Swoobat with Noivern( use another flying type at the start do not use noibat)

-Replace Dragelge with Granbull/Azumarill if you get lucky with the mystery egg

-Replace Roserade with Ludicolo

-Put in Bisharp for 6th member(if you replace Roserade with ludicolo and go for granbull instead of Azumarill since pawniard is also part of the mystery egg)

-Replace eelektross with Magnezone(if you choose not to get bisharp)

-Mamoswine for 6th member

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If you can get Azumarill for Team 2, it would be pretty awesome. You could eliminate the choice between the two fairies and have a water type. Bam two problems killed with one Huge Power. And then I'd recommend Aggron simply because it would give you coverage that you don't have (Steel/Rock). ut then, Aggron's best Rock move comes from breeding, and I don't know how much you like that. I leave it to you~

If not, then I'll agree with Shadowstar on Ludicolo. It would be pretty neat on that team. Roserade and Ludicolo only share one weakness, so it wouldn't be redundant. And then, instead of having either Granbull or Aromatisse, you could just have both, switching them when the situation calls for.

If the plan is only six though, keep Granbull. Simply based on the fact that Aromatisse abilities are terrible ;__;


Team 3 has Blaziken and therefore does not need anything else. Throw a Gardevoir there somewhere and the game is over.

Eelektross is pretty good for a member that can take hits your other pokes can't (That no weakness tho).

For something different though, try Crobat instead of Swoobat. That could eliminate one of the poison types on your team (I'd say Roserade, since it's already on your other teams) and it would open two spots on Team 3. I'm unsure of what could fill those two spots though :S

Just my two cents, but I think some of those could work /o/

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Thats def stuff I'll keep in mind. :o I never even thought of Ludicolo! Isn't it bulky? Roserade and Ludicolo could def fit if I needed either a bulky mon or a speedy hitter and switch off. I can be anal about typing on my team, though so I'll have to consider on that one. XD What is the chance of getting Maril from that egg, anyways?

I've heard nice things about Granbul, plus I love bulldogs whoop. XD A lot of these are just 'mons I've wanted to use, but have never really had the consideration to use whenever I was teambuilding before, in any game, really. And yeah, no weakness Eelektross, thats... Pretty sweet. I was actually going to use a Crobat in a Firered run, then I learned Golbat can't evolve into Crobat until you get the National Dex and just kinda went :I

pets pink plague doctor birb anyways

Edited by Caraboo
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I can be anal about typing on my team,


What is the chance of getting Maril from that egg, anyways?

iirc, there are 18 pokémons you can get from the egg, so it's something around 5.5555.....% :T

And Mamoswine could tots work on Team 3, now that I've read the comment above mine~

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