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Hi, I'm Alicirno, but you can call me Alice (or Cirno, to some)! As the title suggests, I frequently lurk forums until something catches my eye and I decided to post.

I'm a fan of Touhou, as one could tell from my Avatar and signature. Both of those were made by me, and I've made a few more things now and then. Unfortunately, I can't draw, so cramming things tgether in Paint.NET is good enough. I also watch anime sometimes, have read Homestuck, and of course, play Pokémon. While I enjoy ingame, I do play at a competitive level. Somewhat. My teambuilding skills aren't as high as my battling skills but that's because I'm too lazy for damage calcs and speed tiers. :D Related to competitive Pokemon, I am an administrator for Pokemon Online's main server, under the aliases Alice and Cirno.

Um, guess that's enough about me. I have played Reborn a fair bit, most of it EV training underlevelled members, and I've really enjoyed it thus far. I've only just beaten the Ice gym and have over 60 hours of play - I'm very dedicated.

Anywho, I'm glad to have made your acquaintance. :3

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Hey there Alice! Nice to see someone back from Pokemon Online. I still remember the days when Reborn had a server there.

Anyways, hope you enjoy your stay here and if you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask anyone here.

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Related to competitive Pokemon, I am an administrator for Pokemon Online's main server, under the aliases Alice and Cirno.

They're after us. After the Server switch, a lot of the members here only play on Showdown so you might want to look there if you want to battle any of the community members. Welcome to reborn! [insert something about Sanity and Door here] Hope you enjoy your stay here!

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Welcome to Reborn! Community rules to your left, search bar above that, Showdown server above that. Try not to confuse the search bar with the status bar below the rules, as it's a common mistake. Or don't. I'm not a cop. Although I am going to arrest your sanity. Anyway, I hope that you enjoy your stay here on the forums!

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  • Administrators

Your signature thread looks like it would be appropriate in radio tower.

This is correct, and welcome.

EDIT: This should give you a general idea of where things should go: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=2961

If you have any other questions I might be able to answer them here or on the server, and if I can't, someone else most likely will be able to, so don't be afraid to ask.

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I hope you enjoy a pleasant and fabulous atmosphere.

We have many fabulous fabuli and you'll greatly enjoy our fabulous for sure.


Have fabulous,

See you fabulous, fabulous.

Fabulous regards,



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Well met Cirno. I just don't wanna confuse you with the other Alice :T

Welcome to Reborn!

...You made Ikaru appear on your topic the fuck how

Based on your intro, I have nothing to say, seeing as you probably already knows about the server and all that good stuff~

All that is left is conversion, so I hope you like the blue color WOLOLO \o/

Do enjoy your stay here in the mad house place~

I'll see you around!

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