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Is Nancy A Human, or Non-Human?


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In v6, the story was remade. However, I've been hearing people say that Nancy is not human, but a mere puppet. I don't know if this is true or not, but I at least want to know if she's human or not if the player character is part of the Light Prophecy.

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Apparently on one of the rooms in the ship, you can hear whispering near the wall. I guess I didn't do it right because I didn't hear anything, but IIRC people think she may not be human because of a conversation between your mom and Crescent in that room. I wonder what the conversation was. I wish I was able to trigger it.

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it wasnt hard to find since many npcs around the ship hint it. but here, for those who missed it:



pretty sure our mom is human nonetheless, though crescent might have hypnotized her or something, since according to her, our mom isnt supposed to "feel emotions". also, the line that intrigued me the most here was this one from crescent: "For now, I want to see [PN] smile". i have a feeling some things might have happened in the past between the player and crescent inb4 yandere. she might have also had to erase our memories at some point.

starting to really like this character, nice work on her jan.

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That is an interesting scene... It kind of gives me Jenner/Melia vibes, like your mom was assigned to raise you and you grow up believing she's your mom when she's really not.

I remember on the ship she made a comment about you not feeling well since you had to leave. I wonder if that has any connection to this.

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I honestly think it might be along the same lines as ol what is face... dark rift man, you know who I'm talking about.

perhaps she's a clone of someone or something, kinda like in the movie "The Island". pretty much akin to a genetic copy made explicitly for one purpose, and devoid of emotions for the most part. Pretty much a tool meant for a job that's not supposed to have the same baggage regular or "Real" people do inorder to try to avoid perceived "complications" such as attachment (like we see happen with Jenner and his bargain to raise Melia). As for why this would be needed, we have yet to find out conclusively...

Hell, one thing is for certain though... I don't think we have enough to know conclusively at this point without a whole lot of speculation being tossed about. Our Jan coming out and just blurting it, but I think that to be unlikely cause... spoilers.

and as for her being our biological mother- Plot hole!

what if one were to not choose the fair complexion, female protagonist, but instead something like the darker toned ones or the non binary pair? ((Seriously, the default female is the only one who bares any real resemblance...))

While yes, still technically possible, given certain real world cases, it does begin to get a bit more unlikely from a genetics point, one must admit...

but eh, that's just my two cents

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Noooooo, first you kill her now she might not even be my mom????


i would like to place a 10 bet on Crescent being our mother, based off the fact she wants to keep us away from the situation. Hence why she said we would live the rest of our lives in Geren City

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Noooooo, first you kill her now she might not even be my mom????


i would like to place a 10 bet on Crescent being our mother, based off the fact she wants to keep us away from the situation. Hence why she said we would live the rest of our lives in Geren City

If that's the case, how would Madame X also know that our mother was a puppet. It seems like EVERYONE, except us, knew that our mother was a "puppet."

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Crescent is such a mysterious character... and I would really like to know what her true intentions are.

As for Madame X... who the hell is she? It's probably someone who we've already met before, but I haven't got the faintest idea who it may be.

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I honestly think it might be along the same lines as ol what is face... dark rift man, you know who I'm talking about.

perhaps she's a clone of someone or something, kinda like in the movie "The Island". pretty much akin to a genetic copy made explicitly for one purpose, and devoid of emotions for the most part. Pretty much a tool meant for a job that's not supposed to have the same baggage regular or "Real" people do inorder to try to avoid perceived "complications" such as attachment (like we see happen with Jenner and his bargain to raise Melia). As for why this would be needed, we have yet to find out conclusively...

Hell, one thing is for certain though... I don't think we have enough to know conclusively at this point without a whole lot of speculation being tossed about. Our Jan coming out and just blurting it, but I think that to be unlikely cause... spoilers.

and as for her being our biological mother- Plot hole!

what if one were to not choose the fair complexion, female protagonist, but instead something like the darker toned ones or the non binary pair? ((Seriously, the default female is the only one who bares any real resemblance...))

While yes, still technically possible, given certain real world cases, it does begin to get a bit more unlikely from a genetics point, one must admit...

but eh, that's just my two cents

we dont know who the dad is though. and we probably never will since jan killed him.

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Call me crazy, but I feel like Nancy, Cresent, and Madame X are like all sisters of some sort or maybe old rivals, and they all walked different paths. Madame X probably didnt know Nancy had a child, and was gonna kill you believing you were just some trainer. Idk I think Jan would pull some craziness like this lol, but I guess we'll just have to see.

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My opinion!? I think Nancy is just like Nim...She was manipulated by Crescent for her own agenda, and during that she gave birth to the Player....THAT is why she is able to feel emotions TOWARDS US...She acted so "robot-like" near Crescent for that reason IMO...

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With the v6, Nancy is giving me similar vibe to Jenner. I belive it's all coming to the Player Character and Melia beeing part of the chosen 4.

Random tinfoil theory. The four characters in the prophecy of light are meant to defeat the evil. (bring balance to the force/defeat the fire lord/ whatever) Somehow, people were able to predict who these heroes will be. That's why they were beeing separated and observed by substitute parents. The problem is, many various parties (Cresent Ex Machiuna, Team Xen, Garufa?) are competing for their influence over the chosen, and.....

Ok, now I lost myself here. Anyway, PC is the hero of light, and Crescent wants to make sure we will use the power of prophecy for reason she hasn't yet specified, and assigned Nancy as the observer.

Edited by Jaromir
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There are several considerations to make on the subject before I can make a valid judgement.

First, we heard Crescent and Xen Admins refer to Nancy as a doll, who shouldn't feel emotions, of course, given how amoral they are and how much they lack in the empathy department, take it with a grain of salt.

And even if it's true, there are several ways it could be taken. Either she is a normal, but brainwashed woman, or something else created but what, by who and why. Since she seems to have given birth to the Mc, and bled when Madam X attacked her, she is organic on some level, but that complicates things, she could be a clone, a cyborg or a homunculus if she is artificial, but who? There are three candidates, Crescent, the Garufa (if they aren't related) and Team Xen. Is the way magical or technological?

And the line "not born of man" can mean many things. Are we a Demigod, some kind of creation, or a crazy thing like whatever Marianette/Melia is/are?

So far it seems as if someone tries to make the prophecy( es) happen and is rigging the odds, but there were complications (like, pretty much every time someone tries to play destiny) and now we have become a wild card.

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