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Hardcore Punk Rock (A Pokemon Reborn Hardcore Poison-type Monotype run)

Lord Chespin

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I DID IT, COMMANDER, AND IT ONLY TOOK ME TWO TRIES! I TOLD YOU I'D DO BETTER! (cough) Um, sorry. Anyway, on TEH URN, I led with Poison Oak, and Kiki led with Machamp. Posion Oak put it to sleep with a sleep powder and set up a leech seed on it, then unleashed a mighty petal dance on it, making Kiki use up one of her ultra potions! Unfortunately, the Machamp woke up and set up a meditate; even more unfortunately, petal dance only hit two times before Poison Oak got confused. Luckily, Poison Oak managed to still outspeed the Machamp and take it down with a petal dance! Kiki's Hitmonlee came out next, and Poison Oak ran into a wall or something and injured himself while the Hitmonlee got off two poison jabs. Luckily, Poison Oak managed to land a sleep powder the next turn, set up a leech seed, and then snap out of confusion to take the Hitmonlee down with a critical-hit petal dance! Up next came Kiki's Lucario, and it outsped ad finished off Poison Oak with a psychic. Undeterred, I sent out Cain, and he survived a psychic with just 19 hit points remaining to take down the Lucario with a earth power! Up next came Kiki's Scrafty, and it got off a crunch and a drain punch while Cruella set up two acid sprays. Cruella then took it down with a mighty brine, leading to Kiki sending out her Toxicroak. I kept Cruella on the field and set up two layers of toxic spikes like you told me to; unfortunately, Cruella fainted from a sucker punch and a gunk shot before she could do any meaningful damage to the Toxicroak. I sent out Randomus, and he tanked a strength and began firing off psybeams while Kiki healed Toxicroak with her last ultra potion; it was a futile effort for Kiki, however, as Randomus took Toxicroak down! All that remained was Kiki's Mega Medicham, and I had Randomus spend his last turn alive healing Cain before he fainted to a mighty ice punch. Orion came out next, and he survived a drain punch to get off a night slash, then spent a turn healing while Medicham got off a ice punch. He fainted the next turn from another drain punch, but by this point it was taking massive damage from the poison. I decided to end this by sending out Pile o' Crud, and he tanked an ice punch and a drain punch to finish off the Medicham with two sludge bombs! And so, Hemlock earns... a front-row seat for a glimpse into Kiki's shattered psyche. I at least get my badge now, right? No? Okay...

The team so far:

003.pngPoison Oak (Male) - Lv. 44

034.pngCain (Male) - Lv. 45

049.pngRandomus (Male) - Lv. 44

452.pngOrion (Male) - Lv. 44

569.pngPile o' Crud (Male) - Lv. 45

073.pngCruella (Female) - Lv. 45

Edited by supermario79411
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Update #24: Two-For-One Special

Well, the battles on Azurine Island weren't too bad. For Aster and Eclipse, I led with Poison Oak and Cruella, while Aster and Eclipse led with Solrock and Lunatone. Lunatone went down fast to a petal dance from Poison Oak, while Solrock was seriously injured by a brine before setting up a cosmic power. Up next came Aster and Eclipse's Magmortar, but after getting off a thunderbolt it went down from a brine and a petal dance (although Poison Oak got burned by Magmortar's flame body); Solrock, meanwhile, was healed by an ultra potion. It didn't do it much good, though; the next turn, after Aster and Eclipse's Rhyperior came out, Solrock went down to a critical-hit brine while Rhyperior fainted from a petal dance, before both of them fainted. Up next came Aster and Eclipse's Electivire and Milotic. Poison Oak injured himself from confusion, but on the bright side, Milotic missed a hydro pump. Electivire, meanwhile, set up a light screen and Cruella fired off an acid spray. The next turn, Electivire and Milotic ganged up on Poison Oak, weakening him enough to cause him to get knocked out from confusion damage; fortunately, Cruella was able to get off a free acid spray. The next turn, Randomus came out, but he fainted from a thunderpunch. Cruella got hit with a blizzard, but it only did scratch damage, and she retaliated with a acid spray on Electivire. The next turn, Orion came out and got a night slash off on Milotic, but Cruella went down to a thunderpunch, and Milotic healed itself with a recover. Fortunately, Cain came out, and while Aster and Eclipse healed Electivire, Cain managed to OHKO Electivire with an earth power! Orion, meanwhile, set up a hone claws and tanked a hydro pump from Milotic. The next turn, Milotic missed a hydro pump, and Cain and Orion wailed on it with an earth power and a night slash,, ending the first fight!

The fight against Taka, meanwhile, went pretty well as well. He led with Klefki, and I led with Cain. Klefki set up a spikes, but Cain took it down instantly with an earth power. Up next came Taka's Huntail, but it went down fast from a petal dance. Taka then sent out his... Aerodactyl? It's gonna mega evolve later, isn't it? Anyway, it got off a thunder fang, but Poison Oak unleashed three mighty petal dances, ending it and making Taka waste all his ultra potions! Taka decided to stop messing around and sent out his ace: Chatot. Poison Oak fainted from a boomburst and a heat wave, but managed to get off one last petal dance before fainting. Randomus just barely survived a Chatter, but missed a sleep powder and fainted from a heat wave. Cain swooped in to avenge his all-terrain brother anybody get the reference to TPP? No? Okay and managed to survive a heat wave in order to KO Chatot with a poison jab! Gliscor came out next, and Cruella took over for Cain. Gliscor did serious damage to Cruella with a aerial ace and a night slash, but Cruella held on with 32 hit points, and retaliated with two brines, taking it down. All that remained was Taka's Cradily, so I sent out Pile o' Crud. Pile o' Crud badly poisoned Cradily with a toxic, and promptly got confused. He hit himself in the face twice, and got injured by a giga drain and an ancientpower; however, he was able to injure it with a acid spray before fainting from an ancientpower. Luckily, Cradily was so injured that Orion was able to zoom in and end it with a single night slash! Now, it's time to head back to Apophyll Academy and stop Solaris!

...I am sooooooooo not looking foward to this...

The team so far:

003.pngPoison Oak (Male) - Lv. 45

034.pngCain (Male) - Lv. 45

049.pngRandomus (Male) - Lv. 44

452.pngOrion (Male) - Lv. 45

569.pngPile o' Crud (Male) - Lv. 45

073.pngCruella (Female) - Lv. 45

Edited by supermario79411
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Uh... yeah... about that...

Um, do you have any tips about how to beat him? Because I've thrown everything I've got at him and he still hands my arse to me. Seriously, why did you give him a full team?!

You'd have to ask Commander bout that, he is the mastermind behind the teams. Sorry.
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Uh... yeah... about that...

Um, do you have any tips about how to beat him? Because I've thrown everything I've got at him and he still hands my arse to me. Seriously, why did you give him a full team?!

The only reward for beating him is getting Julia for the later fight. Even on the Hardcore page, I said I don't know if you can beat him. I was only able to KO Scizor, Excadrill, and Gyarados before being Curbstomped by that Garchomp.

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The only reward for beating him is getting Julia for the later fight. Even on the Hardcore page, I said I don't know if you can beat him. I was only able to KO Scizor, Excadrill, and Gyarados before being Curbstomped by that Garchomp.


Well, do you think I'd lose any credit if I just fought him on non-Hardcore Pokemon Reborn?

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Well, do you think I'd lose any credit if I just fought him on non-Hardcore Pokemon Reborn?

Word to the wise; losing this battle may be better than winning it. Future Solaris is not a pushover (he's nowhere near as hard as Fern and Blake before it). I removed EQ on Flobot's Hippowdon so you will not have to worry about that. I can't tell you whether or not Julia will help you as I haven't tested it. For all I know, she'd hinder you (actually, she'd probably be slightly more helpful in the blake and fern, but worthless against Solaris). That future battle is the hardest fight in hardcore so...think carefully who you want to choose, no whether or you play fair in a fight.

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Word to the wise; losing this battle may be better than winning it. Future Solaris is not a pushover (he's nowhere near as hard as Fern and Blake before it). I removed EQ on Flobot's Hippowdon so you will not have to worry about that. I can't tell you whether or not Julia will help you as I haven't tested it. For all I know, she'd hinder you (actually, she'd probably be slightly more helpful in the blake and fern, but worthless against Solaris). That future battle is the hardest fight in hardcore so...think carefully who you want to choose, no whether or you play fair in a fight.

Well... I think I've made up my mind. I'm going to beat Solaris in normal mode.

Yes, I know that it may come back to bite me, but frankly, I need all the help I can get for the Fern and Blake battle (seriously, Fern has two Pokemon immune to poison-type attacks, and Blake has a crazy-powerful Mega Glalie). Additionally, I remember hearing that a lot of people thought that Julia was the better partner to have during the Solaris fight back when Episode 15 first came out. Here's hoping I don't regret it...

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Update #25: I Hope You Die In a Fire (I'm talking about Solaris, Commander, not you. I think you're wonderful. =))

Well, I had to temporarily revert to normal mode to beat Solaris, but I don't regret it; at this point in the game and with a restriction on what Pokemon I can bring in, I think that I'd be doing good by just beating non-hardcore Solaris.

Anyway, enough babbling from me. Solaris led with his Garchomp, and I led with Poison Oak. Poison Oak tanked a hit thanks to his focus sash, and unleashed a nature power, lighting the field on fire and negating his leftovers before fainting to field damage. I then sent out an old team member I dug up for the fight: Bobby the Weezing. Bobby managed to miraculously dodge a dragon rush and set up three smokescreens, then blew up with an explosion. Next, I sent out Pile o' Crud, who badly poisoned the Garchomp (which at this point was little more than a sitting duck) and lowered its special defense to abyssal levels with three acid sprays, then unleashed a sludge bomb. Solaris used up his first full restore, so I had Pile o' Crud badly poison Garchomp one more time; unfortunately, he was getting pretty injured by the field, so I swapped him out for Cruella. Cruella did a promising amount of damage to Garchomp with a brine, but Garchomp got healed again and managed to land a lucky earthquake, taking Cruella down. Cain came out next, and began spamming earth power. Even though Solaris healed his Garchomp a third time, he didn't heal it a fourth time, giving Cain the opportunity to take it down with one last earth power!

So... yeah. I'm sorry I chickened out and only did it on normal mode, but I don't think I could have beaten the Hardcore Solaris. Congrats, Commander; you made the ultimate impossible boss.

The team so far:

003.pngPoison Oak (Male) - Lv. 45

110.pngBobby (Male) - Lv. 45

034.pngCain (Male) - Lv. 45

049.pngRandomus (Male) - Lv. 45

569.pngPile o' Crud (Male) - Lv. 45

073.pngCruella (Female) - Lv. 45

Edited by supermario79411
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Well... I think I've made up my mind. I'm going to beat Solaris in normal mode.

Yes, I know that it may come back to bite me, but frankly, I need all the help I can get for the Fern and Blake battle (seriously, Fern has two Pokemon immune to poison-type attacks, and Blake has a crazy-powerful Mega Glalie). Additionally, I remember hearing that a lot of people thought that Julia was the better partner to have during the Solaris fight back when Episode 15 first came out. Here's hoping I don't regret it...

Yeah, the Solaris fight was an interesting decision. I knew just amping up Garchomp into a Lv 100 Mega wouldn't really make the same expression has having to fight a full team. (Seriously, I can imagine people's faces seeing he has 6 Pokemon). The lore is that he only uses half his power in that fight and simply was just testing your strength.

One day, I will go and face this really hard fight and win. Not today, but one day I will win it. That Gyarados is a nightmare. And yes, I do believe Julia is the better partner considering the number of retries I had to do with Derpbot (Seriously, she sent out Tropius and Torterra on Walrein) which is both helpful and hurtful. It's helpful because the duo don't bombard you with attacks, but it's hurtful because Florinia doesn't get turns to attacks (seriously, she's like a crutch you need).

I'm actually hesitant to nerf that section because on one hand, it's insanely difficult due to AI Florinia, but on the other hand, it makes for an epic climax to Hardcore as Ciel is a bit disappointing.

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Update #26: Cain Sugar

Well, the Cain battle was kind of close, but I think it went pretty well. I led with Cruella. Cruella took serious damage from a psychic, but survived an fired off a critical-hit boosted brine; Cain tried healing it with a chocolate ice cream and then had Venomoth unleash a critical-hit boosted psychic, but Cruella survived and fired off one last brine, ending it. Cain sent out his Samurott, and I sent out Poison Oak. Poison Oak tanked an air slash and unleashed a mighty petal dance. Unfortunately, Cain's Nidoking outsped and one-shot Poison Oak with a ice beam. Cain (the Nidoking, not the trainer) swooped and barely survived an ice beam with three hit points to spare, then fired off an earth power, prompting Cain to heal Nidoking with a chocolate ice cream. I used this time to heal up Cruella with a berry ice cream, but both she and Cain fainted before they could get off another hit. Luckily, when Orion came out, Nidoking only used superpower for some reason, allowing Orion to take the monster down with a night slash! I swapped out to Randomus, and Cain sent out Muk. Randomus put Muk to sleep and began spamming psybeam, but Muk woke up and took him out with two ice punches. Orion came back out, and managed to tank an ice punch and finish off Muk with two night slashes. Cain decided to send out his Weezing, and I switched out to Pile o' Crud (since Orion got overleveled). After Pile o' Crud fired off three acid sprays, the two pollution monsters traded sludge bombs, and Weezing fainted first. All that remained was Cain's Gengar (for once, this game threw me a bone and didn't give him a mega Gengar). I kept Pile o' Crud on the field and spent his last turn healing Orion before he fainted from a shadow ball. Orion came back out, and although he disobeyed me quite a bit, he eventually (with the help of healing items) managed to get off two night slashes, ending the fight and (finally!) letting me get into the wasteland! Let's go take on Aya!

The team so far:

003.pngPoison Oak (Male) - Lv. 45

452.pngOrion (Male) - Lv. 45

034.pngCain (Male) - Lv. 45

049.pngRandomus (Male) - Lv. 45

569.pngPile o' Crud (Male) - Lv. 45

073.pngCruella (Female) - Lv. 45

Edited by supermario79411
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Update #27: Weed Killer

Well, Fern was a close battle, but it could have gone a lot worse. I led with Hecate, and he led with Ferrothorn. Hecate got off two flamethrowers, but Ferrothorn set up a leech seed and was healed by a chocolate ice cream before being switched out for Fern's Krookodile. I quickly switched Hecate out for Randomus, and he tanked a field-weakened earthquake to put Krookodile to sleep with a sleep powder and do massive damage with two signal beams; unfortunately, he got paralyzed by a thunder fang and fainted the next turn from a earthquake. Fortunately, Orion came out and finished the Krookodile with a night slash after tanking an earthquake! Hecate came back out while Fern sent out his Scizor. It tanked a flamethrower thanks to its focus sash and almost took down Hecate with a bug bite, but Hecate held on with nine hit points and finished it off with one last flamethrower. Fern sent out his Sceptile next, and I sent out Pile o' Crud. Sceptile instantly mega evolved almost instantly (AND I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU etc.), but Pile o' Crud managed to tank a dragon claw and badly poisoned Sceptile with a toxic, then survived a leaf blade and unleashed an acid spray before fainting to one last leaf blade. Poison Oak swooped in next, survived a dragon claw, and finished the Sceptile with a nature-power-turned-gunk-shot. Serperior came out next, and it managed to dodge a gunk shot while getting off two dragon pulses and paralyzing Poison Oak, causing him to fail to launch a second gunk shot. Luckily, he landed a third gunk shot and almost took down Serperior, prompting Fern to swap it out for Ferrothorn. Pile o' Crud wasn't able to do much to Ferrothorn, but he was able to dent it with a petal dance and heal up Hecate before fainting to a gyro ball and iron barbs damage. Cain came up next, but he was only able to get off one earth power before fainting. Luckily, Hecate came out afterwards, and she managed to end it with a single flamethrower! Serperior came back out, but it fainted almost instantly from a flamethrower. Unfortunately, Hecate (who was overleveled) loafed around when Roserade came out, then fainted from a hidden power and a giga drain. Orion came out next, and what followed next went roughly like this:

1) Orion would get off a night slash.

2) Roserade would heal itself with two giga drains.

3) I would heal Orion with a berry ice cream.

4) Rinse and repeat from the top.

Eventually, after four berry ice creams, Orion managed to finish off the Roserade (the fact that it stopped using giga drain and started using hidden power kind of helped), ending the fight! And so, with Fern and the wasteland watching, it's time to take on Aya!

The team so far:

003.pngPoison Oak (Male) - Lv. 45

452.pngOrion (Male) - Lv. 45

034.pngCain (Male) - Lv. 45

049.pngRandomus (Male) - Lv. 45

569.pngPile o' Crud (Male) - Lv. 45

435.pngHecate (Female) - Lv. 46

Edited by supermario79411
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...Yeah for AI problems. That Cain fight is hard enough as it is so it doesn't need a Mega (not to mention he had a Haunter before). Truthfully, I kind of forgot about Fern having a Mega Sceptile. Truthfully, I thought you'd have more trouble on those two (I had a ton of trouble with Cain because he has type coverage and that Life Orb). But yeah, the future rival fights are a disappointment imo compared to these ones. Everything else I felt turned out great.

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...Yeah for AI problems. That Cain fight is hard enough as it is so it doesn't need a Mega (not to mention he had a Haunter before). Truthfully, I kind of forgot about Fern having a Mega Sceptile. Truthfully, I thought you'd have more trouble on those two (I had a ton of trouble with Cain because he has type coverage and that Life Orb). But yeah, the future rival fights are a disappointment imo compared to these ones. Everything else I felt turned out great.

Well, that's something I have to look forwards to, I guess. Anyway...

Update #28: Punk Rock Duet

Aya was, again, a close battle, but I think I did quite well. She led with Nidoqueen and Tentacruel, and I led with Cruella and Poison Oak. The Tentacruel managed to damage everyone with a sludge wave, and the Nidoqueen smacked Poison Oak with an earth power; fortunately, Poison Oak was able to put the Tentacruel to sleep with a sleep powder, and Cruella managed to take down the Nidoqueen with two brines! Up next came Aya's Gengar, and it managed to end Poison Oak with a sludge wave; it didn't get away unscathed, though, as Cruella managed to smack it with a brine. Orion came out next, and even though he got whacked with an icy wind (which Cruella managed to dodge), Orion managed to end the Gengar with a night slash, while Cruella injured the Tentacruel with an acid spray. The next turn, Aya's Tentacruel finally woke up, and her ace- Dragalge- came out to play. Tentacruel smacked both Cruella and Orion with a muddy water (lowering Cruella's accuracy), and Dragalge managed to hit Orion with a shadow ball; despite this, however, Orion landed a night slash on Dragalge, and Cruella landed an acid spray on the same target. Tentacruel set up a toxic spikes (which, honestly, wasn't the smartest move, considering that it was up against a mono-poison team) and Dragalge finally managed to finish off Cruella; before she went, though, she managed to land an acid spray on Dragalge, and Orion landed a night slash. Cain came out to avenge his squishy sister, and while Aya healed her Dragalge and Tentacruel completely whiffed an earth power, Cain OHKO'd Dragalge with an earth power while Orion dented the Tentacruel's health with a night slash. Unfortunately, my good luck kind of ran out there, as Aya's Drapion came out, and both Tentacruel and Drapion managed to wipe the floor with Cain and Orion through a muddy water and a critical-hit night slash. My last two Pokemon- Pile o' Crud and Randomus- came out next, and despite Randomus getting confused by Drapion he managed to put both sides to sleep, while Pile o' Crud began spamming acid spray on Tentacruel. Randomus then managed to end Tentacruel with a psybeam, and Pile o' Crud weakened Drapion with an acid spray. Up next came Aya's obligatory mega: Mega Venusaur. Randomus weakened both sides with a struggle bug, and Pile o' Crud tanked a power whip to weaken it with an acid spray. Unfortunately, the next turn, Drapion woke up and seriously injured Pile o' Crud with a night slash; to make matters worse, Randomus finally injured himself from confusion. Luckily, Pile o' Crud managed to hang on long enough to do massive damage to Venusaur with a sludge bomb before fainting to a power whip. The next turn, Randomus finally snapped out of confusion to take down the Venusaur with a signal beam... and then promptly became overleveled. Great. Amazingly, though, Randomus managed to stay obedient long enough to end Drapion with two signal beams, ending the fight! Now, it's time to finally rescue those kids!

The team so far:

003.pngPoison Oak (Male) - Lv. 45

452.pngOrion (Male) - Lv. 45

034.pngCain (Male) - Lv. 45

049.pngRandomus (Male) - Lv. 46

073.pngCruella (Female) - Lv. 45

569.pngPile o' Crud (Male) - Lv. 45

Edited by supermario79411
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Update #29: Mr Bigglesworth is Love, Mr. Bigglesworth is Life

Okay, remember when I said I was going to rescue those kids? I lied. What I meant was "I'm going to explore for a bit with my new-found strength and then go save the kids". During my exploration of the Wasteland, I found Mr. Bigglesworth, and promptly challenged him! His gang led with his two Trubbish cohorts, and I led with Cruella and Orion. The Trubbish were hardier than I expected, as they managed to survive a night slash from Orion and a brine from Cruella; they then hit Orion with a sludge bomb and Cruella with an acid spray. Nonetheless, they went down fast to another brine and night slash. Then Mr. Bigglesworth himself came out, and he smacked Cruella with a gunk shot hard, taking her out. Orion got off a night slash, but the next turn he went down to a gunk shot as well. Luckily, Cain (who I sent out to replace Cruella) managed to get off an earth power while Mr. Bigglesworth was distracted by Orion, doing serious damage. I sent out Poison Oak to avenge Orion, and even though Mr. Bigglesworth fought back with a pain split and a gunk shot, Cain and Poison Oak managed to take him down with a nature power and two more earth powers! With Mr. Bigglesworth defeated and the dawn stone and TM for Venoshock he was guarding obtained, it's time to get our journey back on track!

The team so far:

003.pngPoison Oak (Male) - Lv. 46

452.pngOrion (Male) - Lv. 45

034.pngCain (Male) - Lv. 45

049.pngRandomus (Male) - Lv. 46

073.pngCruella (Female) - Lv. 45

569.pngPile o' Crud (Male) - Lv. 45

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Update #30: Sirius Business

Hey! Sorry for the looooooong lack of updates; I've been doing a ground monotype run in Pokemon Rejuvenation, which you can find here! Anyway, Sirius was easier than I expected. I led with Pile o' Crud, Cain led with Nidoking, and Sirius led with Chandelure and Hitmontop. Nidoking got slammed by a shadow ball from Chandelure, and only took off about half of its health in return with a shadow ball of it own; Pile o' Crud, meanwhile, managed to tank a high jump kick and badly poisoned Chandelure. The next turn, Sirius got smart and used psychic on Pile o' Crud, tanking him out; fortunately, he only got semi-smart, as Hitmontop failed to take out Cain's Nidoking with a mach punch, allowing Nidoking to launch a shadow ball... on Hitmontop. (sigh) Great job, Cain. Anyway, next up came Randomus, and while he weakened Hitmontop and Chandelure with a struggle bug, Nidoking got off one last sludge wave before getting KO'd with a high jump kick. Chandelure, meanwhile, was healed by an ultra potion, and Cain sent out his Samurott. Sirius healed his Hitmontop with his other ultra potion, but Randomus took a chunk out of its health with a psybeam and a struggle bug. Unfortunately, Samurott missed a razor shell, and before he could get a second chance Chandelure and Hitmontop ganged up on him, taking him down with a high jump kick, an energy ball, and a shadow ball. Cain's Gengar came out, and although it got slammed by a sucker punch from Hitmontop, it was still able to take out the massively-weakened-by-poison Chandelure with a shadow ball while Randomus weakened Hitmontop with a psybeam. Sirius sent out his Manectric, and Cain switched out his Gengar for his Venomoth, but Manectric took it down with a single thunder fang, then took out his weakened Gengar when he sent it back out with a crunch. Luckily, Randomus was still able to take down Hitmontop with a psybeam and a struggle bug, leading to Sirius sending out his Honchkrow. Randomus got taken out by a brave bird from Honchkrow, but got off one last signal beam before fainting, leaving Honchkrow with only a tiny bit of health after recoil damage. Cain's newly-sent-out Muk, meanwhile, tanked a thunder fang and unleashed an ice punch that took a big chunk out of Manectric's health. I sent Orion out, but unfortunately, Sirius swapped his Honchkrow out for his Probopass, and Orion flinched from a thunder fang. This caused Muk to hit Probopass with an ice punch, which did little damage and was promptly healed up with leftovers. Orion fainted the next turn from a thunderbolt and a thunder fang, but he was able to take down Manectric with a night slash; Muk, meanwhile, pounded away mindlessly on Probopass with an ice punch. I sent out Cruella, and Sirius sent out his ace, Seviper. Seviper hit Muk with an aqua tail, but Cruella did massive damage to Probopass with a brine and Muk finally managed to freeze Probopass with an ice punch! Muk then managed to tank another aqua tail and do some damage with a shadow sneak, while Cruella wailed on the weakened Probopass with a brine. Probopass went down the next turn to a brine, while Seviper got off another aqua tail and Muk set up an acid armor. After tanking a night slash, Cruella got off a brine, and Muk froze Seviper with an ice punch, allowing Cruella to end Seviper with a brine! Time to get to Charlotte's house and heal Anna!

The team so far:

003.pngPoison Oak (Male) - Lv. 47

452.pngOrion (Male) - Lv. 47

034.pngCain (Male) - Lv. 48

049.pngRandomus (Male) - Lv. 47

073.pngCruella (Female) - Lv. 48

569.pngPile o' Crud (Male) - Lv. 46

Edited by supermario79411
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Yeah...I know I buffed Cain a little too much there, but I swear that the Sigmund fight later will more than make up for it. Good luck on Serra, but think you should be mostly fine on her since your special based. Just watch out for a certain Pokemon who hits like a truck (well...all of Serra's Pokemon hit like trucks). God I had a ragefest against her. Not even Aya frustrated me as much.

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Also.. *cough*LIG*cough* I've said too much.

Um... LIG? Life Is Good? I'm not sure what you mean... Anyway...

Update #31: Bug-Eyed and Flustered

Well, Bennett was... certainly harder than I expected. I led with Cruella, and he led with his Larvesta. Despite being unevolved, it did serious damage to Cruella with a bug bite and a zen headbutt. Fortunately, Cruella did more damage with two brines, and while Bennett healed Larvesta with two berry ice creams, Cruella managed to outspeed it and end it with three more brines! Up next came Bennett's Heracross, and I sent out Randomus. Randomus managed to put Heracross to sleep with a sleep powder, then did serious damage with two psybeams (one of which missed and was reflected back at it) before Bennett swapped it out for his Venomoth. Randomus smacked it with a psybeam on the switch, then tanked a bug buzz and put it to sleep with another sleep powder. He then took it down with two psybeams, and then outsped and finished off the weakened Heracross with a sixth psybeam. Up next came his Scyther. Pile o' Crud badly poisoned it with a toxic and weakened it with an acid spray, but ultimately he fainted from two knock offs and a wing attack. Undeterred, I sent out Orion, and he tanked a wing attack to severely weaken the Scyther with a night slash, leaving the Scyther to be KO'd by poison damage. Up next came Bennett's Vivillion, and I sent out Randomus again. He outsped and put the butterfly Satan to sleep, then took it out with three psybeams (one of which was reflected). Man, Randomus sure earned his keep this battle, huh? Anyway, all that was left was his Butterfree, and, underestimating it, I sent out Poison Oak, who was promptly smacked with a signal beam. Fortunately, he survived with about half health, put it to sleep, set up a leech seed and unleashed two mighty mirror shots (from nature power), weakening the Butterfree. The Butterfree eventually woke up and unleashed another signal beam, but Poison Oak survived thanks to leeched health and took it down with a combination of a third mirror shot and leech seed damage! With that down, it's time to take on Serra!

The team so far:

003.pngPoison Oak (Male) - Lv. 48

452.pngOrion (Male) - Lv. 48

034.pngCain (Male) - Lv. 48

049.pngRandomus (Male) - Lv. 49

073.pngCruella (Female) - Lv. 48

569.pngPile o' Crud (Male) - Lv. 47

Edited by supermario79411
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Update #32: Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall, What Would Happen if you Fall?

Well, Serra was... actually really, really tough! Weird; I always thought ice was the weakest type, but she really gave me a run for my money. Anyway, I led with Pile o' Crud, and she led with her Mega Abomasnow. Pile o' Crud badly poisoned it with a toxic and set up two layers of toxic spikes; however, he ended up fainting from a focus blast and two outrages. Fortunately, Randomus swooped in and did massive damage with a signal beam, ending Mega Obamasnow's term in office. Serra sent out her Mamoswine, and I sent out Cruella. She took massive damage from an earth power and missed a brine, but instead of going for the kill Serra switched out Mamoswine and sent out Glaceon while I healed Cruella with a hyper potion. Cruella tanked a stored power and survived a reflected frost breath, then got off an acid spray and a reflected sludge wave, leaving the Glaceon to faint from poison damage! Mamoswine came back out, but Cruella got KO'd with two earth powers before she could do anything. I then sent out one of our newer team members (and one of Corey's old Pokemon), Alieta the Toxicroak... and she promptly punched a mirror and got taken out by a rock slide and an earth power. Bravo, Alieta. Luckily, by this point Mamoswine was taking so much damage from poison that Orion, by attacking it relentlessly with crunches, was able to eventually take it out from poison damage, making Serra use up her three ultra potions in the process! Up next came Serra's Cloyster, and I sent Randomus back out. He managed to endure a waterfall and did massive damage with a signal beam, forcing Serra to swap it out for her Vanilluxe. Unfortunately, Randomus did much, much less damage to Vanilluxe with a signal beam, and was taken down with a frost breath. Poison Oak came out, and just barely tanked a frost breath with 25 HP to take down the Vanilluxe with a nature power (which, of course, turned into mirror shot). Serra's Cloyster came back out, and I kept Poison Oak out; this turned out to be a big mistake, as Cloyster managed to take him out with a single icicle spear. Luckily, Orion was able to tank a waterfall and took down the Cloyster with a crunch! All that remained was Serra's ace, Froslass. Orion tanked a shadow ball and did massive damage with a crunch, then (with the help of some healing items) toxic stalled Froslass by tanking two frost breaths, causing it to faint from poison damage! And so, Hemlock earns the Rime Badge! Time to get that medicine for Anna!

The team so far:

003.pngPoison Oak (Male) - Lv. 50

452.pngOrion (Male) - Lv. 50

454.pngAlieta (Female) - Lv. 49

049.pngRandomus (Male) - Lv. 49

073.pngCruella (Female) - Lv. 49

569.pngPile o' Crud (Male) - Lv. 49

Edited by supermario79411
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Oh yeah, Serra has earned her name the hax queen back for hardcore easily. Definitely not an easy fight that I've lost quite a few times. Yeah, once you get past Noel (who isn't as bad as Serra) you'll be out of the insanity part of Hardcore as I call it as Luna and Radomus are a bit anticlimatic compared to the rest. Samson is the only other gym that gave me a really hard time outside of Serra, but I'm surprised you beat her. Pretty good strategy you got there with that toxic spikes.

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Nice to see you beat Serra, also referring back to my "LIG" post, her theme as of the current release is Let It Go.

You know that was a joke, right? Umm...yeah...probably should change that 'cause I don't want Disney shutting down Reborn's community for copyright...yeah...definitely get rid of that for many reason like right now.

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Nice to see you beat Serra, also referring back to my "LIG" post, her theme as of the current release is Let It Go.

Oh yeah... I wondered why that was on the soundtrack... it's an instrumental remix, so I'm not sure if it'll trigger copyright laws...

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