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Hardcore Punk Rock (A Pokemon Reborn Hardcore Poison-type Monotype run)

Lord Chespin

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Oh yeah... I wondered why that was on the soundtrack... it's an instrumental remix, so I'm not sure if it'll trigger copyright laws...

Oh thank god! Scared me there for a minute using the Disney Song. Rule #1 of copyright infringement: never fucking use an official disney song in anything.

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Oh thank god! Scared me there for a minute using the Disney Song. Rule #1 of copyright infringement: never fucking use an official disney song in anything.

It still came from the official Frozen soundtrack... Oops... Brb, deleting download.
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It still came from the official Frozen soundtrack... Oops... Brb, deleting download.

You will be putting up a new link without that song, right? Because I still want to play the game for Youtube, but don't want copyright on my arse...


Update #33: A Taste of Your Own Medicine

Well, the fight against Dr. Sigmund Connal was pretty close, but I think I actually managed to beat him on my first try! I led with Pile o' Crud, and he led with his Ampharos... which mega evolved. I actually yelled "CRUD" when that happened. Anyway, Pile o' Crud lived long enough to badly poison it with a toxic and set up one layer of toxic spikes before fainting to a dragon pulse and a thunderbolt. Undeterred, I sent out Cain, who did massive damage with two earth powers, leaving it to faint from toxic damage and making Sigmund use up his first ultra potion in the process. He then sent out his Electivire, and I switched out for Randomus. Poor Randomus fainted almost instantly from a wild charge, but Alieta (who came out afterwards) managed to do massive damage with a sucker punch, then survived an ice punch and healed back all the damage with two drain punches while the not-so-good doctor healed up his ace with his last two ultra potions. She then managed to just barely survive a fire punch with 19 hit points left and take the Electivire down with a drain punch and a sucker punch! Up next came the doctor's Luxray; sadly for Alieta, the toxic spikes actually allowed it to get off a boosted facade, taking her out almost instantly (although she did get off a drain punch before fainting). Luckily, Cain managed to outspeed it and take it down with an earth power! Up next came Sigmund's Lanturn, so I sent out Poison Oak, who tanked a scald in stride and wipe the florr with in through a petal dance and poison damage. Sigmund sent out his Eelektross next, and I kept Poison Oak on the field. Big mistake; the poor lug only got off a single petal dance before getting confused from the fatigue, and failed to get off another hit before getting wailed on by the Eelektross, which managed to heal back a sizable portion of its lost health with a giga drain and a drain punch before taking Poison Oak down with a discharge and a crunch. Out next came Orion, but he fainted from a drain punch and two discharges (although he did take off a huge chunk of Eelektross' health with two crunches). All I had left was Cain, but he managed to take down the Eelektross with a poison jab. All that was left was Sigmund's Rotom-Mow, but it still could deliver a world of hurt on me. Just when I had given up all hope and accepted my loss, however, a miracle happened: it missed a leaf storm. This allowed Cain to take the Rotom down with two poison jabs, tanking a leaf storm that actually hit with just four hit points! Now that's a clutch if I've ever seen one! Anyway, after the battle, stuff happens, Sigmund gets blown through a wall, and Saphira gets kidnapped. She can probably save herself, but let's go rescue her anyway!

The team so far:

003.pngPoison Oak (Male) - Lv. 50

452.pngOrion (Male) - Lv. 50

454.pngAlieta (Female) - Lv. 50

049.pngRandomus (Male) - Lv. 49

034.pngCain (Male) - Lv. 50

569.pngPile o' Crud (Male) - Lv. 49

Edited by supermario79411
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Now that is what I call a close battle. But yeah, basically it's expected to face Sirius then Sigmund as Sigmund singles is the harder fight of the bunch. I would've given him a Mega Manectric, but you probably can guess who got that one. But yeah, you're almost done with the really, really difficult part now with only Pulse Abra and Noel left. I'd say they are both equal in difficulty.

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Yeah, I will, give me a few days, still on vaca.

Glad to hear it! Just take your time.

Now that is what I call a close battle. But yeah, basically it's expected to face Sirius then Sigmund as Sigmund singles is the harder fight of the bunch. I would've given him a Mega Manectric, but you probably can guess who got that one. But yeah, you're almost done with the really, really difficult part now with only Pulse Abra and Noel left. I'd say they are both equal in difficulty.

...Huh. I guess that means either Noel is really easy, or the PULSE Abra is really, really hard. Joy.


Update #34: The Day the Earth Stood Steelix

Well, despite being a Mega Evolution (I knew it would), the Steelix was actually kind of easy. I led with Cruella, and she got off two hydro pumps before fainting to a crunch and a stone edge. Poison Oak came out next, but he fainted from a stone edge after getting off only one petal dance. Luckily, this left it weak enough to get finished off by a sucker punch from Alieta, ending the fight! Time to end the PULSE Abra and destroy the base!

The team so far:

003.pngPoison Oak (Male) - Lv. 52

452.pngOrion (Male) - Lv. 52

454.pngAlieta (Female) - Lv. 53

073.pngCruella (Female) - Lv. 52

034.pngCain (Male) - Lv. 53

569.pngPile o' Crud (Male) - Lv. 52

Edited by supermario79411
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Update #35: It's Called Using Available Resources

Well, I beat the PULSE Abra, but I kind of had to cheat to do it, since it would outspeed and KO all of my Pokemon with pretty much one hit. I led with Orion, one of the few Pokemon on my team who could take a hit, and he got lucky and landed a critical-hit crunch before fainting to a dark pulse and a shock wave. Alieta came out next, and almost KO'd the Abra with a sucker punch. Cruella went down fast to a psychic, and then Cain came out. This is where I cheated a little bit: I used a revive on Alieta. She came back out after Cain inevitably fainted from a psychic, but Alieta managed to take down the Abra with one last sucker punch! With the Abra down and Saphira taking down the base, let's go take on Noel for real!

The team so far:

003.pngPoison Oak (Male) - Lv. 52

452.pngOrion (Male) - Lv. 52

454.pngAlieta (Female) - Lv. 53

073.pngCruella (Female) - Lv. 52

034.pngCain (Male) - Lv. 53

569.pngPile o' Crud (Male) - Lv. 52

Edited by supermario79411
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I know that fight is hard because it takes a full team to take it down. Should've seen my face when it had 1 HP and was burned and I waited for it to take burn damage. I went into a rage realizing that it had Magic Guard making me lose. Still, don't take same in that because Pulse Abra is meant to make people rethink they're fighting instead of running straight into a fight gun ablazing. Actually, that's the goal of Hardcore to promote strategy over power.

But yeah, Pulse Abra is definitely in the top 5 hardest fights. I'm not going to tell you what the hardest fight is, but I will tell you that it's getting nerfed in the E16 release.

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Update #36: L (See what I did there?)

Well, Noel was a little anticlimactic, although that might have been because I leveled up all my Pokemon to level 55 before fighting him. Anyway, on TEH URN, I led with Cruella, and Noel led with what was arguably his most problematic Pokemon: Cinccino. Cruella survived a rock blast and unleashed a sludge wave, corroding the grassy terrain. Noel used up two of his ultra potions while Cruella wailed on him with two more sludge waves, but she fainted from another rock blast. Alieta swooped in and tried using a sucker punch... but failed, because Cinccino got healed by Noel's last ultra potions. (sigh) Luckily, the Cinccino decided not to use a multi-hit move, but instead used two hidden powers, allowing Alieta to take it down with two sucker punches and a poison jab! Up next came Noel's second-most troublesome Pokemon: Porygon-Z. I sent out Randomus, and he put the Porygon-Z to sleep with a sleep powder and set up a quiver dance, then unleashed a psychic, but Porygon-Z woke up and fired off a hidden power! Luckily, Randomus tanked it with 97 hit points left, and ended the Porygon-Z with another psychic! Noel then sent out his Lickilicky, and I had Randomus put him to sleep with a sleep powder, set up another quiver dance, and fire off a signal beam. Sadly, Lickilicky woke up and took Randomus down with a return. Luckil(ick)y, Alieta was able to outspeed the Lickilicky and take it down with a drain punch, healing back a ton of health in the process. Noel decided to send out his Staraptor next, and I sent out Orion. Orion tanked a close combat and smacked Staraptor with a crunch, further lowering its defense. Unfortunately, he fainted the next turn from a brave bird, but by this point Staraptor was so weak that Alieta was able to come in and end it with a sucker punch. Noel then sent out his Mega Pokemon... Audino? Coldn't you have given him a stronger mega, like Bird Jesus Pidgeot or Lopunny? Anyway, Alieta managed to tank a dazzling gleam and KO'd it with two poison jabs, but ended up getting overleveled, so when Noel sent out his ace (Clefable) she ignored orders and got mauled by a moonblast. Fortunately, Cain was able to come out and, while it set up a cosmic power, take it down with two poison jabs! With Noel defeated, it's time to go find Saphira!

The team so far:

003.pngPoison Oak (Male) - Lv. 55

452.pngOrion (Male) - Lv. 55

454.pngAlieta (Female) - Lv. 56

073.pngCruella (Female) - Lv. 55

034.pngCain (Male) - Lv. 55

049.pngRandomus (Male) - Lv. 55

Edited by supermario79411
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This is a very impressive run so far. I like your loyalty to your team - almost no changes since the 4th badge.

Hey, thanks! I kind of used this guide for a reference on how to build my team (the major exception being Tentacruel, but I decided to use it anyway because I was lucky enough to get it from the mystery egg), so that might be why it hasn't changed much. I might put a Dragalge on it, though.

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Mega Audino has a little story behind it. It was kind of hard deciding what exactly to give Noel for a Mega and since Audino was close to Wigglytuff, I felt it would work for a tank and a setter up for Clefable due to a certain exploit I learned about. If you give a Pokemon only one attack move, the AI will go all funky and switch out (usually to the Ace) if it can't do enough damage. A misty terrain for Clefable is a nightmare if it uses Cosmic Power. Looking back at it, I feel the strategy is a little too gimmicky and kind of weakens his team.

I'll have to think carefully on adjusting Noel's team as Mega Kanga and Mega Pidgeott are possible Megas and Lickilicky is a possible to scrap list. Noel is just the type of Normal leader you really can't expect anything with. I might actually ask Jamak to do a poll for when I create an update to the game as Noel and Radomus are on my to fix list.

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Update #37: Defy the Legends

Well, I did it. I beat Techie Johnathan. I led with Randomus, and he led with Patrat. Randomus put it to sleep with a sleep powder, then set up six quiver dances. He took it down with a signal beam, and out came Techie Johnathan's ace up his sleeve: Mega Rayquaza. Randomus put it to sleep before it could attack, then quickly finished it off with two psychics! Time to get this adventure back on track!

...Oh, I also beat Archer of the Aqua Gang. He wasn't anything to write home about; I just had Randomus set up a quiver dance and he swept almost Archer's entire team except for Blastoise, which Poison Oak took down.

The team so far:

003.pngPoison Oak (Male) - Lv. 57

452.pngOrion (Male) - Lv. 57

454.pngAlieta (Female) - Lv. 57

073.pngCruella (Female) - Lv. 56

034.pngCain (Male) - Lv. 57

691.pngCommander (Male) - Lv. 56

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Update #38: Invasive Species

Well, Fern wasn't nearly as bad as I anticipated he would be. I led with Cruella, and he led with his Haxorus. Cruella tanked a iron tail, and did massive damage with a sludge wave, corroding the field in the process. Fern tried healing it with a berry ice cream, but Cruella just took it down with two more sludge waves! Fern's Krookodile came out next, but Cruella just took it down with a hydro pump. Fern then sent out his ace- Roserade- and I sent out our newest team member- Commander the Dragalge! He got off a sludge bomb, but took serious damage in return from an extrasensory; he then got off one more sludge bomb while Fern healed it with another berry ice cream. Since I knew Roserade would take Commander out with another extrasensory, I quickly switched him out for Orion, who soaked up the extrasensory, tanked a hidden power, and finished off the Roserade with a cross poison! Up next came Fern's Scizor, and I sent out Cain. Cain tanked two bug bites with 37 hit points left, and took the Scizor down with three earth powers! Up next came Fern's Mega Sceptile, and I sent out Alieta. Since Sceptile lost over half of its health just from switching in, Alieta was able to tank a dragon pulse with 61 hit points to spare and ended the Sceptile with a single poison jab! All that remained was Fern's Ferrothorn, so I kept Alieta on the field and had her use drain punch. Thanks to her big root, she was able to heal up more health than Ferrothorn's iron barbs took away, allowing her to take a gyro ball and finish the battle with one more drain punch! And now, we enter the most complicated route in all of the Pokemon fangames: Route 1.

...If I don't post in three days, send help.

The team so far:

003.pngPoison Oak (Male) - Lv. 57

452.pngOrion (Male) - Lv. 57

454.pngAlieta (Female) - Lv. 57

073.pngCruella (Female) - Lv. 56

034.pngCain (Male) - Lv. 57

691.pngCommander (Male) - Lv. 57

Edited by supermario79411
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TBH, Route 1 is actually simple except for the side stuff which is really, really tedious. NGL though, all I did to Radomus's team is give him the level boosts they need (all of them are 60-65 range) as his team is good, but the AI screws him over. This is the fight I'm not sure of because while I could bring back his Calm Mind team, I prefer trying to keep leaders to their themes (like how Radomus used Trick Room in league). Episode 9 is probably the most disappointing part of the game.

Also, Dragalge is awesome and probably my favorite Dragon type. I used an Acid Armor one in UU and I've had people ragequit on me due to that monster.

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TBH, Route 1 is actually simple except for the side stuff which is really, really tedious. NGL though, all I did to Radomus's team is give him the level boosts they need (all of them are 60-65 range) as his team is good, but the AI screws him over. This is the fight I'm not sure of because while I could bring back his Calm Mind team, I prefer trying to keep leaders to their themes (like how Radomus used Trick Room in league). Episode 9 is probably the most disappointing part of the game.

Also, Dragalge is awesome and probably my favorite Dragon type. I used an Acid Armor one in UU and I've had people ragequit on me due to that monster.

Wow, really? I'm glad I picked a good Pokemon to name after you! I decided to name it after you for all of the good help that you gave me.

I'm surprised you don't have X-Scissor on Orion to deal with Grass/Posion dual type pokemon. What moves does Orion havE?

._. ...Orion can learn x-scissor? I... didn't know that. My bad. Anyway, he knows hone claws, bug bite, crunch, and cross poison.

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Update #39: The Mark of Cain

Well, Cain was actually kind of easy. I led with Cruella, and he led with Muk. Cruella tanked a ice punch and a poison jab, then fired off an acid spray, a sludge wave, and a hydro pump. Cain tried using a moomoo milk, but Cruella just took it down with a hydro pump. Up next came Cain's Samurott, so I sent out Poison Oak, who managed to outspeed and KO Samurott with a petal dance. He also put a large dent in Cain's Nidoking, but he went down fairly fast to an earth power and an ice beam. Commander came out with a hydro pump while Cain healed Nidoking, but he fainted from an earth power the next turn. Luckily, Alieta managed to KO Nidoking with a sucker punch, prompting Cain to send out his Gengar. It started to Mega Evolve, which terrified me for about three seconds... and then it got tiny.



(hack) Um, anyway, Chibi Gengar got off a disable on Orion (who I swapped Alieta out for), but it didn't effect Orion, allowing him to one-shot it with a crunch. With Gengar down, out came Galvantula, so I sent out Cain. Galvantula got off a hidden power and a signal beam, but Cain tanked it with 72 hit points to spare and finished it with two earth powers. All that remained was Cain's Absol, so I sent Alieta back out. She got smacked with a sucker punch, but did massive damage with a drain punch and gave Absol a taste of its own medicine with a sucker punch of her own, ending the fight! And so, with Gossip Gardevoir kidnapped, it's time to track her down and fight the crazy Ditto-Arceus!


The team so far:

003.pngPoison Oak (Male) - Lv. 58

452.pngOrion (Male) - Lv. 58

454.pngAlieta (Female) - Lv. 59

073.pngCruella (Female) - Lv. 58

034.pngCain (Male) - Lv. 58

691.pngCommander (Male) - Lv. 58

Edited by supermario79411
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Update #40: Dancing Mad

Well, the Ditto-Arceus wasn't actually all that bad; I managed to beat him on my second attempt! I led with Commander, and he tanked a judgement to badly poison the false god with a toxic. El used all of his full heals on the Arceus, but Commander just kept badly poisoning him again and again until El ran out of full heals. He fainted before he could do any damage, but at this point the Arceus was only at two-thirds health. Poison Oak came out and promptly fainted to a judgement, but he still indirectly did serious damage from toxic stall. Up next came Aileta, and she managed to survive a shadow ball long enough to get off two sucker punches before fainting to a judgement... but it didn't matter, since the false Arceus fainted from toxic damage that very turn, ending the fight! And so, with Gossip Gardevoir returned and El defeated, it's time to take on Randomus!

...This may not end well.

The team so far:

003.pngPoison Oak (Male) - Lv. 58

452.pngOrion (Male) - Lv. 58

454.pngAlieta (Female) - Lv. 59

073.pngCruella (Female) - Lv. 58

034.pngCain (Male) - Lv. 58

691.pngCommander (Male) - Lv. 58

Edited by supermario79411
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(Grabs Popcorn) Oh this'll be good. Your team is actually at the level to fight him (58 is the recommended) and I fought him with a team with 3 members who couldn't take a Psychic too well. You might need to bring some new teammates but Radomus is definitely winnable with poison types like Orion and Cain due to the damage type. But try your hardest to keep your Pokemon alive for as long as possible.

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Update #X: Hard Drive Crashes, Everybody Dies

Um... heh... hi, guys...

Um, you remember in July, when I had to stop my Fighting/Fairy Duotype run because my hard drive broke?

Yeah... it happened again.

Now, we don't know if everything on the hard drive is toast, but I'm not feeling optimistic. So, I guess that unless I'm able to recover the stuff on my hard drive, this run is officially over. Yeah. I guess Hemlock had a catastrophic heart attack or something. I'm writing this on my Mom's computer, in case you're wondering.

The good news is that I uploaded my file for my Ground-type monotype run of Pokemon Rejuvenation, so that's safe. I'll get back to it once my new hard drive gets installed. Again, I'm really, really sorry. Thanks to everybody who stuck around, and I guess I'll see you in my next challenge run.

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At some point, can you PM me your info on your current Pokemon data (or the best you can). I could try to edit one of my save files (the one right before Radomus) to match the data if you really want me to (EVs, IVs, and all) or get really close to it. That way, you can continue from where you were. If not, I gotta say you got really far and was sure you could make it to the end.

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