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Phanpy's Pickup Ability


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After hearing about how great the pickup ability really can be, especially for grinding, I've decided to grab a Phanpy and train it up to at least lv 41. However, should I keep Phanpy from evolving, or is it alright to evolve Phanpy into Donphan and still have the Pickup Ability?

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Just use Bulbapedia for all that info. Also, there are Dedenne at that level in the Tanzan Cove, so if you're there just catch one. And there are Linoones and Pachirisus at the low fifties in Route 1 and the Aventurine Woods respectively.

I so would, but I'm not anywhere close to that area yet sadly. Definitely will make use of those once I make it that far.

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Get a dedenne. Dedenne is the best user of pick up because it is the best pokemon to ever exist and you should get one. I love dedenne and so should you. It would be wrong to have a Phanpy when a dedenne is available. Have I made myself clear. If not I'll keep it simple- DEDENNE IS THE BEST POKEMON EVER!

In all seriousness pickup is a very useful ability but I don't think it is worth keeping Phanpy from evolving for it. You can always get a dedenne breed for a new phanpy if you need more pick up.

You'll also want to get a honey gatherer Combee at some point.

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Best fully evolved pick up pokemon is diggersby. yes diggersby is so ugly that is why i just dont evolve bunnelby. well my pick up team is made out of just lvl 100 meowths with just payday. dump 2 meowth of same gender in the daycare and continue on with you journey. Payday+ pickup = Ton of $$. wish my real life cat could do that

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