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[set Name]

[species Name] (M/F) @ [Hold Item]

Trait: [Ability]

EVs: [EVs]

[Nature] Nature

- Move 1

- Move 2

- Move 3

- Move 4

[Description of Set]

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Clamperl (M) @ Eviolite

Trait: Shell Armor

EVs: 252 HP / 108 Def / 148 SDef

Calm Nature (+SDef, -Atk)

- Iron Defense

- Scald

- Substitute

- Toxic / Rest

Bitch, don't look at me like that. This little ball makes Cloyster look like a bitch. Iron Defense takes that defense of your to OVER 9001!!!! Not really, but amazingly high. Scald gives you a great STAB, and Substitute gives you excellent sustainability. Toxic is there if you want to whittle people down. Rest is there if you want to bulk through bitches.

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Clamperl (M) @ Eviolite

Trait: Shell Armor

EVs: 252 HP / 108 Def / 148 SDef

Calm Nature (+SDef, -Atk)

- Iron Defense

- Shell Smash

- Substitute

- Scald / Surf

Just a quick note: If you use this in the upper tiers, you're asking for people to not only laugh at you, but ruin your set up. Iron Defense helps maintain your defense at livable levels after you Shell Smash. Substitute only adds to how much you can do while you're boosting. Scald is there, because a chance at a burn is always epic and it is a pretty decent STAB. You can go with Surf if you're willing to trade the burn chance for added power. I'm telling you, unless you're a straight up beast, you better not even think about using this thing in OU.

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- Shell Smash

- Surf

- Ice Beam

- Hidden Power [Grass]

Item Attached: DeepSeaTooth

Ability: Shell Armor

EVs and Nature:

EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd

Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)

This isn't actually my set, but if it made it to Serebii's front page it must be worth while.

Here it is, the sun crushing beast known as Clamperl. Find something to set up on (good luck finding something that weak) and wreck havok. After a Shell Smash your speed boosts so high you speed tie with Jolteon. Your offenses are so great that even Blissey will feel stress against your mighty Surfs. Latias, the queen of dragons is slain in one shot. Even Gastrodon is salted by your incredible power. Of course its not all sunshine and Armageddon for the little clam. Setting a Shell Smash safely is darn near impossible. Even if you do you will probably not last long as a -1 defense Clamperl will immediately drop against any priority move or Choice Scarfed Pokemon.


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Clam Every Mountain

- Surf

- Ice Beam

- Hidden Power [Grass]

- Brine

Item Attached: DeepSeaTooth

Ability: Shell Armor

EVs and Nature:

EVs: 252 HP / 252 SAtk / 4 SDef

Quiet Nature (+SAtk, -Spd)

This set takes advantage of Clamperl's incredible bulk.. no just kidding. Use this in Trick Room to slice through offensive teams. HP EVs guarantee survival against all common priority moves while Trick Room support gives you a chance at not being immediately wiped out. Clamperl's movepool is so tragically small its only viable 4th move is Brine, though in Rain you will take out Blissey and Gyarados in one shot with it.

Set provided by Serebii.


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- Shell Smash

- Surf

- Ice Beam

- Hidden Power [Grass]

Item Attached: DeepSeaTooth

Ability: Shell Armor

EVs and Nature:

EVs: 76 HP / 248 SAtk / 180 Spd

Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)

Clamperl is of course usable in Little Cup. It boosts itself to almost unheard of levels of speed and Special Attack. Unlike in most other tiers Clamperl's defenses aren't THAT bad meaning it can usually take one or two weak hits before falling. Little Cup is unfortunate for Clamperl, LOADED with priority moves. Then again its hard to ignore 26 speed and 68 Special Attack in a tier where few Pokemon can surpass 19 in any given stat.

Set provided by Serebii.


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