Xiri Posted September 3, 2015 Share Posted September 3, 2015 There was a thread about favorite and least favorite gym leaders, so why not do the same for Elite Four members? Gen 1 -Favorite: Lorelei. Ice is my favorite type, so its pretty natural that I like a lot of Ice-type experts too (apart from a certain someone who tried to push his brother off a cliff). I loved the post-game story in FRLG involving her, and she was awesome in the manga too. -Least Fav: Bruno. His battle was just too easy. They could've given him a Primeape or a Poliwrath (did they save them for Chuck in the next gen?) but nope they had to give him 2 Onixs. Gen 2 -Favorite: Karen. Who doesn't love Karen? Personally, I think her end-of-battle speech is one of the golden quotes in the history of Pokemon. Her speedy Houndoom also gave me a lot of trouble when I was playing Silver - so she is very memorable to me. -Least Fav: Will. I never really liked his design. I was positive that he was a woman when I saw his sprite in GSC - so I was naturally surprised to find out that he was a man all along (I don't have anything against androgyny but his design was just meh). And Xatu was my least favorite Pokemon back then (until Mystery Dungeon came along), so having 2 of those in his party surely didn't help raise my affection level towards him. Gen 3 -Favorite: Glacia. Well... maybe I'm being biased again with her being a Ice-type trainer, but it was thanks to her, that I saw the Pokemon 'Sealeo' for the first time, and I couldn't help but gape at the cute fat seal on my GBA screen. I actually felt pretty bad for fainting it because it looked really adorable to my eyes. -Least Fav: Phoebe. DUSCLOPS urgh. Gen 4 -Favorite: Flint. This was hard to choose as none of the Sinnoh Elite Four were really likable/memorable. At least Flint did have some screen-time outside of the Pokemon League, and the double battle against him and Volkner post-game was pretty difficult iirc. -Least Fav: The rest. I seriously don't remember the rest of them at all. Gen 5 -Favorite: Grimsley. It was tough deciding between Grimsley and Caitlin - but I think I like Grimsley's design a tad bit more. -Least Fav: Shauntal. Solely because of Cofagrigus and Jellicent. I hated battling those two. Gen 6 (Haven't Played) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TimTim Posted September 3, 2015 Share Posted September 3, 2015 Gen 1 Favourite: Lance Before the fall of dragons in the hands of fairies, Lance is the archetypical fearsome dragon trainer Least Favourite: Bruno Put some clothes on, please Gen 2 Favourite: Karen Liked her as a villain in manga counterpart, the one that voluntarily took part in Pryce's master plan out of boredom with Will as partner Least Favourite: still Bruno Gen 3 Favourite: Drake Also Dragon trainer Least Favourite:no one in particular Gen 4 Favourite: Aaron Train Bug type, one of the types everyone deemed weak into the most formidable type in his region, living proof of Karen's quote Least Favourite: Bertha Why need another Agatha look alike? Gen 5 Favourite: Caitlin No reason other than lending her mansion to Cynthia, friendship among powerful trainers is cherishable Least Favourite: also no one in particular Gen 6 Favourite: Drasna, i guess? Most friendly of all the E4 in Kalos Least Favourite: Siebold Intorent of different opinions other than his Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Global Mods Ice Cream Sand Witch Posted September 3, 2015 Global Mods Share Posted September 3, 2015 (edited) Kanto Favorite: Agatha Least favorite: Either Bruno or Lorelei. Lorelei just isn't interesting to me, and Bruno has a generic "Martial artist" personality whose only characteristic is "I like fighting!" with no other personality traits whatsoever. Johto Favorite: Karen Least favorite: Bruno. Hoenn Favorite: All of them. They all have such colorful designs. Least favorite: None of them Sinnoh Favorite: Lucian Least favorite: Flint Unova Favorite: Grimsley and Caitlin. Grimsley is a snazzy dresser and has an interesting gambling theme, and Caitlin is cute. Least favorite: Marshal (see: Bruno) Kalos Favorite: Drasna. Least favorite: Malva. I want to punch her in the face. Edited September 3, 2015 by Ice Cream Sand Witch Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mde2001 Posted September 3, 2015 Share Posted September 3, 2015 Gen 1: Favourite is Lorelei as she was the battle I had the most fun with. Least Favourite is Bruno. Stupid concept and easy battle. Gen 2 Favourite is Karen- duh. Least Favourite is still Bruno. Gen 3 Favourite is Drake. I like his design and his team a lot. Least Favourite is Glacia. A really boring fight for me every time. Gen 4 Favourite is Bertha- because she is the only one who I remember the name of. Least Favourite is the bug guy. Stupid yanmega... Gen 5 Favourite is the ghost lady. I found her to be a fun character. Least Favourite is Marshal (is that the fighting guy). I hated him with a passion. Gen 6 Favourite is Drasna. At least she was nice before I destroyed her. Least Favourite is Seibold. What a sook! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TRHStatement Posted September 3, 2015 Share Posted September 3, 2015 +/-: Favorite/Least-Favorite Kanto: +/- : Lance/Bruno Jhoto; +/- : Karen/Will Hoenn: +/- : Drake/Phoebe Sinnoh: +/- : Flint/Bugsy Unnova: +/- : Caitlyn/Marshal Kalos: +/- : Siebold/Malva Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Myst Posted September 3, 2015 Share Posted September 3, 2015 Kanto: +Lance. He was such a toughy for me back in the day. And dragons. -Bruno. Everyone else's reasons. Johto: +Karen (aesthetically then Will, which I wish there was more to him). She's a strong woman with lines that still are remembered today. -Bruno. :v Hoenn: +Phoebe. She's just so weird and cute. And spookycute. -Glacia. Not rememberable. Sinnoh: +Flint. This guy is a bro. His personality. He choose his type off his name. He's just rad. -Bertha. Just. Less rememberable..like most of them. Unova: +Caitlyn. This child grew so strong. Remembering her from 4th gen just made it better. -Marshal. Neh. Fighting types, and most reasons comparable to Bruno. Thi I like him better then Bruno. Kalos: +Malva. Tram Flare. She wants to burn us. That fiery attitude. Its just so different and endearing. -Drasna. I still like her, but within a mediocre e4, she's just less memorable to me. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
trippineverywhere Posted September 3, 2015 Share Posted September 3, 2015 Kanto: Favorite: Lorelei. I might be a little biased because of Ice types but I still loved battling her. Least Favorite: Bruno. Obvious reasons lmfao. Johto: Favorite: Karen. You have to love that speech. Least Favorite: WHO DO YOU THINK?? Hoenn: (I barely remember, haven't played Gen 3 in ages and never got to buy ORAS.) Favorite: Don't remember. Least Favorite: Don't remember. Sinnoh: Favorite: Flint. I love his personality. Least Favorite: Either Bertha or Aaron. They bored me. (Cynthia outranks them all, I couldn't help myself I had to add this. I love her.) Unova: Favorite: Grimsley. I liked his character. Least Favorite: Marshal. He's not even someone I can remember well. Kalos: I never got to play X&Y. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SkyRunner Posted September 3, 2015 Share Posted September 3, 2015 Kanto + Lance - Bruno Johto + Karen - Bruno Hoenn + Glacia - Phoebe Sinnoh + Aaron - Bertha Unova + Grimsley - Shauntal Kalos + Drasna - Siebold Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Monochrome_Complex Posted September 4, 2015 Share Posted September 4, 2015 Gen 1 Fave: Agatha. The idea of this little old creepy lady kickng your butt with "death" themed pokemon(hence the poison and ghost types) was pretty neat. Her Pokespecial incarnation was really cool too. Gen 1 least fave: Bruno although i didn't dislike him, his team was just a bit boring is all. Gen 2 Fave: Karen fan here. I don't like her redesign much at all though, she looked much better gen 2. Gen 2 least fave: ugh will. His design is an incoherent mess but props for maining Xatu. Gen 3 Fave: Phoebe, she has an excellent look although I don't think it fits her typing that well. Gen 3 least fave: Glacia, she has almost no personality and what little she does comes off as highly unlikable. Also sheer cold spam FTL. Gen 4 fave: Lucien. Guy oozes a sort of neo retro coolness and his Bronzong was pretty tight. Gen 4 least fave: I actually like sinnoh's E4 unlike most people, but I guess Bertha has the least amount of personality. Gen 5 fave: Marshall, since fighting is my favorite type and he's probably the coolest fighting specialist in the franchise. Gen 5 least fave: Caitlyn, but i like all of Unova's E4 and think they're the best ones. Caitlyn has morning breath though lol. Gen 6 fave: Malva I guess. She's the only really memorable one although Siebold was actually pretty challenging without an electric move for Gyrados. Gen 6 least fave: The knight dude. Incredibly boring/obvious gimmick design without an ounce of creativity in it. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FlameMasterInfernape Posted September 4, 2015 Share Posted September 4, 2015 (edited) Gen 1 I only play it's remake +Bruno because bare feeted muscles dude FTW -Lorelei because she use Ice type I hate Ice type Gen 2 also only play it's remake +still Bruno nope Gen 3 play both the orginal and the remake I prefer the remake +Drake because some of his pokemon have Fire type attacks -Glacia same reason as Lorelei Gen 4 +Flint because he use my favourite type Fire and that his ace is my most favourite pokemon Infernape and also he is my most favourite Elite4 member nope Gen 5 +Marshall same reason as Bruno nope Gen 6 +Wikstrom because he have a sword with a shied as his ace wat I like swords -Malva supprpe well the reason is because she part of team flare and that she want to burn you the player after beating her thankfully she relise that going overboard and I still prefer Flint and Wikstrom over her Edited September 4, 2015 by Infernape88 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Masquerain Posted September 4, 2015 Share Posted September 4, 2015 Are we counting champions here? Gen 1: + Lorelei- no particular reason, I never rly cared enough for that gen so solely her design probably - Bruno- Again no particular reason, just never liked him Gen 2: + Karen- Always loved her design, the type she uses and her memorable speech about strong pokemon/weak pokemon -Bruno again- see up Gen 3: +Phoebe-I always liked the contrast of her design and her role. She doesn't seem like a ghost type trainer at all. The mystery of it all was always appealing. and her fight was never easy for my teams anyway -Drake- mostly because dragons and because I had gotten sick of seeing dragons in E4 at that point. Also, don't rly like the design Gen 4: + Well if champions count, definitely would say Cynthia because she has always been the most "memorable" champion after Steven, to me anyway. Her battle bgm is OP and her team was kinda the hardest I had faced back then + Bertha if no champions- Bertha's team and Bertha herself were badass. More in platinum than in DP but yeah. Badass granny comin through! -Lucian- Dislike his design and I hated his team, especially heat proof BRONZONG. Really, back in the day, Bronzong was my most hated pokemon.. Gen 5: Probably the most forgettable E4 for me.. I barely even remember their names so I have to google them up I: .....well then +Shauntal- I like her haunting concept and her outfit. She's also..poetic..and her team was also really cool. -Caitlin- because idk, no good reason, just never managed to like her or her team. Gen 6: +Drasna- Another badass lady whose design is quite cool. She also seems like the type of lady whod murder you with a smile on her face. -whatshisname..right.. Wikstrom- his design is quite...yeah. No. I also never liked the fact that randomly a knight is just there in his knightly armor... and I was never a steel type fan. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jaromir Posted September 4, 2015 Share Posted September 4, 2015 Kanto: Favorite: Lance - Capes and Dragons, hard to be cooler then this. Least Favorite: Bruno - he's a TriHard. Jotho: Favorite: Koga - He rose from a Gym Leader to Elite 4, gotta respect that determination. Least Favorite: Bruno - One generation later, still a TriHard. Hoenn Favorite: Drake - Achieved beeing cooler then Lance. Least Favorite: Phoebe - her design says ghost types where exactly? Sinnoh Favorite: Flint - you can't not love the Ronald within. He's a bro. Least Favorite: Aaron - I always found him annoying. And Drapion is not even a bug type! Unova Favorite: Caitlin - Recurring character that grow with age and trainer skills? Yes please. Least Favorite: Shauntal - I actually like all of Unova E4, it's just that her the least. Kalos Favorite: Wikstrom - Honourable knight, love the concept. Least Favorite: Drasna - Granny's not rememberable. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Froiky Posted September 5, 2015 Share Posted September 5, 2015 Gen 1: Best: Agatha. She's great. A cocky elder with creepy ghost types who knew Oak as a kid. She must have so many awesome stories to tell. Don't forget she's a member of the elite four for a reason. Worst: Lorelei. I started with gen 3 so it took a while to play gen one. When I did there wasn't as much of a connection to it as with Hoenn for me. Thus I picked Lorelei for her forgetability. She's the first member and, other than Agatha, the only one that isn't carried into Johto. Gen 2: Best: Karen. Pretty, evil, skillful. She's the fourth for a reason. Her Gengar has focus blast in the remakes. Where the other members are predictable Karen still poses a challenge. Worst: Will. Who? Exactly. He's forgettable. He's weak. Gen 3: Best: Drake. Just look at him. He is bad-ass and tames dragon types. Worst: Glacia. Again, forgettable. Sidney and Phoebe are memorable. Until I looked up the list of elite four members I had forgotten her, her name, her look. Gen 4: Best: Aaron or Flint. This one I'm not sure. Flint actually interacts with the player before entering the league and is the first fire type member. Aaron must be recognized though since he actually brought bug types to the league. Bug types, the most underrated type, in the league. Worst: Bertha. An old woman in the elite four? What, she's not Agatha? Nor Glacia? She's a rehash of previous members. I will give her that ground type hadn't been done yet. Gen 5: Best: Grimsley. Have you seen a trainer so cool? No. You haven't. That's all. Worst: Caitlin. Where Shauntal has her story writing and Marshal being Alder's student, Caitlin just sleeps all day. Seriously, when you reach her she is just waking up from a nap. It's annoying, it's disrespectful, and a bit boring. Gen 6: Note: I have not played this gen. Thus my opinion will be based on the few things I know. Also spoiler. Best: Malva. Why? She's hot and cool. My main reason, though, is what I've heard. In watching LPs of gen 6 I've seen Team Flare, which wasn't very impressive, and Malva has all the right qualities to fit in. The hair and sunglasses match, The pokemon match, and her name is pretty close to lava. I picked her because, despite lore and side stories, this is the first time a game has hinted that an elite four member was/is a member of a criminal org. Worst: Drasna. She's just not what I would consider a dragon trainer. She's happy, carefree, and seems opposite of previous dragon trainers. Call this stereo typing but I don't know much about this gen and the other members look cool. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chase Posted September 5, 2015 Share Posted September 5, 2015 Kanto: Favorite: Lorelei. - For many, Lorelei was the tone setter for the Elite Four experiences to come. We were used to gym trainers and experience gets and running to the safety of the Pokemon Center whenever we needed heals and whatnot - but when you enter a chamber with just the confident Lorelei and....well, nothing else. You know you were in for the gauntlet. Lorelei thus is the most memorable Kanto representative in a positive manner. Least Favorite: Lance. - His story of ascent is cute in all - but I actually liked Bruno more than I did Lance. The major issue with Lance though is the severe lack of Dragon types available. Johto: Favorite: Karen. - Karen pretty much spits at the idea of Smogon tiers and liking a Pokemon because it's viable competitively alone. I love that shit, man. Least Favorite: Bruno. - This guy...didn't progress at all. Why did he make a comeback? -THIS- is where he fouled out with me. Hoenn: Favorite: Sydney. - Sydney used a lot of interesting Dark types throughout the various iterations of 3rd gen games.He's just...cool. Least Favorite: Phoebe. - Hoenn didn't have enough Ghost types and this Elite Four member had to deal with it. Banette is not a good Pokemon without a Mega Stone. Sinnoh: Didn't play. Favorite would have to be Flint due to story interaction. Unova Favorite: Marshal - Marshal is like Bruno but actually involved with the story instead of passive and yet...recurring. Marshal was what Bruno could have been. Least Favorite: Caitlin - Least Favorite type of the 4. Good Character and recurring from Gen 4 make it just a necessary denotion and nothing more here. Kalos: Favorite: Siebold - Siebold is a chef. His art is the kind of art that has a short shelf life - and while he is adamant about his own position. So am I. This guy is rad. Least Favorite: Drasna - Drasna's just lacking in substance. Wikstrom at the very least represented the culture with honor. Again, only because I have to pick a least favorite. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Veterans Azeria Posted September 5, 2015 Veterans Share Posted September 5, 2015 Gen 1:Favourite : I actually like all of the Gen 1 E4 but, out of them All Agatha and Lance stand out the most. Ghost Crone or Dragon Tamer....yeah I'll go with the Dragon tamer just this once(Unless Drayden's part of the E4, Drayden outranks everyone on this list)Aside from that, wee Dragonite Spam. His Gen 2 team could've been better and his Gen 1 team could've included Arbok(Though Agatha used it)Rhydon(Though it's Giovanni's Ace)Onix(Bruno used one)and Charizard(He uses one quite frequently.)Any of those could've filled up his team(aswell as a Seadra)but whatever, in yellow he's got the triple coverage Dragonite so eh. Lance is the cape lord. Least Favourite: I actually like Bruno;he could have a really interesting character but the fact of the matter is that he rarely appears and his team is bland as fuck. He could've had some kind of Ground/Fighting team(As he seems to be fond of Mountainous based pokemon instead of just the fighting type)With His Current Fighting Types, Sandslash, Poliwrath and Primeape/Rhydon/Onix. Would've put up a much better fight. Atleast he trains in a room full of lava I guess. Gen 2: Favourite: I really wanna say Koga cuz he's a fucking Ninja, but Karen's actually the coolest of the Johto E4(Sorry Koga man.)She pretty much gives the fuck you to guys like Silver&Paul and all of Smogon and just uses pokemon she likes. Then there's the whole "Dark type" shming she has. Gengar fits the dark typing pretty well though a Sneasel...or even a T-tar if the level curve wasn't as horrible as it currently was could've been interesting. Sad. Least Favourite: Will: Who's this guy again? Like this guy is the least memorable E4 member of them all. Sure he looks goofy and has an interesting arena, but Bruno the guy who you face right AFTER him fights in an arena full of LAVA(IDK how they got that in there. And he uses barely memorable psychic types;WHY DOESN'T HE HAVE A FUCKING SLOWKING. Like;Xatu,Exeggutor, Jynx, Slowbro, Slowking would be much better than having 2 Xatus. Karen has an Umbreon, Why doesn't this guy have an Espeon? Gen 3: (Honorable mention to Drake for being a Pirate Captain/Dragon Tamer)Phoebe's my fave here, ghost type specialist in a gen that introduced some really cool ghosts. In particular my favourite ghost type;Dusknoir is her Ace in ORAS and I love it. She also has that creepy ghost girl in there. Least Favourite: Glacia: Let me say it here, I DESPISE GLACIA. She has to be my least favourite E4 member of them all. Will may be very forgetable but he's alright. THIS FUCKING WOMAN IS A DEMON. Let me tell you a story: Around this time last year, I did an Emerald nuzlocke and managed to get to the E4;I got to Glacia and guess what? She has 2 Glalie's. Now I expected them to be exact replicas of each other so I payed the second one no mind attacked with my Azumarill;who by the way was my trump card against Drake with it's ice beam. WORST IDEA EVER;It exploded on me....and with it went my Azumarill. But that isn't the end of it, OOOH NOOO. In a recent nuzlocke of ORAS; her Walrein got off 2 consecutive sheer colds. I AM SO DONE WITH HER. (Excuse my rage, but she's pissed me off to no end) Gen 4: Eh, Gen 4's E4 isn't that memorable though Cynthia has all the coolness needed for a League on her own. By default t's Flint cuz he's cool and uses some cool fire types in Platinum though his team in DP was anything but fire. Least Favourite: Lucian, IDK this guy just feels odd. Reminds me of Will but even less memorable. 4.8/10. Gen 5: The brothers Grimsley. This guy is all kinds of cool;A: Uses Dark types B: Looks swaggy as fuck C: Is a Gambler D: Uses Bisharp, Scrafty and Krookodile. This guy is just wow. 10/10 would face again. Least Favourite: I can't actually pick here, all are cool but out of them all; least fav is Marshal and that's only because the other 3 are just as cool and fighting is my least favourite type out of them XD. Gen 6: Wikstrom: His team and theme is just that cool. He's kinda lacking in substance but he's a knight with an Aegislash and Scizor. Now if he had a Lucario instead of Probopass his team would be badass amongst the badass. Malva: She reminds me of Giovanni; only weirder and less forshadowed. Like you face Giovanni multiple times throughout the game but Malva appears at the League randomly;speaks 8 lines and faces you. Her team is interesting but her Talonflame doesn't have Gale Wings to take advantage of leaving much to be desired. Honorable mention to Siebold for being as cool as he is. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Global Mods Ice Cream Sand Witch Posted September 5, 2015 Global Mods Share Posted September 5, 2015 On 9/5/2015 at 11:03 PM, Azeria said: Least Favourite: Will: Who's this guy again? Like this guy is the least memorable E4 member of them all. Sure he looks goofy and has an interesting arena, but Bruno the guy who you face right AFTER him fights in an arena full of LAVA You face Koga after Will, and then Bruno. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Veterans Azeria Posted September 5, 2015 Veterans Share Posted September 5, 2015 Oh yeah, somehow I forgot Koga even though he's my second Favourite E4 member :C Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AeroWraith Posted September 6, 2015 Share Posted September 6, 2015 (edited) Kanto Favorite: Lance- He may not have a lot of dragons but this guy is pretty cool, and becomes my favorite champion. Least Favorite: Bruno- Never really interested with this guy. Johto Favorite: Karen- Has one of the most memorable dialogue. Least Favorite: Bruno- Same reason as before. Hoenn Favorite: Drake- Most memorable to me, and gave me a good challenge when I first fought him. Least Favorite: Glacia- I always kept forgetting her. Sinnoh Favorite: Flint- Hes gotta cool personality and I liked the fact that you meet him before seeing him in the Sinnoh League. Least Favorite: Bertha- Agatha? Is that you? oh nevermind....just a ground type version of her. Unova Favorite: Grimsley- Another dark elite 4 member with one of my favorite quotes. Least Favorite: Marshall- Least interesting compared to the others. Kalos Favorite: Siebold- Was actually the toughest elite 4 member in kalos for me to beat, and I like his ideals. Least Favorite: Wikstrom- I don't hate the guy, but he was the least interesting. Edited September 6, 2015 by IronWraith Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted September 7, 2015 Share Posted September 7, 2015 Going to borrow TRHS' style.. Kanto: +/- : Agatha/Lance Jhoto; +/- : Karen/Bruno Hoenn: +/- : Phoebe/Sidney Sinnoh: +/- : Will/Bertha Unnova: +/- : Shauntal/Marshal Kalos: +/- : Malva/Wikstrom Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Xenome Posted September 11, 2015 Share Posted September 11, 2015 Kanto- Lance, I will just say this, Dragon types, plus secret agent, plus cape equals awesome. Lorelei, She was just so underwhelming Johto- Karen, best of a boring group, also umbreon was cool. Koga, He just wasn't impressive and lacked any wow factor, plus he wasn't even the strongest gym leader before then. Hoenn- Drake, a captain and dragon master, enough said Glacia, just has too little variety. Sinnoh- Flint, good story line and strong team. Aaron, I'm sorry but bug types are just way too easy to beat Unova- Shauntai, makes a really good showing for ghost types Marshal, least interesting plus fighting gave me no trouble except on a rock type run. Kalos- Wilkstrom, just a great team for his theme Drasna, an embarrassment to dragon type trainers everywhere Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Deleted User Posted September 12, 2015 Share Posted September 12, 2015 Kanto- F: Lance - Can you say bad ass, cus this guy is the OG. L: Agatha - First time playing this game at the age of 6, I lost to her probably 15 or so times before finally getting past her, Gary and Lance were beatable, but Ghosts back then just absolutely gave me fits, hated them with the channelers in Lavender Town, hated them here. Johto-F: Koga - Made the poison type which we laughed at from Team Rocket all the time pretty cool, first one to really utilize Poison well IMO. L: Bruno - His team was always just incredibly boring and repetitive, birdspam always made him a pushover too. Hoenn- F: Phoebe - Probably because by the time I faced her I wasn't completely screwed and naive trying to fight ghost types and it also wasn't just Gengar anymore, I felt.... vindicated when I beat her. L: Glacia - Fuck. Ice. Sinnoh- F: Bertha - I like ground types a lot, I would have picked Flint here, but to be honest his hair looking weird as hell is a deal breaker. L: Lucian - Nerd Unova- F: Grimsley - He reminds me of Fable II Reaver, who was a thief, a crook, and a good laugh. L: Marshall - None really, but if I had to pick one from Unova it'd be Marshall because why the hell does Sawk get sturdy??? Kalos- They're all lame. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vinny Posted September 12, 2015 Share Posted September 12, 2015 Kanto: Favorite - Lorelei: Of the four Elite members, she has the most interesting team. As the first Elite Four member EVER, she'll give you a nice introduction as to what battling the Elite Four feels like. Least favorite - Bruno: I guess it depends on your team, but Bruno's battle is very anti-climatic compared to Lorelei. 2ezgitrekt Johto: Favorite - Karen: I have to remember her message to win with your favorites more often. She also gets a Weavile in HG/SS rematch~ Least favorite - idk:I'd say Bruno again, but his "round 2" team gets more interesting, at least. I never understood the Onix anyway Hoenn: Favorite - Drake: I still have nightmares of that Salamence killing my Flygon like it was nothing. If you didn't brought STAB Ice, well... gg. Not really, but god damn this guy was a challenge. Least favorite - Phoebe and Glacia: Their teams were meh. Even if that Walrein refused to die asfafadafddff but still, that Walrein was the only problem. Sinnoh: Favorite - Lucian: That Gallade in Platinum was R.I.P to my Weavile. The only E4 member in 4th Gen that I really lost against. gg Lucian, gg. Least favorite - Flint (D/P): And only in D/P. That team looked ridiculous. ene though nowadays he could have a Mega Lopunny then gg Unova: Favorite - Caitlin: Surprised as hell to find someone from Sinnoh here. As an E4 member, nonetheless. And I forgot to bring Dark types adasfaafsafsa Least favorite - Grimsley: Always been pretty easy. And you don't get a Weavile later. Kalos: Favorite - Wikstrom: From the four, you have the most decent team, I suppose. Least favorite - Drasna: zzzzzzzzz Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ShinyVulpix Posted October 11, 2015 Share Posted October 11, 2015 Gen One: Fave: Agatha Agatha is one of the oldest elite four members and the original ghost master. Plus she always talks smack about Oak. Least Fave: Bruno Just don't like his design, his pokemon, his personality. Gen Two: Fave: Karen Karen is a dark type trainer, so she's already pretty awesome. Plus, she thinks true strength comes from taking the pokemon you love and making them powerful, not just picking them for their power. She's just super cool. Least Fave: Bruno Why did they keep him? Gen Three: Fave: Drayden or Phoebe I like Drayden and Phoebe because they break the norm and the stereotype of their type. Phoebe is dressed in floral, rather than gothic and Drayden is a ship captain...? Interesting potential for a sub-plot and character history there Least Fave: Glacia I just don't like her design or her personality...such a 2D character. Plus the only ice-type pokemon I like is Glaceon... Sinnoh: Fave: Aaron Bug-types are often shelved as weak, so having a bug-type elite four member was refreshing. Least Fave: Flint Hate his design, his personality, just so much hate and I don't know why. Unova: Fave: Shauntal I love her kitty design and her personality and her typing and just everything omg Shauntal is the most under-rated Least Fave: Marshal Just hate him. Hate literally everything. Kalos: Fave: Drasna or Siebold? They're both pretty cool in my books. Siebold has interests outside battling, despite his success in it and I think that's cool, and Drasna because she's a kind dragon-master and she's from Sinnoh. Idk I'm a sucker when they give characters just the slightest bit of depth. Least Fave: Malva Why doesn't Looker arrest this hoe? She WAS a member of Team Flare right? She basically gets away with helping them out and gets to sit on her throne talking smack to you. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dragon116 Posted June 26, 2016 Share Posted June 26, 2016 Favorite - Aaron because to be a Bug trainer in the E4 is fricking incredible. Not that he was all that hard to beat, but I'm impressed regardless. Least - Agatha. She's clearly a poison type trainer but claims to be a ghost trainer. Not cool Agatha, not cool. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
guy who doesn't post Posted July 1, 2016 Share Posted July 1, 2016 Kanto: +Lance, because he's Lance -Agatha. I don't dislike her, she's just my least favorite. Johto: +Koga. Poison ninjas are nice. -Will. He just didn't interest me too much Hoenn: +Drake. Something about an old sea captain with overpowered dragons is just a bit cool. -Glacia. Not too memorable to me. Also lots and lots of Glalies. Sinnoh: +Flint. He has screentime which I am perfectly accepting toward. -Lucian. Meh. Unova: +Caitlin. People with more screentime tend to become more favored by me for some reason. -Marshal. I forgot his name, to be honest. Kalos: +Malva. Yada yada screentime, but even then, her personality was much more memorable. -SIEBOLDS DUMB DRAGON DANCING GYARADOS GAH Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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