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Harem Monorun


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Okay maybe it's not a "mono"run persay but I thought it might be funny to do a complete play-through of the game only using pokemon that look female/humanoid. I don't think I've seen anything like this before so suggestions! (You go girl!) What 6 female humanoid looking pokemon should I use? A few off the top of my head would be lilligant, roserade, gardevoir, lopunny, gothitelle, froslass, and mawile. Also in terms of viability would I even be able to pick up enough early on?

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if you want it to be an harem, you need at least one male pokemon, or one female and five males if you prefer lol. harems arent just about all of the characters (or pokemons, in this case) being girls, but more about all of them being in love with the same person :].

anyway, id suggest you start off with the male. infernape is the best option you have here. then pick the females as you go. anything that's in the human-like group should work, even female machamp lmao.

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if you want it to be an harem, you need at least one male pokemon, or one female and five males if you prefer lol. harems arent just about all of the characters (or pokemons, in this case) being girls, but more about all of them being in love with the same person :].

anyway, id suggest you start off with the male. infernape is the best option you have here. then pick the females as you go. anything that's in the human-like group should work, even female machamp lmao.

Woudln't the trainer be the object of the love of the six girl Pokemon in this case?

Also, most of the Pokemon you'd be using in a run like this would be of the Psychic type, so I don't know if it would actually be a good idea...

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i think nidoqueen, maractus, bellosom, blissy, jynx, mismagius, illumise, vespiqueen, leavanny, delphox, florges, aromatisse are the most female looking pokemons

then you have grass, ground, poison, normal, ice, bug, ghost, fire, psyhic, fairy and flying type

this could work

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