Support Squad Felicity Posted September 5, 2015 Support Squad Share Posted September 5, 2015 On 9/5/2015 at 2:38 AM, rustytengo said: @Dobby after the changes there doesn't seem to be any big problems but a very minor nit pick is that for your character's Barrier Jacket its basically armor. Which is very unusual for any mage especially a MId-Childa Mage which need a bit more some of the more close range fighters is where you would see a few bits of armor never full on suits. also its kind of called a Jacket for a reason. like I said its very minor and i could be wrong. A actually took care to mention only the breast plate, gauntlets and greaves, avoiding actually saying full-suit because those three pieces are just that, only pieces that actually don't cover as much as you'd think. Of course the weight would still limit manoeuvrability but still nowhere near as much as a full suit. Reveal hidden contents Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bfroger6 Posted September 5, 2015 Share Posted September 5, 2015 (edited) Reveal hidden contents Name: Theotman Elvan "Dave" Davies Gender: Male Age: 21 Appearance: 173 cm tall, weighing 119 kg, it is no surprise that Dave isn't really skinny. Let's be honest, he's overweight, but he doesn't care. Food is his passion, after all. He sports unkept, dirty orange colored short hair and some unshaven beard. He usually wears a sleeveless hoodie and long, skin tight dark grey pants. He needs to wear knee support over his left knee. His Barrier Jacket, or actually, Knight Armor or even more precisely, Clothes (because his device materializes as an armor), is a dark grey undershirt and black pants, adorned with brown straps across his body, all connected to the belt around his waist, while his left arm is where Beisrydd, his device, materializes in its active form. Personality: Rude, snarky, lazy and uninterested, somewhat aloof. Dave loves food, to the point of eating almost all his free time. In any case, that's only the exterior of his personality. Inside, he still has that twinkle of knighthood passed down through generations in his family, although it rarely shows. Magic System used: Ancient Belkan Mana Conversion Affinity (if any): N/A Color of Magic Circle: Dirty Orange Device Name: Beisrydd Device Appearance: Sealed: While sealed, Beisrydd appears in the form of a silver cross shaped earring implanted in Dave's right ear. Active: In its active form, Beisrydd encases Dave's body in the form of additional armor in the mode called the Rüstung, or armor form. The armor is a brilliant shining silver knight's armor on his shoulders, legs and joints, also covering the upper part of the ear it once stood engraved in in the form of the silver earring. The Rüstung mode was additionally implemented into Beisrydd, replacing the Schild mode and to provide better barrier and shield control as well as better protection. The core of the device is on his right hand in the form of a silver gauntlet, adorned with the cross visible on the Belka style magic circles. The cartirdge system is also located in the gauntlet. There is one more mode for Beisrydd, and that is the Breitschwert, or Claymore, in English. It is a huge 1.9 m long, two handed bright silver sword formed from the device armor encasing Dave's body in the Rüstung form, with the cartridge system installed in the middle of the sword, just above the guard. Dave has difficulty wielding it for combat, and even more so because this mode sacrifices his defense in order to be able to materialize the huge sword. Background: Born in Northern Midchilda into an ages long bloodline of proud and mighty Belkan knights, Dave had been raised strictly since his infancy to follow in the footsteps of his predcessors and serve the Church as one of the knights. What this included were everyday practices of magic, mana control and wielding his device, Beisrydd, the weapon of his late grandfather which had been implemented (with magic, so that it couldn't be removed; it was a method to reach higher levels of synchronization and to ensure the safety of the device) into his ear as a sort of earring, slowly synchronizing itself with Dave on a much deeper level. Soon, he would become incapable of wielding any other device, save for Beisrydd. He was forced to train night and day, taking various tests and exams from time to time in the church to further help guarantee his future which was already set in his father's eyes. (Dave, however, only showed exceptional level of skill in programming defense spells, while showing no talent for direct combat using the 'Breitschwert'. The Church wanted him because of his exceptional reserves of mana, but they didn't know is that his magical potential is, in fact, low despite the high reserves because he has difficulty controlling the mana output, and requires the constant use of cartridges in order to properly use magic.) This is where problems arose. You see, while his father was all into the knightly stuff, stupidly loyal and all the other things considered sacred in the knightly code, Dave was nothing like that. Dave was lazy, slow, clumsy, rude, gluttonous (he just loved eating, ever since he was little) and soon grew to be rebellious towards his father and the Church which were forcing him into a future he did not want. As he grew from a clueless child into a somewhat self-aware teenager, Dave came to think with his own head, instead of just following his father's orders. He started opposing his father and the everyday practices, masses and the fate imposed upon him. He grew ever more distant from his duties, much to his father's dismay, skipping practices to go wander the cities with the gang he came to call his friends, slowly falling further to the edge of society. And he loved opposing his father, like any other stupid teenager. It was fun to roam the streets, fun to stuff himself, fun to do all the prohibited things his stupid father never let him do. This adittude of Dave's brought forth the rage of his father and many arguments ensued, some of which ended in actual fist to fist combat, where Dave was, of course, always overpowered. He still has issues with his left knee from when he was only 14. Still, he enjoyed making his father angry and his misdeeds only grew larger in scale. This kept on until he was 17, when his father finally snapped. It was a scary confrontation and Dave would never forget how his father drew out his sword at him. He would have probably ended up dead, had it not been for Beisrydd's intervention, which gave Dave a chance to run away. Dave ended up alone, on the streets, with only Beisrydd at his side to keep him company, and he hated the thing's metallic, German voice. Even though it was Beisrydd who saved Dave by activating, it was still an object of hatred as it was given to him by his father. In any case, after around a year of barely making it, Dave decided it was enough and went towards the Bureau to sign up. Maybe it was the hunger, or he was just fueled by his anger towards his father, but he signed up, using Beisrydd to demostrate his prowess with magic, and they accepted him as a recruit. He demostrated the vast knowledge of history and other subject he earned throughout the years of studying, but he also dmostrated his lazyness and disrespect towards the authority. Several times he tried slashing off the part of his ear which encased Beisrydd, but the protective magic around it never let him. He also tried wielding some of the Midchildan Intelligent Devices just to get rid of Beisrydd, but he could never synchronize with them properly. One night, after around a year of struggling with the Bureau and almost getting himself kicked out on several occassions, he ended up accepting his current state of things. It came like a sort of illumination, a sudden realization, perhaps because he was no longer a child. He came to drop the senseless grudge against any and all authority figures and came to accept Beisrydd, actually starting to feel thankful that the device had always been there for him. He became exceptionally dilligent, slowly gaining reputation in the Bureau and he even went and got an upgraded mode for Beisrydd (something he never wanted to do because he just wanted to ditch the thing), obtaining the Rüstung mode on his device. They actually broke through the security placed on Beisrydd in order to do that, so Dave is able to take the cross off his ear (although the implant which holds it is still irremovable from the ear). He specialized in defense magic and reached the level of it that nobody could look over. Actually, he was that good with defense that they picked him out for a special unit, the Task Force Buster 3 at the age of 21, mere 4 years after joining ~ There, Rusty, I'm done ~ I think I did a good job, but you tell me if I did something wrong! EDIT: Edited the appearance of the device a bit and added something I overlooked to the backstory, but I didn't change or add anything important. Edited September 9, 2015 by Bfroger6 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hiss13 Posted September 5, 2015 Share Posted September 5, 2015 (edited) @Bfroger6 I see no immediate issues. Looks good to me. (Though, I realized I never gave Leivinia a Edited September 5, 2015 by Hiss13 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bfroger6 Posted September 5, 2015 Share Posted September 5, 2015 Cool ~ Now to wait for Rusty's approval (or disapproval, lol) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shamitako Posted September 5, 2015 Share Posted September 5, 2015 Fiiiiiine. I give in, you win Sarcy. Much WIP things and IDK if I even did most of it right so lemme know if I needa change things Name: Himura KatsuoGender: MaleAge: 17Appearance: Katsuo is tall and muscular with pale skin and short cropped periwinkle hair. He has narrow pale red eyes. He dresses fairly casually, wearing long sleeve shirts that look like t-shirts pulled over a second shirt (IDK what those are called but they look awesome) and cargo pants with sneakers Katsuo's Barrier Jacket Is primarily comprised on a long white trench coat with patternless red splotches all over the back. He wears this over a scarlet shirt with periwnkle jeans held tight by a simple black belt. He also wears red combat boots and fingerless glovesPersonality: Katsuo is the type of guy who's always willing to help but never willing to admit he likes helping. He tends to avoid approaching people and waits for them to come to him. He'll act exasperated at being bothered but really doesn't mind at all. He also has quite the temper and is prone to violence when he's agitated. He's not the brightest person in existence but he works hard and is very knowledgeableMagic System used: Modern BelkaMana Conversion Affinity (if any): NoneColor of Magic Circle: ScarletDevice Name: Gwaedu (Gwī-dŭ)Device Appearance: When Sealed Gwaedu looks like a a ruby earring (dangly-chain kind) that Katsuo wears on his right ear In device form Gwaedu becomes a spiked black mace with a ruby at the end of its silver handle. It may also be shifted into flail mode where the head detaches and a chain extends from the handle. It has a simple cartridge system where a single cartridge may be inserted into a slot on the lower handleBackground: (Ima cheese this a little since I don't know the universe that well yet) Katsuo's exact origin is unknown, even to himself. He can't remember most of his early years. His memories begin around the age of ten where he woke up on a TSAB ship with nothing but the clothes on his back and Gwaedu in his hand. His only memory his name and the name of his device. Apparently they'd found him floating loosely in spacetime; barely alive and only kept so because of a stasis field Gwaedu was projecting around him. With nothing better to do, he joined the TSAB in hopes of learning who he was or at the very least creating a new life for himself He spent a long period of time in training, and wasn't allowed into the field until fifteen. But once he was finally allowed out he quickly proved his mettle as a warrior. Within a short time he became known for being direct and brutal in his approach, which would get him both commended for his effectiveness and scolded for his temper. Even with his temper, his effectiveness as a brawler got him requested to join Buster 3. Which he accepted because he didn't have much else to do at the time Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hiss13 Posted September 5, 2015 Share Posted September 5, 2015 Woot! New player! And KosherKitten evens up all of the ratios~ 2 of each magic system 3 of each gender XD Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shamitako Posted September 5, 2015 Share Posted September 5, 2015 I did? That was entirely on accident XD That's good though, I like even ratios Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Code: PIRULUK Posted September 6, 2015 Share Posted September 6, 2015 ...oops. I forgot to mention where the cartridge slot on Eleganz was located. Just assume it's in the hilt. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rustytengo Posted September 6, 2015 Author Share Posted September 6, 2015 (edited) On 9/5/2015 at 12:28 PM, Dongby said: A actually took care to mention only the breast plate, gauntlets and greaves, avoiding actually saying full-suit because those three pieces are just that, only pieces that actually don't cover as much as you'd think. Of course the weight would still limit manoeuvrability but still nowhere near as much as a full suit. Reveal hidden contents ah okay I see. On 9/5/2015 at 1:04 PM, Bfroger6 said: Reveal hidden contents Name: Theotman Elvan "Dave" Davies Gender: Male Age: 21 Appearance: 175 cm tall, weighing 119 kg, it is no surprise that Dave isn't really skinny. Let's be honest, he's overweight, but he doesn't care. Food is his passion, after all. He sports unkept, dirty orange colored short hair and some unshaven beard. He usually wears a sleeveless hoodie and long, skin tight dark grey pants. He needs to wear knee support over his left knee. His Barrier Jacket, or actually, Knight Armor or even more precisely, Clothes (because his device materializes as an armor), is a dark grey undershirt and black pants, adorned with brown straps across his body, all connected to the belt around his waist, while his left arm is where Beisrydd, his device, materializes in its active form. Personality: Rude, snarky, lazy and uninterested, somewhat aloof. Dave loves food, to the point of eating almost all his free time. In any case, that's only the exterior of his personality. Inside, he still has that twinkle of knighthood passed down through generations in his family, although it rarely shows. Magic System used: Ancient Belkan Mana Conversion Affinity (if any): N/A Color of Magic Circle: Dirty Orange Device Name: Beisrydd Device Appearance: Sealed: While sealed, Beisrydd appears in the form of a silver cross shaped earring implanted in Dave's right ear. Active: In its active form, Beisrydd encases Dave's body in the form of additional armor in the mode called the Panzerplatte. The armor is a brilliant shining knight's armor on his shoulders, legs and joints, also covering the upper part of the ear it once stood engraved in in the form of a silver earring. The Panzerplatte mode was additionally implemented into Beisrydd, replacing the Schild mode and to provide better barrier and shield control as well as better protection. The core of the device is on his right hand in the form of a silver gauntlet, adorned with the cross visible on the Belka style magic circles. The cartirdge system is lcated in the gauntlet. There is one more mode for Beisrydd, and that is the Breitschwert, or Claymore, in English. It is a huge 2.5 m long, two handed obsidian sword with the cartridge system installed on its upper side around the hilt. Dave has difficulty wielding it for combat, and even more so because this mode sacrifices his defense in order to be able to materialize the huge sword. Background: Born in Northern Midchilda into an ages long bloodline of proud and mighty Belkan knights, Dave had been raised strictly since his infancy to follow in the footsteps of his predcessors and serve the Church as one of the knights. What this included were everyday practices of magic, mana control and wielding his device, Beisrydd, the weapon of his late grandfather which had been implemented (with magic, so that it couldn't be removed; it was a method to reach higher levels of synchronization and to ensure the safety of the device) into his ear as a sort of earring, slowly synchronizing itself with Dave on a much deeper level. Soon, he would become incapable of wielding any other device, save for Beisrydd. He was forced to train night and day, taking various tests and exams from time to time in the church to further help guarantee his future which was already set in his father's eyes. (Dave, however, only showed exceptional level of skill in programming defense spells, while showing no talent for direct combat using the 'Breitschwert'. The Church wanted him because of his exceptional reserves of mana, but they didn't know is that his magical potential is, in fact, low despite the high reserves because he has difficulty controlling the mana output, and requires the constant use of cartridges in order to properly use magic.) This is where problems arose. You see, while his father was all into the knightly stuff, stupidly loyal and all the other things considered sacred in the knightly code, Dave was nothing like that. Dave was lazy, slow, clumsy, rude, gluttonous (he just loved eating, ever since he was little) and soon grew to be rebellious towards his father and the Church which were forcing him into a future he did not want. As he grew from a clueless child into a somewhat self-aware teenager, Dave came to think with his own head, instead of just following his father's orders. He started opposing his father and the everyday practices, masses and the fate imposed upon him. He grew ever more distant from his duties, much to his father's dismay, skipping practices to go wander the cities with the gang he came to call his friends, slowly falling further to the edge of society. And he loved opposing his father, like any other stupid teenager. It was fun to roam the streets, fun to stuff himself, fun to do all the prohibited things his stupid father never let him do. This adittude of Dave's brought forth the rage of his father and many arguments ensued, some of which ended in actual fist to fist combat, where Dave was, of course, always overpowered. He still has issues with his left knee from when he was only 14. Still, he enjoyed making his father angry and his misdeeds only grew larger in scale. This kept on until he was 17, when his father finally snapped. It was a scary confrontation and Dave would never forget how his father drew out his sword at him. He would have probably ended up dead, had it not been for Beisrydd's intervention, which gave Dave a chance to run away. Dave ended up alone, on the streets, with only Beisrydd at his side to keep him company, and he hated the thing's metallic, German voice. Even though it was Beisrydd who saved Dave by activating, it was still an object of hatred as it was given to him by his father. In any case, after around a year of barely making it, Dave decided it was enough and went towards the Bureau to sign up. Maybe it was the hunger, or he was just fueled by his anger towards his father, but he signed up, using Beisrydd to demostrate his prowess with magic, and they accepted him as a recruit. He demostrated the vast knowledge of history and other subject he earned throughout the years of studying, but he also dmostrated his lazyness and disrespect towards the authority. Several times he tried slashing off the part of his ear which encased Beisrydd, but the protective magic around it never let him. He also tried wielding some of the Midchildan Intelligent Devices just to get rid of Beisrydd, but he could never synchronize with them properly. One night, after around a year of struggling with the Bureau and almost getting himself kicked out on several occassions, he ended up accepting his current state of things. It came like a sort of illumination, a sudden realization, erhaps because he was no longer a child. He came to drop the senseless grudge against any and all authority figures and came to accept Beisrydd, actually starting to feel thankful that the device had always been there for him. He became exceptionally dilligent, slowly gaining reputation in the Bureau and he even went and got an upgraded mode for Beisrydd (something he never wanted to do because he just wanted to ditch the thing), obtaining 'Cutom Mode: Panzerplatte' on his device. He specialized in defense magic and reached the level of it that nobody could look over. Actually, he was that good with defense that they picked him out for a special unit, the Task Force Buster 3 at the age of 21, mere 4 years after joining ~ There, Rusty, I'm done ~ I think I did a good job, but you tell me if I did something wrong! everything looks fine to me. On 9/5/2015 at 6:29 PM, KosherKitten said: Fiiiiiine. I give in, you win Sarcy. Much WIP things and IDK if I even did most of it right so lemme know if I needa change things Name: Himura Katsuo Gender: Male Age: 17 Appearance: Katsuo is of a short, stocky build with pale skin and short cropped periwinkle hair. He has narrow pale red eyes. He generally dresses casually, wearing cargo shorts, a t-shirt, and sneakers when he isn't in his school uniform. Katsuo's Barrier Jacket [WIP] Personality: Katsuo is the type of guy who's always willing to help but never willing to admit he likes helping. He tends to avoid approaching people and waits for them to come to him. He'll act exasperated at being bothered but really doesn't mind at all. He also has quite the temper and is prone to violence when he's agitated. He's not the brightest person in existence but he works hard and is very knowledgeable Magic System used: Modern Belka Mana Conversion Affinity (if any): None Color of Magic Circle: Scarlet Device Name: Gwaedu (Gwī-dŭ) Device Appearance: When Sealed Gwaedu looks like a a ruby earring (dangly-chain kind) that Katsuo wears on his right ear In device form Gwaedu becomes a spiked black mace with a ruby at the end of its silver handle. It may also be shifted into flail mode where the head detaches and a chain extends from the handle. It has a simple cartridge system where a single cartridge may be inserted into a slot on the lower handle Background: [WIP] Looks down at work that was made for five people. crumbles it up and pulls out plan B, and smiles evilly. can't wait to see your finished character but so for your looking good. and yes even ratios are a good thing. hehehehehe. Edited September 6, 2015 by rustytengo Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chevaleresse Posted September 6, 2015 Share Posted September 6, 2015 you make me scurred not acqui-level scared, but still scared Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hiss13 Posted September 6, 2015 Share Posted September 6, 2015 On 9/6/2015 at 3:50 AM, Adamance Ascendant said: you make me scurred not acqui-level scared, but still scared You haven't been holding the sustained feeling of being scurred~ rusty's been doing the evulz smile for a while to me~ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chevaleresse Posted September 6, 2015 Share Posted September 6, 2015 Going to add characters to the OP? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hiss13 Posted September 6, 2015 Share Posted September 6, 2015 I think he might be waiting for KosherKitten to finish her profile so he can add them all at once~ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rustytengo Posted September 6, 2015 Author Share Posted September 6, 2015 On 9/6/2015 at 3:57 AM, Hiss13 said: I think he might be waiting for KosherKitten to finish her profile so he can add them all at once~ yeah I'm lazy so doing everything at once is what i do. and don't worry I'm not capable of Acqui level terror and lethelality. its like D&D more people means i need to increase the Challenge Rating. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Code: PIRULUK Posted September 6, 2015 Share Posted September 6, 2015 On 9/6/2015 at 3:50 AM, Adamance Ascendant said: not acqui-level scared, but still scared On 9/6/2015 at 4:08 AM, rustytengo said: and don't worry I'm not capable of Acqui level terror and lethelality. ...I feel like I should be offended by this. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raindrop Valkyrie Posted September 6, 2015 Share Posted September 6, 2015 On 9/6/2015 at 7:48 AM, Code: PIRULUK said: ...I feel like I should be offended by this. I'd revel in it Milady, For it is the one who instills pure terror in the heart of others that has already won. Nothing is better than the pure horror that one can instill in others and not only because it's fun but because once you got 'em... you got 'em lol. They are yours to toy with at that point. Ah... it's a wonderful feeling for a host. On the actual RP... seems cool and what not... but I'm really not in the mood to learn another magic system...a whole 'nother verse etc... cause eh... It's just work. So I'll probably not be throwing my hat in the ring for this one lol. ((inb4 you all try to sucker me into this now...)) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Support Squad Felicity Posted September 6, 2015 Support Squad Share Posted September 6, 2015 On 9/6/2015 at 8:04 AM, Hukuna Fulmine said: ((inb4 you all try to sucker me into this now...)) I mean, I figured I'd pass on badgering you into this to let the effect of the badgering build up for when I want you to really join something. If you WANT to be badgered then that's a whole different matter. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raindrop Valkyrie Posted September 6, 2015 Share Posted September 6, 2015 lol, the thing is... you know that I would probably join literally every RP I had even passing interest in if I had the time to do so. Like like literally anything I stick my big ugly nose in means I'd pick it up if I really really could lol. But I got to redouble on Graterras and am thinking of starting another RP of my own as well. ((that's still a big maybe though lol.)) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shamitako Posted September 6, 2015 Share Posted September 6, 2015 No ,Huk, go wai, we have perfect ratios so shoo >:c Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bfroger6 Posted September 6, 2015 Share Posted September 6, 2015 I edited the appearance of the device a bit and added one minor thing I overlooked in the backstory. Hope you don't mind and check it out, although it isn't anything character changing, just a sentence of explanation I forgot to write ~ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raindrop Valkyrie Posted September 6, 2015 Share Posted September 6, 2015 On 9/6/2015 at 12:35 PM, KosherKitten said: No ,Huk, go wai, we have perfect ratios so shoo >:c Ratios are for squuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuares. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chevaleresse Posted September 6, 2015 Share Posted September 6, 2015 He's not wrong. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bfroger6 Posted September 6, 2015 Share Posted September 6, 2015 Dave: Reveal hidden contents >3> Will do teh Barrier Jacket/Knight Clothing laterz Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rustytengo Posted September 7, 2015 Author Share Posted September 7, 2015 I won't fall for your tsundere act Hukuna. @Acqui i wasn't trying to be insulting to you. we fear you because we respect you. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Code: PIRULUK Posted September 7, 2015 Share Posted September 7, 2015 On 9/7/2015 at 12:20 AM, rustytengo said: I won't fall for your tsundere act Hukuna. @Acqui i wasn't trying to be insulting to you. we fear you because we respect you. In the words of the character in your DP: "Teeheehee" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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