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Task Force Buster 3 a Nanoha-verse RP[OOC]


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Name: Jin Yamiju

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Appearance: Has black hair and amber colored eyes. Has an athletic build. He wears a halfway unzipped blue vest two arm bands. A pair of pants with a flame like design running down one leg. A orange cloth that goes from his waist to the bottom of his feet on his right side.

Barrier Jacket: a black and red vest adorns his upper body. Under it is a black shirt with three red belts. He wears a pair of black gloves with a red shell on the backs of the hands. His right arm is prosthetic after having lost it when he was younger. The shell opens up to reveal a magic weapon his parents created called the Azure Grimoire whenever he utilizes it. He wears a black hakama and steel-toed red boots.

Personality: Jin is is sardonic, rude, and abrasive to anyone he comes across. He is also quick to anger, and is stubborn,

Magic System used: Modern belkan

Mana Conversion Affinity (if any): N/A

Color of Magic Circle: Red

Device Name: Bloodscythe: A broad sword that Jin usually holds in a reverse grip.

Device Appearance: in it's stand by form it takes the form of a pendant with a strange symbol on it. It's device form is a sword that takes the form of a one sided broadsword with the cartridge system being above the hilt. The weapon in its second form takes the form of a scythe with a crimson energy blade made of magic, Similar to Fate Testarossa Harlaown's Bardiche in scythe form.

Background: Jin was a young boy that lived with his family on Administrated World #23. Born an only child, he dreamed of becoming a TSAB officer and Ace like one of the greats. At 13 his whole world came crashing down when a mysterious mage came demanding a weapon his parents created called the Azure Grimoire A weapon that can store large amounts of excessive mana and shape it into any form. When his parents refused, the mage killed them and cut off Jin's arm. When he awoke he was in a bed in the Saint church on Midchilda with his device Blood-scythe in it's standby form on the bed stand next to him after the mages that saved him found it and learned through Device registry that it belonged to him. And a new black prosteic arm. He later found out his prosteic arm was the very weapon that the mage killed his parents for. The Azure Grimoire. His parents had implanted it into him and as a result it was activated when Jin began to lose too much blood from his wound. It created an arm for him thus the reason for his new arm. As the years went by he trained in the church with his device and new found power and was scouted by Buster 3 at Age 17.

Probably won't be accepted but I'm gonna try anyway.

Edited by Yamiju
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So, that was actually pretty good. Until I got to the backstory

Overall you're fine, but giving him a Lost Logia is kind of nope. As far as a I know the only canon character to utilize one directly is Hayate, and I'm sure you know how overpowered she is

There's also no clear explanation of why his device was with him at the Church. You don't need to say how he himself got there, but you should explain why his device was there as well

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A few problems:

1. As Lexi mentioned, only a small subset of characters have ever utilized Lost Logia within the verse. Hayate for obvious reasons, Vivio for a short period of time in StrikerS, Thoma Avenir and Curren Huckebein in Force, and the holder of the 'Seed of Origin' (which technically has yet to be confirmed as a Lost Logia) in Force.

2. Well…Lexi hit the inconsistencies in Back Story.

3. Darkness is not really Mana Conversion Affinity. Within the verse, only Lightning and Fire are possible conversion affinities.

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Name: Jin Yamiju

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Appearance: Has red hair and one green eye and one red eye. Has an athletic build. He wears a halfway unzipped blue vest two arm bands. A pair of pants with a flame like design running down one leg. A orange cloth that goes from his waist to the bottom of his feet on his right side. He wears a pair of black gloves with silver knuckle protrusions sewed into them for heavier damage.

Barrier Jacket: a vibrant red sleeved jacket with two long thin tails hanging from the back. Under it is a black shirt with three red belts. He wears a pair of black gloves with a red shell on the backs of the hands. His right arm is prosthetic after having lost it when he was younger. The shell opens up to reveal lost logia, the Azure Grimoire whenever he utilizes it. He wears a black hakama and steel-toed red boots.

Personality: Jin is is sardonic, rude, and abrasive to anyone he comes across. He is also quick to anger, stubborn, and never misses a chance to use as much vulgar language as possible.

Magic System used: Modern belkan

Mana Conversion Affinity (if any): Darkness

Color of Magic Circle: Red

Device Name: Bloodscythe: A broad sword that Jin usually holds in a reverse grip.

Device Appearance: in it's stand by form it takes the form of a pendant with a strange symbol on it. It's device form is a sword that takes the form of a one sided broadsword with the cartridge system being above the hilt. The weapon in its second form takes the form of a scythe with a crimson energy blade made of magic, Similar to Fate Testarossa Harlaown's Bardiche in scythe form.

Background: Jin was a young boy that lived with his family on Administrated World #23. Born an only child, he dreamed of becoming a TSAB officer and Ace like one of the greats. At 13 his whole world came crashing down when a mysterious mage came demanding a lost logia called the Azure Grimoire. When his parents refused saying they hand no idea what the mage was talking about, the mage killed them and cut off Jin's arm. When he awoke he was in a bed in the Saint church on Midchilda with his device Blood-scythe in it's standby form on the bed stand next to him and a new black prosteic arm. He later found out his prosteic arm was the very lost logia that the mage killed his parents for. The Azure Grimoire. As the years went by he trained with his device and new found power and was scouted by Buster 3 at Age 17.

Probably won't be accepted but I'm gonna try anyway.

Protip: registering an OC that is basically a palettw-swapped Ragna is not a good way to get accepted into an RP.

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Didn't Reinforce use use Darkness though?

Yes. But like Lexi said, it was due to the Tome of the Night Sky.

Mana Conversion Affinity is the ability to convert mana into one of two forms of physical energy: Electrical and Thermal. Hence why fire and lightning are the only Conversion Affinities.

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Great…after looking back at the device description for Eleganz, I can't help but feel a bit depressed…I mean, the image of Olivie on the throne of the Cradle just reminds me of the flashback arc in ViVid which gave the details of how the Reunification Wars progressed and the ending was depressing...

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Great…after looking back at the device description for Eleganz, I can't help but feel a bit depressed…I mean, the image of Olivie on the throne of the Cradle just reminds me of the flashback arc in ViVid which gave the details of how the Reunification Wars progressed and the ending was depressing...

Stupid politics :c


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Well first off thanks everyone for helping out well i was away . Its a great help to me.

second, everyone tackled the big parts of your character Yamiju so i won't have to much to say,.

So here it goes,as Acqui said is would better if you can get him further from Ragna the better the device is fine though. i know everyone needs inspiration at points but you need to make the character your own not just a color swap.

next i'm not okay with a prosthetic arm being a magic weapon with out any explanation of what it does so you need to add that or make it a regular prosthetic arm(hell there are cyborgs/androids in Nanoha so you could have fun there). Also i would need a explanation to why said magic weapon was attached as his arm. Since that something that normally wouldn't happen for no reason. If you want to keep it a weapon of some sort but don't want to let everyone know you can send me a PM as we can discuss it there.

finally this is a more personal thing i know you want you character to use vulgar language I'm fine as long as you don't get excessive with it. Keep in mind if either the church or the TSBA your character did go through some sort of training and vulgar language isn't something that both would allow to much of in my opinion anyway. It's manly to keep everyone participating feeling comfortable and whatnot.(keep in mind that kind of language should be used more for emphasis then anything when writing.)

so thats all anyway you have time your character will be introduced once the you get it worked out and once the current interaction is finished then the RP gets a little more exciting hehehehe.

also y'all know i can't watch Vivid really so shush( just kidding i have the wiki to spoil stuff for me hehehehehe)

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Yo, Rusty. Can you allow me to edit my Device a bit? I mean, it hasn't been used IC yet, so there should be no problems, and I thought of a way better idea (I usually do that, post my app then think of something better immediately after).

Sorry if it's a problem

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Yo, Rusty. Can you allow me to edit my Device a bit? I mean, it hasn't been used IC yet, so there should be no problems, and I thought of a way better idea (I usually do that, post my app then think of something better immediately after).

Sorry if it's a problem

na its no problem feel free to change it.

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Thanks, you rule ;P

Device Name: Beysridd

Device Appearance: Beysridd appears as a small silver cross earring with a blue gem embedded into its center when Sealed. Upon activation, it transforms into a silver gauntlet reminiscent of times of knighthood and valor, with a Belkan cross on its top side with the blue crystal attached into its center, much like when in Sealed Mode. The gauntlet is silver only in appearance, as it is incredibly hard and it reaches all the way up to Dave's elbow with its armor plates. The Device also forms a blue hooded cape around Dave's neck, with a Belkan cross motif in white on the back of it. The Cartridge System is installed beneath the cross in the gauntlet, and it cools itself down via exhaustion vents on the bottom side. It can hold up to two cartridges at any time. The gauntlet form is more suited for controlled magic, making it easier to cast a series of shield and barriers at its master's command. Beysridd, however, has another installed form, the Schildform. When initiated, the upper plates of the gauntlet detach, leaving the Cartridge System bare on Dave's arm, in order to form a 1 meter wide cross (with the Belkan cross in its middle) that connects itself into a round shield using additional plates. The shield is the ultimate form of protection against long range bombardment spells.

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thanks for the heads up Acqui.

a few things i need to know from y'all (don't worry its nothing big)

1. let me know hear when you all are ready to move to the next "day".

2. would you all rather i jump straight to the training field or would you like to post your morning before heading there?

3. i will spoil this right now the next part will be a mock battle(big shock to those who know Nanoha). My question for this would you all rather have it be a series of three one vs one battles or a three vs three team battle?

both of them have reasons why i would use them. the one vs one is because it lets people who may not be able to post for awhile not have to worry to much about but until the battle is done no one other then the two would be posting. the Three vs three is well the opposite good for the group but it could stop if people aren't able to post.

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