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Updated: Should i change someone on my team or what?


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Moves: Psyshock, Dark Pulse, Future Sight , Feint attack

Nature: Bashful



Ability: Magma Armor

Nature: Bashful

Moves: Lave Plume, Earth Power, Flame Burst ,Rock Slide



Ability: Torrent

Nature: Modest

Moves: Cut, Water Pulse, SmackDown, Bubble



Ability: Plus

Nature: Clam

Moves: Confuse Ray, Thunder Punch, Charge Beam, Electro Ball

Edited by Kingfrost78
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Assuming you are where I think you are due to your pokemon levels, you're about to face Corey or you have already beaten him.

Regardless, you should always have a team of 6 on you. Your pokemon right now are decent, and provide good coverage, but you could use a Psychic type.

You can get an Espurr in a house in the Lower Peridot Ward, after continuously giving a homeless guy change (around 3 times.) You will have to grind it up a bit, but it is so worth it once you do. Meowstic becomes extremely strong and fast, and is currently my main Psychic type.

Once you beat Corey (or if you already have), you can buy a Rose Incense in the Lapis Ward flower shop, which attracts a Budew on a sunny day in the Peridot Ward.

Otherwise, your team is pretty good. You just need to fill the other spots up.

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  On 9/4/2015 at 8:42 PM, deathoftheflame said:

Assuming you are where I think you are due to your pokemon levels, you're about to face Corey or you have already beaten him.

Regardless, you should always have a team of 6 on you. Your pokemon right now are decent, and provide good coverage, but you could use a Psychic type.

You can get an Espurr in a house in the Lower Peridot Ward, after continuously giving a homeless guy change (around 3 times.) You will have to grind it up a bit, but it is so worth it once you do. Meowstic becomes extremely strong and fast, and is currently my main Psychic type.

Once you beat Corey (or if you already have), you can buy a Rose Incense in the Lapis Ward flower shop, which attracts a Budew on a sunny day in the Peridot Ward.

Otherwise, your team is pretty good. You just need to fill the other spots up.

Male Meowstic can be very helpful. Male Meowstic provides priority (vis Prankster) Light Screen, Reflect, and Misty Terrain )for changing fields. Espurr learns Psyshock pretty early (level 25)

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Well you could add in a few more members to your team. Do the mystery egg event and maybe get lucky and get a few good mons. Numel,frogdier and Ampharos are awesome mons to have. swoobat fall off mid game cause there are better mons which can replace him.Add a grass type to your team Roselia, Lotad and maybe a leavanny if you are willing to buy tons of pokesnack. Also make a HM Slave don't put HM on your regular team. Best HM slaves in game are Watchog and Bibarel .

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