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The name's Yuu!


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Nice to meet ya!

I'm actually not all that new here, I just have a preference to lurk on the forums ye~

Uh... about me... I live in Southeast Asia and other than my interest in Pokemon I like to draw, play volleyball, watch gory anime, and I'm SnK trash. ;v;

I'm not all that interesting really but from what I've seen this community is really rad and I can't wait to get to know some peeps! nwn

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Welcome to Reborn! Community rules to your left, search bar above that, Showdown server above that. Try not to confuse the search bar with the status bar below the rules, as it's a common mistake. Or don't. I'm not a cop, although you do have to leave your sanity at the door. I hope that you enjoy your stay here on the forums!

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Hello Yuu and welcome to the realm of insanity, also known as the Reborn forums. The sanity or lack of it has been mentioned so enjoy your stay. I hope you show some of your drawings on the forums as we all love looking at the art. Anyone who watches gory anime is interesting, or at least have a great imagination so you'll fit in fine around here.

Now if you'll excuse me... *fades away into the shadows, devouring souls cookies*

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Well met You. (HaGetitI'mSoClever#PrizeConfirmed)

Welcome to Reborn!

SnK yooooooooo /o/

And I'll have to go after your art and see how it looks. I got pretty curious tbh.

And a lurker eh? We need more lurkers-turned members so I can shitpost everhwere post on all the new topic c:

Anyway, does blue translates to WOLOLO where you live? It does now.

WOLOLO \o/ get converted~

Do enjoy your permanent stay here in the Reborn place, and feel free to ask me or the rest of the staff any questions you have.

I'll see you around o/

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