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Fresh off the Rippling Walls, it's Caelondian!


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Yo! TheCaelondian here. If you prefer, you can call me Cael. I want to say, first off, that I'm incredibly happy with the quality of this game and its amazing community. Thank you, Amethyst and company, for bringing us this fantastic game!

About me: I enjoy a wide variety of hobbies. I love to read; I've been doing it from a very young age. I recently started reading The Martian, and can't wait to finish it; it's such an amazing book, and for someone who loved stories like Robinson Crusoe, Hatchet or Swiss Family Robinson, it's perfect. I don't watch much TV, or many movies, but I like the Hornblower adaptations that aired on A&E; that's where I got my profile picture.

I love video games. My first video game I ever played was Crash Team Racing on the PSX, and I've been a huge gamer ever since. If I had to choose just one video game to declare my absolute favorite, it'd be a hard choice - I like so many games from so many different genres, that I can't really pick a fair favorite. Overall, though, I guess my vote would be Bioshock Infinite. The amazing gameplay, story, and world are unbelievable, and the graphics are fantastic.

Finally, in terms of Pokemon: I tend to use Pokemon I like over the ones that are the "best", but there's a lot of overlap, and I can't say that my opinions are entirely separate from their in-game worth. :P My teams in Reborn and Rejuvenation are in my signature.

Thanks again, Amethyst and co., and I hope to enjoy myself here!


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Welcome to Reborn! Community rules to your left, search bar above that, Showdown server above that. Try not to confuse the search bar with the status bar below the rules, as it's a common mistake. Or don't. I'm not a cop, although I do have to arrest your sanity at the door. I hope that you enjoy your stay here on the forums!

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Well met Cael

Welcome to Reborn!

...is that Wes in your trainer card thingy? Get these cool points dog~

And did you know Wes overcoat is blue just like you WOLOLO \o/ get converted

Do enjoy your stay here in the Reborn place, and don't be afraid to ask questions.

The mods like to act like they're big and bad but all of them will answer your questions that's our only purpose in life

I'll see you around o/

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(☞゚ヮ゚)☞ I know those words. Welcome! Enjoy your time here!

"TheCaelondian", huh? I see someone likes Bastion.

Welcome to Reborn!

Yup :P I love Bastion, and Transistor, too. Supergiant Games are just the best.

Well met Cael

Welcome to Reborn!

...is that Wes in your trainer card thingy? Get these cool points dog~

And did you know Wes overcoat is blue just like you WOLOLO \o/ get converted

Do enjoy your stay here in the Reborn place, and don't be afraid to ask questions.

The mods like to act like they're big and bad but all of them will answer your questions that's our only purpose in life

I'll see you around o/

Yep, that is!

And thank you all for the warm welcome!

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