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-IMPORTANT- Potentially closing the regular season Early [PLEASE VOTE]

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So after some discussion, the committee has decided it may be in the best interest of the competition to start wrapping things up. Originally started there were 34 battlers and as of this moment, we would appear to have 25 remaining assuming that everyone who hasn't directly me told me they're completely out stays, but even that is up in the air at this point. In order to avoid the regular season becoming nearly meaningless from having just barely enough competitors left to fill the playoff bracket, we would like to ask the competitors if they would be alright with closing the regular season at this time and advancing straight to the playoffs. Not everyone would have the same number of matches played and the committee would determine the results as of the standings at the end of week 9. This would also mean for those of you who are on the edge about staying in the competition due to time constraints can likely get it out of the way. I ask that all remaining competitors please PM me their vote. This is for the sake of anonymity and at the same time making sure that only people who are participating are actually voting.

For this motion to carry forward 2/3 majority vote will be necessary. (17/25 minimum)

Feel free to ask any questions here.

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I'll try to express problems from both sides of the spectrum here.

If we were to cancel it now, some wouldn't be able to get their shot at redemption and trying to get into playoffs. This can be really offputting for them as hey may want to and believe they can make it to this goal.

If you don't cancel it, those who already have a good record could fear as they have the chance to be left out of playoffs, or lose their top spot.

Finally, a problem for both spots. If not all weeks are done, both sides lose their chances at improving their records and hoping they can reach for the top or bring someone down from the top.

Personally, I'm going to wait a little bit, but I want to address these issues to you now and hear what you have to say about them.

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  On 9/7/2015 at 3:26 AM, Pyrrhon said:

I'll try to express problems from both sides of the spectrum here.

If we were to cancel it now, some wouldn't be able to get their shot at redemption and trying to get into playoffs. This can be really offputting for them as hey may want to and believe they can make it to this goal.

If you don't cancel it, those who already have a good record could fear as they have the chance to be left out of playoffs, or lose their top spot.

Finally, a problem for both spots. If not all weeks are done, both sides lose their chances at improving their records and hoping they can reach for the top or bring someone down from the top.

Personally, I'm going to wait a little bit, but I want to address these issues to you now and hear what you have to say about them.

I understand that, I really do, but we as a committee are not confident in the possibility of enough players remaining if we complete the season to it's entirety, to the point where only a couple of individuals will actually not make the tournament ultimately making the regular season more or less meaningless since more or less everyone would have a chance. Also throw in the fact that everyone's schedule's are starting to get more and more busy.

It's not so much about people with top spots losing their top spot at all.

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  On 9/7/2015 at 3:48 AM, Pyrrhon said:

Final question, what happens if people don't vote by a certain amount of time? Will you change reqs to 16/24 -> 15/23 etc. etc?

Yeah that will be the case. It also happens to be that trying to fairly schedule things with so many people having dropped out has become nearly impossible. I've tried my best to keep things as fair as I can to this point, but it's starting to become less and less possible.

I'm going to give to the end of this week. I'll try my best to figure out something for Week 10 within the next 24 hours though, should we decide to continue on.

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for me, anything works. i can understand how some people could lose interest now because of school starting and, overall, since the competition has already been dragged on for long enough. at the same time though, i don't mind if someone would prefer to go on with what was originally planned.

but if i really have to vote and choose only one option, i'll say end it as soon as possible. i think most people have already had enough of this competition and that they'd just rather wrap things up so that they have more time to deal with their own personal lives.

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I personally would want to keep the contest going to give those with a reasonable chance a shot of breaking in - but we're not seeing an equal commitment from the participants in order to make this happen.

For those on the bottom, if we call it now, we can actually HAVE the Invitational tournament too. We may not be able to really sell it if it's just 3 people...you guys catch my drift? Moving it up would benefit the top and bottom of the field. Leaving the season as is would help the middle of the field.

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I think this dessision is understandable, If by the end of the tournament all the players have gotten bored and left it isn't really much of a tournament. It brings up some problems like for example in my case I've already battled a lot of the biggest threats and would like to get a better spot coming into playoffs but when you think about it long term I think it's more worthwhile to just start playoffs now.

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I'm one of the people who has been trying to work his schedule around with school and other pursuits, so I certainly understand the sentiment. That being said, I would say that we ought to finish Week 10 before closing out the season if onpy to give people a warning as to "This is your last shot, make it count" since I'm certain people would fight on harder if they knew that the end was nigh.

So my vote goes to finish Week 10, then playoffs.

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Competitively, there really is no hope for me. XD Not to mention, I've started getting a bit busy with things, such as my job, college, getting involved in the Revolution team (For Pokemon Revolution), etc. I've lost just about every single battle that I've done (Excluding the wins by default), so if you guys chose to move it to the playoffs, it wouldn't really matter to me.

However, it would be nice to have an even amount of weeks, so instead of starting the playoffs after week 9, I would start after week 10.

Either way, it doesn't really matter to me.

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