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Who would make a good addition to the Team?


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I recently asked where to find Noibat but then I thought, maybe I have access to stronger Pokemon. (My team is kinda based of favorites rn.) Anyways if theres any pokemon that are almost essential tell me! Right Now my pokemon are


Monferno (Shiny)


Drowzee (From Egg)


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...to be fair, your starter is the only thing of those 5 that is worth using in mid/late game, so you can just use whatever. But if you want something that can take you far (until like gym #8), get a Simple Woobat, evolve it and get it Calm Mind. To help with evolving it, although salons can only be used once a day, you can use them, change your computer's date 1 day ahead, use them again, ad infinitum.

Edited by Etesian
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Well, there is no pokemon that is almost essential, most of players use their preference in accord to their style and strategy, drowzee and later on hypno can be used for special tank in your party, but there are better special tank psychic types afterwards like gothitelle and grumpig, and if your pachirisu is a pick up pachirisu, it can fullfill the role of item hoarder, as Reborn's money is relatively scarce, i dont know about the other two in your party, but you can always keep rotational members, a team larger than 6, many of us do~higher level noibat is accessible later in the game, it is long haul to train noibat in such early game on~

Edited by TimTim
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I recently asked where to find Noibat but then I thought, maybe I have access to stronger Pokemon. (My team is kinda based of favorites rn.) Anyways if theres any pokemon that are almost essential tell me! Right Now my pokemon are


Monferno (Shiny)


Drowzee (From Egg)


...to be fair, your starter is the only thing of those 5 that is worth using in mid/late game, so you can just use whatever. But if you want something that can take you far (until like gym #8), get a Simple Woobat, evolve it and get it Calm Mind. To help with evolving it, although salons can only be used once a day, you can use them, change your computer's date 1 day ahead, use them again, ad infinitum.

Thanks Guys! I will most likeley get rid of most of them XD Thanks for the help again!
Edited by jakey2saucey06
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I ran your team through a team balancing calculator and one thing your team is missing is something that resists Poison and Rock. I'm not sure if you can get a Steel-type early game but that may be a good place to start looking.

Also, I would plan to replace Kricketune at some point. Your team is actually really balanced right now, but there are far better Bug types you can find even before the first gym.

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Train up an alternative flying type(pidgey,pidove). Noibat is just too frail and not so useful in early game. you can add a water type and a grass type to your team. lotad is a good water/grass type. you can also keep swirlix since you love it and swirlix is a some what ok fairy mon. Well it is always good to have subs in reborn unless you are planning to do a 6 mon run.

What to do:

-Replace drowzee with meowstic

-Replace pachirisu with Mareep

-Train up a flying type( woobat,pidgey,pidove) to use in early to mid game

-train kriketune until he learns perish song at lvl 50 i think( he can be a sub/replacement mon)

-Add lotad to you team

Edited by Luna
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I'll half-agree with the Kriketune support. There's one "boss fight" you can still use it for, but you can get Perish Song Prankster Murkrow before the 2nd one, which is loads better because of Prankster making it a priority move, so you don't have to waste precious (and very rare) Focus Sashes. Either way, deposit Kriketune for now, bring it out for said boss, never use it again.

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